28 research outputs found

    Multi-Party Pseudo-Telepathy

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    Quantum entanglement, perhaps the most non-classical manifestation of quantum information theory, cannot be used to transmit information between remote parties. Yet, it can be used to reduce the amount of communication required to process a variety of distributed computational tasks. We speak of pseudo-telepathy when quantum entanglement serves to eliminate the classical need to communicate. In earlier examples of pseudo-telepathy, classical protocols could succeed with high probability unless the inputs were very large. Here we present a simple multi-party distributed problem for which the inputs and outputs consist of a single bit per player, and we present a perfect quantum protocol for it. We prove that no classical protocol can succeed with a probability that differs from 1/2 by more than a fraction that is exponentially small in the number of players. This could be used to circumvent the detection loophole in experimental tests of nonlocality.Comment: 11 pages. To be appear in WADS 2003 proceeding

    Two Party Non-Local Games

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    In this work we have introduced two party games with respective winning conditions. One cannot win these games deterministically in the classical world if they are not allowed to communicate at any stage of the game. Interestingly we find out that in quantum world, these winning conditions can be achieved if the players share an entangled state. We also introduced a game which is impossible to win if the players are not allowed to communicate in classical world (both probabilistically and deterministically), yet there exists a perfect quantum strategy by following which, one can attain the winning condition of the game.Comment: Accepted in International Journal of Theoretical Physic

    On the power of non-local boxes

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    A non-local box is a virtual device that has the following property: given that Alice inputs a bit at her end of the device and that Bob does likewise, it produces two bits, one at Alice's end and one at Bob's end, such that the XOR of the outputs is equal to the AND of the inputs. This box, inspired from the CHSH inequality, was first proposed by Popescu and Rohrlich to examine the question: given that a maximally entangled pair of qubits is non-local, why is it not maximally non-local? We believe that understanding the power of this box will yield insight into the non-locality of quantum mechanics. It was shown recently by Cerf, Gisin, Massar and Popescu, that this imaginary device is able to simulate correlations from any measurement on a singlet state. Here, we show that the non-local box can in fact do much more: through the simulation of the magic square pseudo-telepathy game and the Mermin-GHZ pseudo-telepathy game, we show that the non-local box can simulate quantum correlations that no entangled pair of qubits can in a bipartite scenario and even in a multi-party scenario. Finally we show that a single non-local box cannot simulate all quantum correlations and propose a generalization for a multi-party non-local box. In particular, we show quantum correlations whose simulation requires an exponential amount of non-local boxes, in the number of maximally entangled qubit pairs.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Programming Telepathy: Implementing Quantum Non-Locality Games

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    Quantum pseudo-telepathy is an intriguing phenomenon which results from the application of quantum information theory to communication complexity. To demonstrate this phenomenon researchers in the field of quantum communication complexity devised a number of quantum non-locality games. The setting of these games is as follows: the players are separated so that no communication between them is possible and are given a certain computational task. When the players have access to a quantum resource called entanglement, they can accomplish the task: something that is impossible in a classical setting. To an observer who is unfamiliar with the laws of quantum mechanics it seems that the players employ some sort of telepathy; that is, they somehow exchange information without sharing a communication channel. This paper provides a formal framework for specifying, implementing, and analysing quantum non-locality games

    Separating pseudo-telepathy games and two-local theories

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    We give an 154\dfrac{1}{54} separation between 5-party pseudo-telepathy games and two-local theories. We define the notion of strategy in a k-local theory for a game, and extend the method of Chao and Reichardt. We also study variation of the game to minimize the classical winning probability

    Two new non-equivalent three-qubit CHSH games

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    In this paper, we generalize to three players the well-known CHSH quantum game. To do so, we consider all possible 3 variables Boolean functions and search among them which ones correspond to a game scenario with a quantum advantage (for a given entangled state). In particular we provide two new three players quantum games where, in one case, the best quantum strategy is obtained when the players share a GHZGHZ state, while in the other one the players have a better advantage when they use a WW state as their quantum resource. To illustrate our findings we implement our game scenarios on an online quantum computer and prove experimentally the advantage of the corresponding quantum resource for each game.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure