6 research outputs found

    Advanced optical modulation and fast reconfigurable en/decoding techniques for OCDMA application

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    With the explosive growth of bandwidth requirement in optical fiber communication networks, optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) has witnessed tremendous achievements as one of the promising technologies for optical access networks over the past decades. In an OCDMA system, optical code processing is one of the key techniques. Rapid optical code reconfiguration can improve flexibility and security of the OCDMA system. This thesis focuses on advanced optical modulations and en/decoding techniques for applications in fast reconfigurable OCDMA systems and secure optical communications. A novel time domain spectral phase encoding (SPE) scheme which can rapidly reconfigure the optical code and is compatible with conventional spectral domain phase en/decoding by using a pair of dispersive devices and a high speed phase modulator is proposed. Based on this scheme, a novel advanced modulation technique that can simultaneously generate both the optical code and the differential-phase-shift-keying (DPSK) data using a single phase modulator is experimentally demonstrated. A symmetric time domain spectral phase encoding and decoding (SPE/SPD) scheme using a similar setup for both the transmitter and receiver is further proposed, based on which a bit-by-bit optical code scrambling and DPSK data modulation technique for secure optical communications has been successfully demonstrated. By combining optical encoding and optical steganography, a novel approach for secure transmission of time domain spectral phase encoded on-off-keying (OOK)/DPSK-OCDMA signal over public wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) network has also been proposed and demonstrated. To enable high speed operation of the time domain SPE/SPD scheme and enhance the system security, a rapid programmable, code-length variable bit-by-bit optical code shifting technique is proposed. Based on this technique, security improvements for OOK/DPSK OCDMA systems at data rates of 10Gb/s and 40Gb/s using reconfigurable optical codes of up to 1024-chip have been achieved. Finally, a novel tunable two-dimensional coherent optical en/decoder which can simultaneously perform wavelength hopping and spectral phase encoding based on coupled micro-ring resonator is proposed and theoretically investigated. The techniques included in this thesis could be potentially used for future fast reconfigurable and secure optical code based communication systems

    Noise Suppression in OCDMA Networks using Nonlinear Optical Devices

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    Optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) is a multiplexing technique that has a number of inherent advantages that make it suitable for use in passive optical networks, such as allowing subscribers to transmit information in an asynchronous fashion over a single optical fibre. This form of multiplexing can provide a higher degree of flexibility and simplicity in comparison to other techniques. However, due to the asynchronous nature of transmission, OCDMA networks suffer from multiple access interference (MAI) and optical beat noise which severely impairs system performance. A number of solutions have been proposed to mitigate these noise sources. Increasing the optical code lengths used can reduce the level of optical beat noise, however this is generally at the expense of transmission speed and increased transmitter complexity. MAI suppression can be achieved through the use fibre-based nonlinear thresholders or optical time-gating. One problem with these solutions is the requirement of long lengths of nonlinear fibre that are susceptible to changes in environmental conditions. Therefore, this thesis focuses on the development and testing of a nonlinear optical receiver based on semiconductor devices for the suppression of noise in OCDMA systems. The nonlinear optical process of two-photon absorption (TPA) in a commercially available 1.3 micron Fabry-P´erot laser is investigated as a method for optical thresholding in an OCDMA system. It is shown that the use of a saturable absorber (SA) directly before the TPA-based detector can provide additional suppression of MAI noise. However, the level of beat noise that is present on the optical signal can be increased due to the nonlinear responses of both devices. As a result, a gain-saturated semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) is demonstrated as a method for the reduction of optical beat noise. It is shown that error-free performance can be achieved in an optical testbed designed to simulate an OCDMA system using an SA-SOA-TPA-based receiver. The performance improvement due to the suppression of MAI and beat noise using an SA-SOA receiver is examined in relation to a current fibre-based thresholding technique; a Mamyshev filter. It is shown that the SA-SOA receiver can offer a similar level of improvement when compared to the performance of a Mamyshev filter

    Multi-user, 10Gb/s spectrally phase coded O-CDMA system with hybrid chip and slot-level timing coordination

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    Range Information Systems Management (RISM) Phase 1 Report

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    RISM investigated alternative approaches, technologies, and communication network architectures to facilitate building the Spaceports and Ranges of the future. RISM started by document most existing US ranges and their capabilities. In parallel, RISM obtained inputs from the following: 1) NASA and NASA-contractor engineers and managers, and; 2) Aerospace leaders from Government, Academia, and Industry, participating through the Space Based Range Distributed System Working Group (SBRDSWG), many of whom are also; 3) Members of the Advanced Range Technology Working Group (ARTWG) subgroups, and; 4) Members of the Advanced Spaceport Technology Working Group (ASTWG). These diverse inputs helped to envision advanced technologies for implementing future Ranges and Range systems that builds on today s cabled and wireless legacy infrastructures while seamlessly integrating both today s emerging and tomorrow s building-block communication techniques. The fundamental key is to envision a transition to a Space Based Range Distributed Subsystem. The enabling concept is to identify the specific needs of Range users that can be solved through applying emerging communication tec