33 research outputs found

    Exploring Private Federated Learning with Laplacian Smoothing

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    Federated learning aims to protect data privacy by collaboratively learning a model without sharing private data among users. However, an adversary may still be able to infer the private training data by attacking the released model. Differential privacy(DP) provides a statistical guarantee against such attacks, at a privacy of possibly degenerating the accuracy or utility of the trained models. In this paper, we apply a utility enhancement scheme based on Laplacian smoothing for differentially-private federated learning (DP-Fed-LS), where the parameter aggregation with injected Gaussian noise is improved in statistical precision. We provide tight closed-form privacy bounds for both uniform and Poisson subsampling and derive corresponding DP guarantees for differential private federated learning, with or without Laplacian smoothing. Experiments over MNIST, SVHN and Shakespeare datasets show that the proposed method can improve model accuracy with DP-guarantee under both subsampling mechanisms

    Beyond Inferring Class Representatives: User-Level Privacy Leakage From Federated Learning

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    Federated learning, i.e., a mobile edge computing framework for deep learning, is a recent advance in privacy-preserving machine learning, where the model is trained in a decentralized manner by the clients, i.e., data curators, preventing the server from directly accessing those private data from the clients. This learning mechanism significantly challenges the attack from the server side. Although the state-of-the-art attacking techniques that incorporated the advance of Generative adversarial networks (GANs) could construct class representatives of the global data distribution among all clients, it is still challenging to distinguishably attack a specific client (i.e., user-level privacy leakage), which is a stronger privacy threat to precisely recover the private data from a specific client. This paper gives the first attempt to explore user-level privacy leakage against the federated learning by the attack from a malicious server. We propose a framework incorporating GAN with a multi-task discriminator, which simultaneously discriminates category, reality, and client identity of input samples. The novel discrimination on client identity enables the generator to recover user specified private data. Unlike existing works that tend to interfere the training process of the federated learning, the proposed method works "invisibly" on the server side. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed attacking approach and the superior to the state-of-the-art.Comment: The 38th Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2019

    Contamination Attacks and Mitigation in Multi-Party Machine Learning

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    Machine learning is data hungry; the more data a model has access to in training, the more likely it is to perform well at inference time. Distinct parties may want to combine their local data to gain the benefits of a model trained on a large corpus of data. We consider such a case: parties get access to the model trained on their joint data but do not see each others individual datasets. We show that one needs to be careful when using this multi-party model since a potentially malicious party can taint the model by providing contaminated data. We then show how adversarial training can defend against such attacks by preventing the model from learning trends specific to individual parties data, thereby also guaranteeing party-level membership privacy

    Achieving Secure and Differentially Private Computations in Multiparty Settings

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    Sharing and working on sensitive data in distributed settings from healthcare to finance is a major challenge due to security and privacy concerns. Secure multiparty computation (SMC) is a viable panacea for this, allowing distributed parties to make computations while the parties learn nothing about their data, but the final result. Although SMC is instrumental in such distributed settings, it does not provide any guarantees not to leak any information about individuals to adversaries. Differential privacy (DP) can be utilized to address this; however, achieving SMC with DP is not a trivial task, either. In this paper, we propose a novel Secure Multiparty Distributed Differentially Private (SM-DDP) protocol to achieve secure and private computations in a multiparty environment. Specifically, with our protocol, we simultaneously achieve SMC and DP in distributed settings focusing on linear regression on horizontally distributed data. That is, parties do not see each others' data and further, can not infer information about individuals from the final constructed statistical model. Any statistical model function that allows independent calculation of local statistics can be computed through our protocol. The protocol implements homomorphic encryption for SMC and functional mechanism for DP to achieve the desired security and privacy guarantees. In this work, we first introduce the theoretical foundation for the SM-DDP protocol and then evaluate its efficacy and performance on two different datasets. Our results show that one can achieve individual-level privacy through the proposed protocol with distributed DP, which is independently applied by each party in a distributed fashion. Moreover, our results also show that the SM-DDP protocol incurs minimal computational overhead, is scalable, and provides security and privacy guarantees

    Private Deep Learning with Teacher Ensembles

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    Privacy-preserving deep learning is crucial for deploying deep neural network based solutions, especially when the model works on data that contains sensitive information. Most privacy-preserving methods lead to undesirable performance degradation. Ensemble learning is an effective way to improve model performance. In this work, we propose a new method for teacher ensembles that uses more informative network outputs under differential private stochastic gradient descent and provide provable privacy guarantees. Out method employs knowledge distillation and hint learning on intermediate representations to facilitate the training of student model. Additionally, we propose a simple weighted ensemble scheme that works more robustly across different teaching settings. Experimental results on three common image datasets benchmark (i.e., CIFAR10, MINST, and SVHN) demonstrate that our approach outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods on both performance and privacy-budget.Comment: fixed updated version will be updated late

    CodedPrivateML: A Fast and Privacy-Preserving Framework for Distributed Machine Learning

