51 research outputs found

    Ultrasound in reverberating and aberrating environments: applications to human transcranial, transabdominal, and super-resolution imaging

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    Ultrasound imaging in the human body is degraded by effects of reverberation and aberration. The heterogeneous acoustical properties of different tissue types distort and reflect the wavefront as it travels to the target and as the echos travel back to the transducer. Transcranial imaging, has been a persistent challenge for ultrasound because the phase aberration, reverberation and attenuation from the human skull reduce the spatial resolution, to a millimeter or more, and limit contrast. Similar challenges arise in human abdominal imaging especially for patients with a large body mass index. Identifying, quantifying, and modeling these complex mechanisms of degradation are a critical component to develop rational strategies that can improve image quality. In this work, an experimental and simulation framework, calibrated to soft tissue measurements, that isolates and characterizes the individual sources of image degradation in ultrasound imaging is established. We show that using this simulation framework we can span the parameter space of image degradation in an independent or orthogonal fashion. Such flexibility offers advantages in the generation of training databases for machine learning applications as well as the development of beamforming strategies for challenging imaging scenarios. We also explored the framework's applications to lung ultrasound imaging, where the interpretation of reverberation artefacts occurring at the pleural surface is used to determine the underlying lung pathology. Using our acoustical simulation tools, B-mode images showcasing primary clinical features used in diagnostic lung imaging were successfully reproduced. These simulations establish a clear relationship of the artifacts to known underlying anatomical structures in a quantitative way. Transcranial simulations in 2D and 3D demonstrate that reverberations, whose role was previously unappreciated, are the principal source of image contrast and resolution degradation at shallow depths below 4~cm and when scattering tissue is present. Finally in the current work, the potential improvements offered by super-resolution imaging were explored by establishing the feasibility of transcranial super-resolution imaging through an intact human skull at a frequency of 2.5~MHz, with and without applying a phase correction, using with an existing clinical transducer.Doctor of Philosoph

    Local Phase Coherence Measurement for Image Analysis and Processing

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    The ability of humans to perceive significant pattern and structure of an image is something which humans take for granted. We can recognize objects and patterns independent of changes in image contrast and illumination. In the past decades, it has been widely recognized in both biology and computer vision that phase contains critical information in characterizing the structures in images. Despite the importance of local phase information and its significant success in many computer vision and image processing applications, the coherence behavior of local phases at scale-space is not well understood. This thesis concentrates on developing an invariant image representation method based on local phase information. In particular, considerable effort is devoted to study the coherence relationship between local phases at different scales in the vicinity of image features and to develop robust methods to measure the strength of this relationship. A computational framework that computes local phase coherence (LPC) intensity with arbitrary selections in the number of coefficients, scales, as well as the scale ratios between them has been developed. Particularly, we formulate local phase prediction as an optimization problem, where the objective function computes the closeness between true local phase and the predicted phase by LPC. The proposed framework not only facilitates flexible and reliable computation of LPC, but also broadens the potentials of LPC in many applications. We demonstrate the potentials of LPC in a number of image processing applications. Firstly, we have developed a novel sharpness assessment algorithm, identified as LPC-Sharpness Index (LPC-SI), without referencing the original image. LPC-SI is tested using four subject-rated publicly-available image databases, which demonstrates competitive performance when compared with state-of-the-art algorithms. Secondly, a new fusion quality assessment algorithm has been developed to objectively assess the performance of existing fusion algorithms. Validations over our subject-rated multi-exposure multi-focus image database show good correlations between subjective ranking score and the proposed image fusion quality index. Thirdly, the invariant properties of LPC measure have been employed to solve image registration problem where inconsistency in intensity or contrast patterns are the major challenges. LPC map has been utilized to estimate image plane transformation by maximizing weighted mutual information objective function over a range of possible transformations. Finally, the disruption of phase coherence due to blurring process is employed in a multi-focus image fusion algorithm. The algorithm utilizes two activity measures, LPC as sharpness activity measure along with local energy as contrast activity measure. We show that combining these two activity measures result in notable performance improvement in achieving both maximal contrast and maximal sharpness simultaneously at each spatial location

