5 research outputs found

    Multiple kernel multivariate performance learning using cutting plane algorithm

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    In this paper, we propose a multi-kernel classifier learning algorithm to optimize a given nonlinear and nonsmoonth multivariate classifier performance measure. Moreover, to solve the problem of kernel function selection and kernel parameter tuning, we proposed to construct an optimal kernel by weighted linear combination of some candidate kernels. The learning of the classifier parameter and the kernel weight are unified in a single objective function considering to minimize the upper boundary of the given multivariate performance measure. The objective function is optimized with regard to classifier parameter and kernel weight alternately in an iterative algorithm by using cutting plane algorithm. The developed algorithm is evaluated on two different pattern classification methods with regard to various multivariate performance measure optimization problems. The experiment results show the proposed algorithm outperforms the competing methods

    Supervised multiview learning based on simultaneous learning of multiview intact and single view classifier

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    Multiview learning problem refers to the problem of learning a classifier from multiple view data. In this data set, each data points is presented by multiple different views. In this paper, we propose a novel method for this problem. This method is based on two assumptions. The first assumption is that each data point has an intact feature vector, and each view is obtained by a linear transformation from the intact vector. The second assumption is that the intact vectors are discriminative, and in the intact space, we have a linear classifier to separate the positive class from the negative class. We define an intact vector for each data point, and a view-conditional transformation matrix for each view, and propose to reconstruct the multiple view feature vectors by the product of the corresponding intact vectors and transformation matrices. Moreover, we also propose a linear classifier in the intact space, and learn it jointly with the intact vectors. The learning problem is modeled by a minimization problem, and the objective function is composed of a Cauchy error estimator-based view-conditional reconstruction term over all data points and views, and a classification error term measured by hinge loss over all the intact vectors of all the data points. Some regularization terms are also imposed to different variables in the objective function. The minimization problem is solve by an iterative algorithm using alternate optimization strategy and gradient descent algorithm. The proposed algorithm shows it advantage in the compression to other multiview learning algorithms on benchmark data sets

    Manifold regularization in structured output space for semi-supervised structured output prediction

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    Structured output prediction aims to learn a predictor to predict a structured output from a input data vector. The structured outputs include vector, tree, sequence, etc. We usually assume that we have a training set of input-output pairs to train the predictor. However, in many real-world appli- cations, it is difficult to obtain the output for a input, thus for many training input data points, the structured outputs are missing. In this paper, we dis- cuss how to learn from a training set composed of some input-output pairs, and some input data points without outputs. This problem is called semi- supervised structured output prediction. We propose a novel method for this problem by constructing a nearest neighbor graph from the input space to present the manifold structure, and using it to regularize the structured out- put space directly. We define a slack structured output for each training data point, and proposed to predict it by learning a structured output predictor. The learning of both slack structured outputs and the predictor are unified within one single minimization problem. In this problem, we propose to mini- mize the structured loss between the slack structured outputs of neighboring data points, and the prediction error measured by the structured loss. The problem is optimized by an iterative algorithm. Experiment results over three benchmark data sets show its advantage

    A novel multivariate performance optimization method based on sparse coding and hyper-predictor learning

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    In this paper, we investigate the problem of optimization multivariate performance measures, and propose a novel algorithm for it. Different from traditional machine learning methods which optimize simple loss functions to learn prediction function, the problem studied in this paper is how to learn effective hyper-predictor for a tuple of data points, so that a complex loss function corresponding to a multivariate performance measure can be minimized. We propose to present the tuple of data points to a tuple of sparse codes via a dictionary, and then apply a linear function to compare a sparse code against a give candidate class label. To learn the dictionary, sparse codes, and parameter of the linear function, we propose a joint optimization problem. In this problem, the both the reconstruction error and sparsity of sparse code, and the upper bound of the complex loss function are minimized. Moreover, the upper bound of the loss function is approximated by the sparse codes and the linear function parameter. To optimize this problem, we develop an iterative algorithm based on descent gradient methods to learn the sparse codes and hyper-predictor parameter alternately. Experiment results on some benchmark data sets show the advantage of the proposed methods over other state-of-the-art algorithms

    Domain Transfer Multi-Instance Dictionary Learning

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    In this paper, we invest the domain transfer learning problem with multi-instance data. We assume we already have a well-trained multi-instance dictionary and its corresponding classifier from the source domain, which can be used to represent and classify the bags. But it cannot be directly used to the target domain. Thus we propose to adapt them to the target domain by adding an adaptive term to the source domain classifier. The adaptive function is a linear function based a domain transfer multi-instance dictionary. Given a target domain bag, we first map it to a bag-level feature space using the domain transfer dictionary, and then apply a the linear adaptive function to its bag-level feature vector. To learn the domain-transfer dictionary and the adaptive function parameter, we simultaneously minimize the average classification error of the target domain classifier over the target domain training set, and the complexities of both the adaptive function parameter and the domain transfer dictionary. The minimization problem is solved by an iterative algorithm which update the dictionary and the function parameter alternately. Experiments over several benchmark data sets show the advantage of the proposed method over existing state-of-the-art domain transfer multi-instance learning methods