10 research outputs found

    A multi objective feeder optimization model for Improved Power Stability Performance in Grid Networks

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    The problem of power grid performance management has been well studied. There exist numerous techniques towards this problem which consider limited parameters like energy of feeders, production of grids and so on. However, they suffer to achieve higher performance of grid networks. To handle this problem, an efficient Multi-Objective Feeder Optimization Model (MFOM) is presented in this article. The method focused on improving the performance of feeders by stimulating the usage of electricity available with the feeders. To perform this, the method monitors the feeder status about their average residual energy, average power production and average power drain. Using these factors, the method triggers the specific set of feeders for the power requirement by computing Multi-Objective Feeder Power Quality (MFPQ). According to the MFPQ value, the model identifies set of feeders for the current cycle to support the power requirement of any electrical system. The proposed MFOM model improves the performance of power utilization and power stability

    Security Aspects of Internet of Things aided Smart Grids: a Bibliometric Survey

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    The integration of sensors and communication technology in power systems, known as the smart grid, is an emerging topic in science and technology. One of the critical issues in the smart grid is its increased vulnerability to cyber threats. As such, various types of threats and defense mechanisms are proposed in literature. This paper offers a bibliometric survey of research papers focused on the security aspects of Internet of Things (IoT) aided smart grids. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the very first bibliometric survey paper in this specific field. A bibliometric analysis of all journal articles is performed and the findings are sorted by dates, authorship, and key concepts. Furthermore, this paper also summarizes the types of cyber threats facing the smart grid, the various security mechanisms proposed in literature, as well as the research gaps in the field of smart grid security.Comment: The paper is published in Elsevier's Internet of Things journal. 25 pages + 20 pages of reference

    State of the art of cyber-physical systems security: An automatic control perspective

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    Cyber-physical systems are integrations of computation, networking, and physical processes. Due to the tight cyber-physical coupling and to the potentially disrupting consequences of failures, security here is one of the primary concerns. Our systematic mapping study sheds light on how security is actually addressed when dealing with cyber-physical systems from an automatic control perspective. The provided map of 138 selected studies is defined empirically and is based on, for instance, application fields, various system components, related algorithms and models, attacks characteristics and defense strategies. It presents a powerful comparison framework for existing and future research on this hot topic, important for both industry and academia

    Power Market Cybersecurity and Profit-targeting Cyberattacks

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many companies and business to operate through remote platforms, which has made everyday life and everyone more digitally connected than ever before. The cybersecurity has become a bigger priority in all aspects of life. A few real-world cases have demonstrated the current capability of cyberattacks as in [1], [2], and [3]. These cases invalidate the traditional belief that cyberattacks are unable to penetrate real-world industrial systems. Beyond the physical damage, some attackers target financial arbitrage advantages brought by false data injection attacks (FDIAs) [4]. Malicious breaches into power market operations could induce catastrophic consequences on fair financial settlements and reliable transmission services. In this dissertation, an in-depth study is conducted to investigate power market cybersecurity and profit-targeting cyberattacks. In the first work, we demonstrate the importance of market-level behavior in defending cyberattacks and designing cyberattacks. A market-level defense analysis is developed to help operators identify cyberattacks, and an LMP-disguising attack strategy is developed to disguise the abnormal LMPs, which can bypass both the bad data detection and market-level detection. In the second work, we propose a comprehensive CVA model for delivering a detailed analysis of four aspects of vulnerability: highly probable cyberattack targets, devastating attack targets, risky load levels, and mitigation ability under different degrees of defense. In the third work, we identify that revenue adequacy, a fundamental power market operation criterion, has not been analyzed under the context of cybersecurity, and we explore the impact of FDIAs targeting real-time (RT) market operations on ISO revenue adequacy analytically and numerically. In the last work, we extend the power system cybersecurity analysis to multi-energy system (MES) framework. An optimally coordinated (OC-FDIA) targeting MES is proposed. Then, we show that the OC-FDIA cause much more severe damages than single-system FDIA and uncoordinated FDIAs. Further, an effective countermeasure is developed against the proposed OCFDIA based on deep learning technique (DL)

    Smart Grid Metering Networks: A Survey on Security, Privacy and Open Research Issues

