14 research outputs found

    Quantifying Facial Age by Posterior of Age Comparisons

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    We introduce a novel approach for annotating large quantity of in-the-wild facial images with high-quality posterior age distribution as labels. Each posterior provides a probability distribution of estimated ages for a face. Our approach is motivated by observations that it is easier to distinguish who is the older of two people than to determine the person's actual age. Given a reference database with samples of known ages and a dataset to label, we can transfer reliable annotations from the former to the latter via human-in-the-loop comparisons. We show an effective way to transform such comparisons to posterior via fully-connected and SoftMax layers, so as to permit end-to-end training in a deep network. Thanks to the efficient and effective annotation approach, we collect a new large-scale facial age dataset, dubbed `MegaAge', which consists of 41,941 images. Data can be downloaded from our project page mmlab.ie.cuhk.edu.hk/projects/MegaAge and github.com/zyx2012/Age_estimation_BMVC2017. With the dataset, we train a network that jointly performs ordinal hyperplane classification and posterior distribution learning. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art results on popular benchmarks such as MORPH2, Adience, and the newly proposed MegaAge.Comment: To appear on BMVC 2017 (oral) revised versio

    Some like it hot - visual guidance for preference prediction

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    For people first impressions of someone are of determining importance. They are hard to alter through further information. This begs the question if a computer can reach the same judgement. Earlier research has already pointed out that age, gender, and average attractiveness can be estimated with reasonable precision. We improve the state-of-the-art, but also predict - based on someone's known preferences - how much that particular person is attracted to a novel face. Our computational pipeline comprises a face detector, convolutional neural networks for the extraction of deep features, standard support vector regression for gender, age and facial beauty, and - as the main novelties - visual regularized collaborative filtering to infer inter-person preferences as well as a novel regression technique for handling visual queries without rating history. We validate the method using a very large dataset from a dating site as well as images from celebrities. Our experiments yield convincing results, i.e. we predict 76% of the ratings correctly solely based on an image, and reveal some sociologically relevant conclusions. We also validate our collaborative filtering solution on the standard MovieLens rating dataset, augmented with movie posters, to predict an individual's movie rating. We demonstrate our algorithms on howhot.io which went viral around the Internet with more than 50 million pictures evaluated in the first month.Comment: accepted for publication at CVPR 201

    Local Rademacher Complexity-based Learning Guarantees for Multi-Task Learning

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    We show a Talagrand-type concentration inequality for Multi-Task Learning (MTL), using which we establish sharp excess risk bounds for MTL in terms of distribution- and data-dependent versions of the Local Rademacher Complexity (LRC). We also give a new bound on the LRC for norm regularized as well as strongly convex hypothesis classes, which applies not only to MTL but also to the standard i.i.d. setting. Combining both results, one can now easily derive fast-rate bounds on the excess risk for many prominent MTL methods, including---as we demonstrate---Schatten-norm, group-norm, and graph-regularized MTL. The derived bounds reflect a relationship akeen to a conservation law of asymptotic convergence rates. This very relationship allows for trading off slower rates w.r.t. the number of tasks for faster rates with respect to the number of available samples per task, when compared to the rates obtained via a traditional, global Rademacher analysis.Comment: In this version, some arguments and results (of the previous version) have been corrected, or modifie