    Compressed Sensing and Parallel Acquisition

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    Parallel acquisition systems arise in various applications in order to moderate problems caused by insufficient measurements in single-sensor systems. These systems allow simultaneous data acquisition in multiple sensors, thus alleviating such problems by providing more overall measurements. In this work we consider the combination of compressed sensing with parallel acquisition. We establish the theoretical improvements of such systems by providing recovery guarantees for which, subject to appropriate conditions, the number of measurements required per sensor decreases linearly with the total number of sensors. Throughout, we consider two different sampling scenarios -- distinct (corresponding to independent sampling in each sensor) and identical (corresponding to dependent sampling between sensors) -- and a general mathematical framework that allows for a wide range of sensing matrices (e.g., subgaussian random matrices, subsampled isometries, random convolutions and random Toeplitz matrices). We also consider not just the standard sparse signal model, but also the so-called sparse in levels signal model. This model includes both sparse and distributed signals and clustered sparse signals. As our results show, optimal recovery guarantees for both distinct and identical sampling are possible under much broader conditions on the so-called sensor profile matrices (which characterize environmental conditions between a source and the sensors) for the sparse in levels model than for the sparse model. To verify our recovery guarantees we provide numerical results showing phase transitions for a number of different multi-sensor environments.Comment: 43 pages, 4 figure

    Weighted Least Squares Based Detail Enhanced Exposure Fusion

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    Use of Coherent Point Drift in computer vision applications

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    This thesis presents the novel use of Coherent Point Drift in improving the robustness of a number of computer vision applications. CPD approach includes two methods for registering two images - rigid and non-rigid point set approaches which are based on the transformation model used. The key characteristic of a rigid transformation is that the distance between points is preserved, which means it can be used in the presence of translation, rotation, and scaling. Non-rigid transformations - or affine transforms - provide the opportunity of registering under non-uniform scaling and skew. The idea is to move one point set coherently to align with the second point set. The CPD method finds both the non-rigid transformation and the correspondence distance between two point sets at the same time without having to use a-priori declaration of the transformation model used. The first part of this thesis is focused on speaker identification in video conferencing. A real-time, audio-coupled video based approach is presented, which focuses more on the video analysis side, rather than the audio analysis that is known to be prone to errors. CPD is effectively utilised for lip movement detection and a temporal face detection approach is used to minimise false positives if face detection algorithm fails to perform. The second part of the thesis is focused on multi-exposure and multi-focus image fusion with compensation for camera shake. Scale Invariant Feature Transforms (SIFT) are first used to detect keypoints in images being fused. Subsequently this point set is reduced to remove outliers, using RANSAC (RANdom Sample Consensus) and finally the point sets are registered using CPD with non-rigid transformations. The registered images are then fused with a Contourlet based image fusion algorithm that makes use of a novel alpha blending and filtering technique to minimise artefacts. The thesis evaluates the performance of the algorithm in comparison to a number of state-of-the-art approaches, including the key commercial products available in the market at present, showing significantly improved subjective quality in the fused images. The final part of the thesis presents a novel approach to Vehicle Make & Model Recognition in CCTV video footage. CPD is used to effectively remove skew of vehicles detected as CCTV cameras are not specifically configured for the VMMR task and may capture vehicles at different approaching angles. A LESH (Local Energy Shape Histogram) feature based approach is used for vehicle make and model recognition with the novelty that temporal processing is used to improve reliability. A number of further algorithms are used to maximise the reliability of the final outcome. Experimental results are provided to prove that the proposed system demonstrates an accuracy in excess of 95% when tested on real CCTV footage with no prior camera calibration

    Tools and Methods for the Registration and Fusion of Remotely Sensed Data

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    Tools and methods for image registration were reviewed. Methods for the registration of remotely sensed data at NASA were discussed. Image fusion techniques were reviewed. Challenges in registration of remotely sensed data were discussed. Examples of image registration and image fusion were given

