3 research outputs found

    Multimodal Image Outpainting With Regularized Normalized Diversification

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    In this paper, we study the problem of generating a set ofrealistic and diverse backgrounds when given only a smallforeground region. We refer to this task as image outpaint-ing. The technical challenge of this task is to synthesize notonly plausible but also diverse image outputs. Traditionalgenerative adversarial networks suffer from mode collapse.While recent approaches propose to maximize orpreserve the pairwise distance between generated sampleswith respect to their latent distance, they do not explicitlyprevent the diverse samples of different conditional inputsfrom collapsing. Therefore, we propose a new regulariza-tion method to encourage diverse sampling in conditionalsynthesis. In addition, we propose a feature pyramid dis-criminator to improve the image quality. Our experimen-tal results show that our model can produce more diverseimages without sacrificing visual quality compared to state-of-the-arts approaches in both the CelebA face dataset and the Cityscape scene dataset

    Nested Scale Editing for Conditional Image Synthesis

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    We propose an image synthesis approach that provides stratified navigation in the latent code space. With a tiny amount of partial or very low-resolution image, our approach can consistently out-perform state-of-the-art counterparts in terms of generating the closest sampled image to the ground truth. We achieve this through scale-independent editing while expanding scale-specific diversity. Scale-independence is achieved with a nested scale disentanglement loss. Scale-specific diversity is created by incorporating a progressive diversification constraint. We introduce semantic persistency across the scales by sharing common latent codes. Together they provide better control of the image synthesis process. We evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed approach through various tasks, including image outpainting, image superresolution, and cross-domain image translation

    Sketch-Guided Scenery Image Outpainting

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    The outpainting results produced by existing approaches are often too random to meet users' requirement. In this work, we take the image outpainting one step forward by allowing users to harvest personal custom outpainting results using sketches as the guidance. To this end, we propose an encoder-decoder based network to conduct sketch-guided outpainting, where two alignment modules are adopted to impose the generated content to be realistic and consistent with the provided sketches. First, we apply a holistic alignment module to make the synthesized part be similar to the real one from the global view. Second, we reversely produce the sketches from the synthesized part and encourage them be consistent with the ground-truth ones using a sketch alignment module. In this way, the learned generator will be imposed to pay more attention to fine details and be sensitive to the guiding sketches. To our knowledge, this work is the first attempt to explore the challenging yet meaningful conditional scenery image outpainting. We conduct extensive experiments on two collected benchmarks to qualitatively and quantitatively validate the effectiveness of our approach compared with the other state-of-the-art generative models.Comment: Accepted by TI