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    Smart grid (SG) networks are newly upgraded networks of connected objects that greatly improve reliability, efficiency and sustainability of the traditional energy infrastructure. In this respect, the smart metering infrastructure (SMI) plays an important role in controlling, monitoring and managing multiple domains in the SG. Despite the salient features of SMI, security and privacy issues have been under debate because of the large number of heterogeneous devices that are anticipated to be coordinated through public communication networks. This survey paper shows a brief overview of real cyber attack incidents in traditional energy networks and those targeting the smart metering network. Specifically, we present a threat taxonomy considering: (i) threats in system-level security, (ii) threats and/or theft of services, and (iii) threats to privacy. Based on the presented threats, we derive a set of security and privacy requirements for SG metering networks. Furthermore, we discuss various schemes that have been proposed to address these threats, considering the pros and cons of each. Finally, we investigate the open research issues to shed new light on future research directions in smart grid metering networks


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    Insurance businesses for the cyberworld are an evolving opportunity. However, a quantitative model in today\u27s security technologies may not be established. Besides, a generalized methodology to assess the systematic risks remains underdeveloped. There has been a technical challenge to capture intrusion risks of the cyber-physical system, including estimating the impact of the potential cascaded events initiated by the hacker\u27s malicious actions. This dissertation attempts to integrate both modeling aspects: 1) steady-state probabilities for the Internet protocol-based substation switching attack events based on hypothetical cyberattacks, 2) potential electricity losses. The phenomenon of sequential attacks can be characterized using a time-domain simulation that exhibits dynamic cascaded events. Such substation attack simulation studies can establish an actuarial framework for grid operation. The novelty is three-fold. First, the development to extend features of steady-state probabilities is established based on 1) modified password models, 2) new models on digital relays with two-step authentications, and 3) honeypot models. A generalized stochastic Petri net is leveraged to formulate the detailed statuses and transitions of components embedded in a Cyber-net. Then, extensive modeling of steady-state probabilities is qualitatively performed. Methodologies on how transition probabilities and rates are extracted from network components and actuarial applications are summarized and discussed. Second, dynamic models requisite for switching attacks against multiple substations or digital relays deployed in substations are formulated. Imperative protection and control models to represent substation attacks are clarified with realistic model parameters. Specifically, wide-area protections, i.e., special protection systems (SPSs), are elaborated, asserting that event-driven SPSs may be skipped for this type of case study. Third, the substation attack replay using a proven commercially available time-domain simulation tool is validated in IEEE system models to study attack combinations\u27 critical paths. As the time-domain simulation requires a higher computational cost than power flow-based steady-state simulation, a balance of both methods is established without missing the critical dynamic behavior. The direct impact of substation attacks, i.e., electricity losses, is compared between steady-state and dynamic analyses. Steady-state analysis results are prone to be pessimistic for a smaller number of compromised substations. Finally, simulation findings based on the risk-based metrics and technical implementation are extensively discussed with future work

    Development of Distributed Energy Market:(Alternative Format Thesis)

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    Data-Driven Stealthy Injection Attacks on Smart Grid

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    Smart grid cyber-security has come to the forefront of national security priorities due to emergence of new cyber threats such as the False Data Injection (FDI) attack. Using FDI, an attacker can intelligently modify smart grid measurement data to produce wrong system states which can directly affect the safe operation of the physical grid. The goal of this thesis is to investigate key research problems leading to the discovery of significant vulnerabilities and their impact on smart grid operation. The first problem investigates how a stealthy FDI attack can be constructed without the knowledge of system parameters, e.g., line reactance, bus and line connectivity. We show how an attacker can successfully carry out an FDI attack by analysing subspace information of the measurement data without requiring the system topological knowledge. In addition, we make a critical observation that existing subspace based attacks would fail in the presence of gross errors and missing values in the observed data. Next, we show how an attacker can circumvent this problem by using a sparse matrix separation technique. Extensive evaluation on several benchmark systems demonstrates the effectiveness of this approach. The second problem addresses the scenario when an attacker may eavesdrop but only has access to a limited number of measurement devices to inject false data. We show how an attack can be constructed by first estimating the hidden system topology from measurement data only and then use it to identify a set of critical sensors for data injection. Extensive experiments using graph-theoretic and eigenvalue analyses demonstrate that the estimated power grid structure is very close to the original grid topology, and a stealthy FDI attack can be carried out using only a small fraction of all available sensors. The third problem investigates a new type of stealthy Load Redistribution (LR) attack using FDI which can deliberately cause changes in the Locational Marginal Price (LMP) of smart grid nodes. To construct the LR-FDI attack, the Shift factor is estimated from measurement and LMP data. Finally, the impact of the attacks on the state estimation and the nodal energy prices is thoroughly investigated

    Multiact Dynamic Game Strategy for Jamming Attack in Electricity Market

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