10,762 research outputs found

    Deep HMResNet Model for Human Activity-Aware Robotic Systems

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    Endowing the robotic systems with cognitive capabilities for recognizing daily activities of humans is an important challenge, which requires sophisticated and novel approaches. Most of the proposed approaches explore pattern recognition techniques which are generally based on hand-crafted features or learned features. In this paper, a novel Hierarchal Multichannel Deep Residual Network (HMResNet) model is proposed for robotic systems to recognize daily human activities in the ambient environments. The introduced model is comprised of multilevel fusion layers. The proposed Multichannel 1D Deep Residual Network model is, at the features level, combined with a Bottleneck MLP neural network to automatically extract robust features regardless of the hardware configuration and, at the decision level, is fully connected with an MLP neural network to recognize daily human activities. Empirical experiments on real-world datasets and an online demonstration are used for validating the proposed model. Results demonstrated that the proposed model outperforms the baseline models in daily human activity recognition.Comment: Presented at AI-HRI AAAI-FSS, 2018 (arXiv:1809.06606

    Neural Pattern Recognition on Multichannel Input Representation

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    This article presents a new neural pattern recognition architecture on multichannel data representation. The architecture emploies generalized ART modules as building blocks to construct a supervised learning system generating recognition codes on channels dynamically selected in context using serial and parallel match trackings led by inter-ART vigilance signals.Sharp Corporation, Information Techology Research Laboratories, Nara, Japa

    Multichannel Attention Network for Analyzing Visual Behavior in Public Speaking

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    Public speaking is an important aspect of human communication and interaction. The majority of computational work on public speaking concentrates on analyzing the spoken content, and the verbal behavior of the speakers. While the success of public speaking largely depends on the content of the talk, and the verbal behavior, non-verbal (visual) cues, such as gestures and physical appearance also play a significant role. This paper investigates the importance of visual cues by estimating their contribution towards predicting the popularity of a public lecture. For this purpose, we constructed a large database of more than 18001800 TED talk videos. As a measure of popularity of the TED talks, we leverage the corresponding (online) viewers' ratings from YouTube. Visual cues related to facial and physical appearance, facial expressions, and pose variations are extracted from the video frames using convolutional neural network (CNN) models. Thereafter, an attention-based long short-term memory (LSTM) network is proposed to predict the video popularity from the sequence of visual features. The proposed network achieves state-of-the-art prediction accuracy indicating that visual cues alone contain highly predictive information about the popularity of a talk. Furthermore, our network learns a human-like attention mechanism, which is particularly useful for interpretability, i.e. how attention varies with time, and across different visual cues by indicating their relative importance