    Fast, Three-Dimensional Fluorescence Imaging of Living Cells

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    This thesis focuses on multi-plane fluorescence microscopy for fast live-cell imaging. To improve the performance of multi-plane microscopy, I developed new image analysis methods. I used these methods to measure and analyze the movements of cardiomyocytesand Dictyostelium discoideum cells.The multi-plane setup is based on a conventional wide-field microscope using a custom multiple beam-splitter in the detection path. This prism creates separate images of eight distinct focal planes in the sample. Since 3D volume is imaged without scanning, three-dimensional imaging at a very high speed becomes possible. However, as in conventional wide-field microscopy, the "missing cone" of spatial frequencies along the optical axis in the optical transfer function (OTF) prevents optical sectioning in such a microscope. This is in stark contrast to other truly three-dimensional imaging modalities like confocal and light-sheet microscopy. In order to overcome the lack of optical sectioning, I developed a new deconvolution method. Deconvolution describes methods that restore or sharpen an image based on physical assumptions and knowledge of the imaging process. Deconvolution methods have been widely used to sharpen images of microscopes and telescopes. The recently developed SUPPOSe algorithm is a deconvolution algorithm that uses a set of numerous virtual point sources. It tries to reconstruct an image by distributing these point sources in space and optimizing their positions so that the resulting image reproduces as good as possible the measured data. SUPPOSe has never been used for 3D images. Compared to other algorithms, this method has superior performance when the number of pixels is increased by interpolation. In this work, I extended the method to work also with 3D image data. The 3D-SUPPOSe program is suitable for analyzing data of our multi-plane setup. The multi-plane setup has only eight vertically aligned image planes. Furthermore, for accurate reconstruction of 3D images, I studied a method of correcting each image plane's relative brightness constituting an image, and I also developed a method of measuring the movement of point emitters in 3D space. Using these methods, I measured and analyzed the beating motion of cardiomyocytes and the chemotaxis of Dicyosteilium discoidem. Cardiomyocytes are the cells of the heart muscle and consist of repetitive sarcomeres. These cells are characterized by fast and periodic movements, and so far the dynamics of these cells was studied only with two-dimensional imaging. In this thesis, the beating motion was analyzed by tracing the spatial distribution of the so-called z-discs, one of the constituent components of cardiomyocytes. I found that the vertical distribution of α\alpha-actinine-2 in a single z-disc changed very rapidly, which may serve as a starting point for a better understanding the motion of cardiomyocytes. \textit{Dictyostelium discoideum} is a well established single cell model organism that migrates along the gradient of a chemoattractant. One has conducted much research to understand the mechanism of chemotaxis, and many efforts have been made to understand the role of actin in the chemotactic motion. By suppressing the motor protein, myosin, a cell line was created that prevented the formation of normal actin filaments. In these myosin null cells, F-actin moves in a flow-like behaviour and induces cell movement. In this study, I imaged the actin dynamics, and I analyzed the flow using the newly created deconvolution and flow estimation methods. As a result of the analysis, the spatio-temporal correlation between pseudo-pod formation and dynamics and actin flow was investigated.2022-01-2

    High Quality 3D Shape Reconstruction via Digital Refocusing and Pupil Apodization in Multi-wavelength Holographic Interferometry.

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    Multi-wavelength holographic interferometry (MWHI) has good potential for evolving into a high quality 3D shape reconstruction technique. There are several remaining challenges, including 1) depth-of-field limitation, leading to axial dimension inaccuracy of out-of-focus objects; and 2) smearing from shiny smooth objects to their dark dull neighbors, generating fake measurements within the dark area. This research is motivated by the goal of developing an advanced optical metrology system that provides accurate 3D profiles for target object or objects of axial dimension larger than the depth-of-field, and for objects with dramatically different surface conditions. The idea of employing digital refocusing in MWHI has been proposed as a solution to the depth-of-field limitation. One the one hand, traditional single wavelength refocusing formula is revised to reduce sensitivity to wavelength error. Investigation over real example demonstrates promising accuracy and repeatability of reconstructed 3D profiles. On the other hand, a phase contrast based focus detection criterion is developed especially for MWHI, which overcomes the problem of phase unwrapping. The combination for these two innovations gives birth to a systematic strategy of acquiring high quality 3D profiles. Following the first phase contrast based focus detection step, interferometric distance measurement by MWHI is implemented as a next step to conduct relative focus detection with high accuracy. This strategy results in ±100mm 3D profile with micron level axial accuracy, which is not available in traditional extended focus image (EFI) solutions. Pupil apodization has been implemented to address the second challenge of smearing. The process of reflective rough surface inspection has been mathematically modeled, which explains the origin of stray light and the necessity of replacing hard-edged pupil with one of gradually attenuating transmission (apodization). Metrics to optimize pupil types and parameters have been chosen especially for MWHI. A Gaussian apodized pupil has been installed and tested. A reduction of smearing in measurement result has been experimentally demonstrated.Ph.D.Mechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/91461/1/xulium_1.pd
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