5 research outputs found

    LocalTree: An Efficient Algorithm for Mobile Peer-to-Peer Live Streaming

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    Sebuah paradigma baru jaringan, Software Defined Network (SDN) dikembangkan membagi integrasi vertikal dalam perangkat jaringan, memisahkan logika kontrol dari infrastruktur jaringan sehingga memungkinkan untuk mengubah keadaan dan kondisi jaringan dari pengontrol yang dapat diprogram secara terpusat. sebagian besar komunikasi one-to-many pada SDN diimplementasikan melalui beberapa unicast seperti TCP, yang tidak efisien. Hal itu menghasilkan banyak trafik direplikasi, yang dapat berakibat menurunkan kinerja aplikasi karena beberapa permasalahan seperti congestion, redundancy dan collision. Permasalahan congestion terjadi ketika sebuah network mempunyai beban yang banyak dan mengakibatkan performansi menurun karena jumlah pengiriman melebihi kapasitas router yang ada. Salah satu solusi penanganan congesti dengan mereduksi ukuran TCP receive window. Tujuan utama dari pembuatan makalah ini adalah merangkum beberapa mekanisme kontrol kemacetan menggunakan TCP yang telah diakukan oleh para peneliti untuk menangani permasalahan kemacetan pada jaringan

    A membership management protocol for mobile P2P networks

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    MANETs are self-organizing networks composed of mobile wireless nodes with often scarce resources. Distributed applications based on the P2P paradigm are the best candidates to run over such networks. To profit from the service provided by a P2P overlay (e.g. file sharing using BitTorrent), a node needs to be permanently informed about the other members of the overlay (e.g. other peers interested in the same file as currently provided by the BitTorrent central tracker). This P2P membership management is a costly and difficult task in such dynamic and resource limited environment. We focus on this problem and we propose a robust, network friendly and decentralized membership management protocol allowing peer discovery and update. Compared to flooding, client-server or multicast based approaches, our protocol achieves significantly lower network overhead and lower pollution of caches caused by peers who have left. Moreover, as network splits are very frequent in MANETs, our protocol is designed to be partition-aware. Namely, it allows separate overlays providing the same service to efficiently merge together when communication opportunities occur. The efficiency of our solution is validated through extensive NS-2 simulations

    Multicast Overlay Spanning Tree Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks

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    In this paper we present an extension to the OLSR unicast routing protocol to support multicast routing in mobile ad hoc networks. The proposed protocol is based on Multicast Overlay Spanning Trees (MOST). The main benefits of this approach are twofold. Firstly, it implies that only nodes interested in taking part in the multicast communication need to participate in the protocol operation, which is transparent to other OLSR nodes. In addition, the MOST approach scaling properties achieve the theoretical performance bounds concerning the capacity of multicast communication in massive ad hoc networks. We perform simulations of the MOST protocol under the ns-2 simulator to compare with the theoretical results, and we present a fully working implementation for real network environments

    Multicast Overlay Spanning Tree Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks

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