545,330 research outputs found

    An Expressive Language and Efficient Execution System for Software Agents

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    Software agents can be used to automate many of the tedious, time-consuming information processing tasks that humans currently have to complete manually. However, to do so, agent plans must be capable of representing the myriad of actions and control flows required to perform those tasks. In addition, since these tasks can require integrating multiple sources of remote information ? typically, a slow, I/O-bound process ? it is desirable to make execution as efficient as possible. To address both of these needs, we present a flexible software agent plan language and a highly parallel execution system that enable the efficient execution of expressive agent plans. The plan language allows complex tasks to be more easily expressed by providing a variety of operators for flexibly processing the data as well as supporting subplans (for modularity) and recursion (for indeterminate looping). The executor is based on a streaming dataflow model of execution to maximize the amount of operator and data parallelism possible at runtime. We have implemented both the language and executor in a system called THESEUS. Our results from testing THESEUS show that streaming dataflow execution can yield significant speedups over both traditional serial (von Neumann) as well as non-streaming dataflow-style execution that existing software and robot agent execution systems currently support. In addition, we show how plans written in the language we present can represent certain types of subtasks that cannot be accomplished using the languages supported by network query engines. Finally, we demonstrate that the increased expressivity of our plan language does not hamper performance; specifically, we show how data can be integrated from multiple remote sources just as efficiently using our architecture as is possible with a state-of-the-art streaming-dataflow network query engine

    Distributed data mining in grid computing environments

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    The official published version of this article can be found at the link below.The computing-intensive data mining for inherently Internet-wide distributed data, referred to as Distributed Data Mining (DDM), calls for the support of a powerful Grid with an effective scheduling framework. DDM often shares the computing paradigm of local processing and global synthesizing. It involves every phase of Data Mining (DM) processes, which makes the workflow of DDM very complex and can be modelled only by a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) with multiple data entries. Motivated by the need for a practical solution of the Grid scheduling problem for the DDM workflow, this paper proposes a novel two-phase scheduling framework, including External Scheduling and Internal Scheduling, on a two-level Grid architecture (InterGrid, IntraGrid). Currently a DM IntraGrid, named DMGCE (Data Mining Grid Computing Environment), has been developed with a dynamic scheduling framework for competitive DAGs in a heterogeneous computing environment. This system is implemented in an established Multi-Agent System (MAS) environment, in which the reuse of existing DM algorithms is achieved by encapsulating them into agents. Practical classification problems from oil well logging analysis are used to measure the system performance. The detailed experiment procedure and result analysis are also discussed in this paper

    MOMIS: Exploiting agents to support information integration

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    Information overloading introduced by the large amount of data that is spread over the Internet must be faced in an appropriate way. The dynamism and the uncertainty of the Internet, along with the heterogeneity of the sources of information are the two main challenges for today's technologies related to information management. In the area of information integration, this paper proposes an approach based on mobile software agents integrated in the MOMIS (Mediator envirOnment for Multiple Information Sources) infrastructure, which enables semi-automatic information integration to deal with the integration and query of multiple, heterogeneous information sources (relational, object, XML and semi-structured sources). The exploitation of mobile agents in MOMIS can significantly increase the flexibility of the system. In fact, their characteristics of autonomy and adaptability well suit the distributed and open environments, such as the Internet. The aim of this paper is to show the advantages of the introduction in the MOMIS infrastructure of intelligent and mobile software agents for the autonomous management and coordination of integration and query processing over heterogeneous data sources

    Consensus in the Presence of Multiple Opinion Leaders: Effect of Bounded Confidence