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    How to train a machine learning model while keeping the data private and secure? We present CodedPrivateML, a fast and scalable approach to this critical problem. CodedPrivateML keeps both the data and the model information-theoretically private, while allowing efficient parallelization of training across distributed workers. We characterize CodedPrivateML's privacy threshold and prove its convergence for logistic (and linear) regression. Furthermore, via experiments over Amazon EC2, we demonstrate that CodedPrivateML can provide an order of magnitude speedup (up to ∼34×\sim 34\times) over the state-of-the-art cryptographic approaches.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Federated Learning for Healthcare Informatics

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    With the rapid development of computer software and hardware technologies, more and more healthcare data are becoming readily available from clinical institutions, patients, insurance companies and pharmaceutical industries, among others. This access provides an unprecedented opportunity for data science technologies to derive data-driven insights and improve the quality of care delivery. Healthcare data, however, are usually fragmented and private making it difficult to generate robust results across populations. For example, different hospitals own the electronic health records (EHR) of different patient populations and these records are difficult to share across hospitals because of their sensitive nature. This creates a big barrier for developing effective analytical approaches that are generalizable, which need diverse, "big data". Federated learning, a mechanism of training a shared global model with a central server while keeping all the sensitive data in local institutions where the data belong, provides great promise to connect the fragmented healthcare data sources with privacy-preservation. The goal of this survey is to provide a review for federated learning technologies, particularly within the biomedical space. In particular, we summarize the general solutions to the statistical challenges, system challenges and privacy issues in federated learning, and point out the implications and potentials in healthcare.Comment: 18 page

    SecureGBM: Secure Multi-Party Gradient Boosting

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    Federated machine learning systems have been widely used to facilitate the joint data analytics across the distributed datasets owned by the different parties that do not trust each others. In this paper, we proposed a novel Gradient Boosting Machines (GBM) framework SecureGBM built-up with a multi-party computation model based on semi-homomorphic encryption, where every involved party can jointly obtain a shared Gradient Boosting machines model while protecting their own data from the potential privacy leakage and inferential identification. More specific, our work focused on a specific "dual--party" secure learning scenario based on two parties -- both party own an unique view (i.e., attributes or features) to the sample group of samples while only one party owns the labels. In such scenario, feature and label data are not allowed to share with others. To achieve the above goal, we firstly extent -- LightGBM -- a well known implementation of tree-based GBM through covering its key operations for training and inference with SEAL homomorphic encryption schemes. However, the performance of such re-implementation is significantly bottle-necked by the explosive inflation of the communication payloads, based on ciphertexts subject to the increasing length of plaintexts. In this way, we then proposed to use stochastic approximation techniques to reduced the communication payloads while accelerating the overall training procedure in a statistical manner. Our experiments using the real-world data showed that SecureGBM can well secure the communication and computation of LightGBM training and inference procedures for the both parties while only losing less than 3% AUC, using the same number of iterations for gradient boosting, on a wide range of benchmark datasets.Comment: The first two authors contributed equally to the manuscript. The paper has been accepted for publication in IEEE BigData 201

    Differentially Private Deep Learning with Smooth Sensitivity

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    Ensuring the privacy of sensitive data used to train modern machine learning models is of paramount importance in many areas of practice. One approach to study these concerns is through the lens of differential privacy. In this framework, privacy guarantees are generally obtained by perturbing models in such a way that specifics of data used to train the model are made ambiguous. A particular instance of this approach is through a "teacher-student" framework, wherein the teacher, who owns the sensitive data, provides the student with useful, but noisy, information, hopefully allowing the student model to perform well on a given task without access to particular features of the sensitive data. Because stronger privacy guarantees generally involve more significant perturbation on the part of the teacher, deploying existing frameworks fundamentally involves a trade-off between student's performance and privacy guarantee. One of the most important techniques used in previous works involves an ensemble of teacher models, which return information to a student based on a noisy voting procedure. In this work, we propose a novel voting mechanism with smooth sensitivity, which we call Immutable Noisy ArgMax, that, under certain conditions, can bear very large random noising from the teacher without affecting the useful information transferred to the student. Compared with previous work, our approach improves over the state-of-the-art methods on all measures, and scale to larger tasks with both better performance and stronger privacy (ϵ≈0\epsilon \approx 0). This new proposed framework can be applied with any machine learning models, and provides an appealing solution for tasks that requires training on a large amount of data

    Stochastic Distributed Optimization for Machine Learning from Decentralized Features

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    Distributed machine learning has been widely studied in the literature to scale up machine learning model training in the presence of an ever-increasing amount of data. We study distributed machine learning from another perspective, where the information about the training same samples are inherently decentralized and located on different parities. We propose an asynchronous stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm for such a feature distributed machine learning (FDML) problem, to jointly learn from decentralized features, with theoretical convergence guarantees under bounded asynchrony. Our algorithm does not require sharing the original feature data or even local model parameters between parties, thus preserving a high level of data confidentiality. We implement our algorithm for FDML in a parameter server architecture. We compare our system with fully centralized training (which violates data locality requirements) and training only based on local features, through extensive experiments performed on a large amount of data from a real-world application, involving 5 million samples and 87008700 features in total. Experimental results have demonstrated the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed FDML system.Comment: 9 page