2 research outputs found

    Efficient multiparty quantum secret sharing of secure direct communication

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    In this paper, we present an (n, n) threshold quantum secret sharing scheme of secure direct communication using Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state. The present scheme is efficient in that all the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states used in the quantum secret sharing scheme are used to generate shared secret messages except those chosen for checking eavesdropper. In our scheme, the measuring basis of communication parties is invariable and the classical information used to check eavesdropping needs only the results of measurements of the communication parties. Another nice feature of our scheme is that the sender transmit her secret messages to the receivers directly and the receivers recover the sender's secret by combining their results, different from the QSS scheme whose object is essentially to allow a sender to establish a shared key with the receivers. This feature of our scheme is similar to that of quantum secret direct communication

    Improving the Security of "Measurement-Device-Independent Quantum Communication without Encryption"

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    Recently in 2018, Niu et al. proposed a measurement-device-independent quantum secure direct communication protocol using Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen pairs and generalized it to a quantum dialogue protocol (Niu et al., Science bulletin 63.20, 2018). By analyzing these protocols we find some security issues in both these protocols. In this work, we show that both the protocols are not secure against information leakage, and a third party can get half of the secret information without any active attack. We also propose suitable modifications of these protocols to improve the security