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    The problem of analyzing the performance of networked agents exchanging evidence in a dynamic network has recently grown in importance. This problem has relevance in signal and data fusion network applications and in studying opinion and consensus dynamics in social networks. Due to its capability of handling a wider variety of uncertainties and ambiguities associated with evidence, we use the framework of Dempster-Shafer (DS) theory to capture the opinion of an agent. We then examine the consensus among agents in dynamic networks in which an agent can utilize either a cautious or receptive updating strategy. In particular, we examine the case of bounded confidence updating where an agent exchanges its opinion only with neighboring nodes possessing 'similar' evidence. In a fusion network, this captures the case in which nodes only update their state based on evidence consistent with the node's own evidence. In opinion dynamics, this captures the notions of Social Judgment Theory (SJT) in which agents update their opinions only with other agents possessing opinions closer to their own. Focusing on the two special DS theoretic cases where an agent state is modeled as a Dirichlet body of evidence and a probability mass function (p.m.f.), we utilize results from matrix theory, graph theory, and networks to prove the existence of consensus agent states in several time-varying network cases of interest. For example, we show the existence of a consensus in which a subset of network nodes achieves a consensus that is adopted by follower network nodes. Of particular interest is the case of multiple opinion leaders, where we show that the agents do not reach a consensus in general, but rather converge to 'opinion clusters'. Simulation results are provided to illustrate the main results.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing Over Networks, to appea

    An XML Framework for Integrating Continuous Queries, Composite Event Detection, and Database Condition Monitoring for Multiple Data Streams

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    With advancements in technology over the last ten years, data management issues have evolved from a stored persistent form to also include streaming data generated from sensors and other software monitoring tools. Furthermore, distributed, event-based systems are becoming more prevalent, with a need to develop applications that can dynamically respond to information extracted from data streams. This research is investigating the integration of stream processing and event processing techniques, with expressive filtering capabilities that include queries over persistent databases to provide application context to the filtering process. Distributed Event Processing Agents (DEPAs) continuously filter events from multiple data streams of different formats that provide XML views. Composite events for data streams are expressed using the Composite Event Detection Language (CEDL) and mapped to Composite XQuery (CXQ) for implementation. CXQ is a language that extends XQuery with features from CEDL, including operators for expressing sequence, disjunction, conjunction, repetition, aggregation, and time windows for events. Continuous queries and composite event filters are integrated with techniques for materialized view maintenance and incremental evaluation in condition monitoring to provide efficient ways of enhancing stream filters with database queries. The filtering and event detection load is distributed among multiple DEPAs, with CXQ expressions decomposed to allocate subcomponents of the expression to DEPAs that efficiently communicate in the global detection of composite events. A unique aspect of our research is that it extends XQuery with temporal, composite event features to combine techniques for continuous queries in stream processing, incremental evaluation in condition monitoring, and detection and filtering of composite events, creating an expressive environment for the extraction of meaningful events from multiple data streams with XML views

    VELOS : a VR platform for ship-evacuation analysis

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    Virtual Environment for Life On Ships (VELOS) is a multi-user Virtual Reality (VR) system that aims to support designers to assess (early in the design process) passenger and crew activities on a ship for both normal and hectic conditions of operations and to improve ship design accordingly. This article focuses on presenting the novel features of VELOS related to both its VR and evacuation-specific functionalities. These features include: (i) capability of multiple users’ immersion and active participation in the evacuation process, (ii) real-time interactivity and capability for making on-the-fly alterations of environment events and crowd-behavior parameters, (iii) capability of agents and avatars to move continuously on decks, (iv) integrated framework for both the simplified and advanced method of analysis according to the IMO/MSC 1033 Circular, (v) enrichment of the ship geometrical model with a topological model suitable for evacuation analysis, (vi) efficient interfaces for the dynamic specification and handling of the required heterogeneous input data, and (vii) post-processing of the calculated agent trajectories for extracting useful information for the evacuation process. VELOS evacuation functionality is illustrated using three evacuation test cases for a ro–ro passenger ship

    Simulating Population Protocols in Sub-Constant Time per Interaction

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    We consider the efficient simulation of population protocols. In the population model, we are given a system of n agents modeled as identical finite-state machines. In each step, two agents are selected uniformly at random to interact by updating their states according to a common transition function. We empirically and analytically analyze two classes of simulators for this model. First, we consider sequential simulators executing one interaction after the other. Key to the performance of these simulators is the data structure storing the agents\u27 states. For our analysis, we consider plain arrays, binary search trees, and a novel Dynamic Alias Table data structure. Secondly, we consider batch processing to efficiently update the states of multiple independent agents in one step. For many protocols considered in literature, our simulator requires amortized sub-constant time per interaction and is fast in practice: given a fixed time budget, the implementation of our batched simulator is able to simulate population protocols several orders of magnitude larger compared to the sequential competitors, and can carry out 2^50 interactions among the same number of agents in less than 400s