1,717 research outputs found

    Multi crteria decision making and its applications : a literature review

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    This paper presents current techniques used in Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) and their applications. Two basic approaches for MCDM, namely Artificial Intelligence MCDM (AIMCDM) and Classical MCDM (CMCDM) are discussed and investigated. Recent articles from international journals related to MCDM are collected and analyzed to find which approach is more common than the other in MCDM. Also, which area these techniques are applied to. Those articles are appearing in journals for the year 2008 only. This paper provides evidence that currently, both AIMCDM and CMCDM are equally common in MCDM


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    In this paper the objective is to determine the optimal allocation of spares for replacement of defective parts on-board of a usage. The minimization of the total supply chain cost can only be achieved when optimization of the base stock level is carried out at each member of the supply chain. A serious issue in the implementation of the same is that the excess stock level and shortage level is not static for every period. This has been achieved by using some forecasting and optimization techniques. Optimal inventory control is one of the significant tasks in supply chain management. The optimal inventory control methodologies intend to reduce the supply chain cost by controlling the inventory in an effective manner, such that, the SC members will not be affected by surplus as well as shortage of inventory. In this paper, we propose an efficient approach that effectively utilizes the Genetic Algorithm for optimal inventory control. This paper reports a method based on genetic algorithm to optimize inventory in supply chain management. We focus specifically on determining the most probable excess stock level and shortage level required for inventory optimization in the supply chain so that the total supply chain cost is minimized . So, the overall aim of this paper is to find out the healthy stock level by means of that safety stock is maintained throughout the service period. Keywords: genetic algorithm, optimization, Inventor

    State of the art in simulation-based optimisation for maintenance systems

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    Recently, more attention has been directed towards improving and optimising maintenance in manufacturing systems using simulation. This paper aims to report the state of the art in simulation-based optimisation of maintenance by systematically classifying the published literature and outlining main trends in modelling and optimising maintenance systems. The authors investigate application areas and published real case studies as well as researched maintenance strategies and policies. Much of the research in this area is focusing on preventive maintenance and optimising preventive maintenance frequency that will lead to the minimum cost. Discrete event simulation was the most reported technique to model maintenance systems whereas modern optimisation methods such as Genetic Algorithms was the most reported optimisation method in the literature. On this basis, the paper identifies the current gaps and discusses future prospects. Further research can be done to develop a framework that guides the experimenting process with different maintenance strategies and policies. More real case studies can be conducted on multi-objective optimisation and condition based maintenance especially in a production context


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    Supermarkets worldwide are facing a service dilemma whether to increase or decrease their number of counters used at checkouts. A higher number of checkouts will undoubtedly reduce waiting time at checkout, a factor in improving customer satisfaction and service quality but this will come at a cost to the Supermarket. The work conducted in this paper will therefore focus on this tradeoff between improving the customer shopping experience versus the Supermarket Cost and profitability margins. It will do so by using an optimization algorithm that can help find the optimum number of checkouts and utilization of staff resources. The optimization algorithm uses discrete event simulation approach that applies arena integrated with Greedy algorithm, using real-life data The aim of this integration is to combine the strength of the simulation that optimize large set of feasible solutions, with the advantage of the greedy algorithm to reduce the design space of feature inputs, which would facilitate optimizing the process in the shortest time possible. The developed integrated greedy algorithm has proved successful in optimizing the staff resource efficiency as well as achieving the optimum number of checkouts

    Efficient multi-objective ranking and selection in the presence of uncertainty

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    We consider the problem of ranking and selection with multiple-objectives in the presence of uncertainty. Simulation optimisation offers great opportunities in the design and optimisation of complex systems. In the presence of multiple objectives there is usually no single solution that performs best on all the objectives. Instead, there are several Pareto-optimal (efficient) solutions with different trade-offs which cannot be improved in any objective without sacrificing performance in another objective. For the case where alternatives are evaluated on multiple stochastic criteria, and the performance of an alternative can only be estimated via simulation, we consider the problem of efficiently identifying the Pareto optimal designs out of a (small) given set of alternatives. We develop a simple myopic budget allocation algorithm and propose several variants for different settings. In particular, this myopic method only allocates one simulation sample to one alternative in each iteration. Empirical tests show that the proposed algorithm can significantly reduce the necessary simulation budget and perform better than some existing well known algorithms in certain settings

    Exploiting metaheuristics to strategize on performance-based logistics contracts for MRO services

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    Multiobjective Coordination Models For Maintenance And Service Parts Inventory Planning And Control

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    In many equipment-intensive organizations in the manufacturing, service and particularly the defense sectors, service parts inventories constitute a significant source of tactical and operational costs and consume a significant portion of capital investment. For instance, the Defense Logistics Agency manages about 4 million consumable service parts and provides about 93% of all consumable service parts used by the military services. These items required about US1.9billionoverthefiscalyears19992002.Duringthesametime,theUSGeneralAccountabilityOfficediscoveredthat,intheUnitedStatesNavy,therewereabout3.7billionshipandsubmarinepartsthatwerenotneeded.TheFederalAviationAdministrationsaysthat26millionaircraftpartsarechangedeachyear.In2002,theholdingcostofservicepartsfortheaviationindustrywasestimatedtobeUS1.9 billion over the fiscal years 1999-2002. During the same time, the US General Accountability Office discovered that, in the United States Navy, there were about 3.7 billion ship and submarine parts that were not needed. The Federal Aviation Administration says that 26 million aircraft parts are changed each year. In 2002, the holding cost of service parts for the aviation industry was estimated to be US50 billion. The US Army Institute of Land Warfare reports that, at the beginning of the 2003 fiscal year, prior to Operation Iraqi Freedom the aviation service parts alone was in excess of US1billion.Thissituationmakesthemanagementoftheseitemsaverycriticaltacticalandstrategicissuethatisworthyoffurtherstudy.Thekeychallengeistomaintainhighequipmentavailabilitywithlowservicecost(e.g.,holding,warehousing,transportation,technicians,overhead,etc.).Forinstance,despitereportingUS1 billion. This situation makes the management of these items a very critical tactical and strategic issue that is worthy of further study. The key challenge is to maintain high equipment availability with low service cost (e.g., holding, warehousing, transportation, technicians, overhead, etc.). For instance, despite reporting US10.5 billion in appropriations spent on purchasing service parts in 2000, the United States Air Force (USAF) continues to report shortages of service parts. The USAF estimates that, if the investment on service parts decreases to about US$5.3 billion, weapons systems availability would range from 73 to 100 percent. Thus, better management of service parts inventories should create opportunities for cost savings caused by the efficient management of these inventories. Unfortunately, service parts belong to a class of inventory that continually makes them difficult to manage. Moreover, it can be said that the general function of service parts inventories is to support maintenance actions; therefore, service parts inventory policies are highly related to the resident maintenance policies. However, the interrelationship between service parts inventory management and maintenance policies is often overlooked, both in practice and in the academic literature, when it comes to optimizing maintenance and service parts inventory policies. Hence, there exists a great divide between maintenance and service parts inventory theory and practice. This research investigation specifically considers the aspect of joint maintenance and service part inventory optimization. We decompose the joint maintenance and service part inventory optimization problem into the supplier s problem and the customer s problem. Long-run expected cost functions for each problem that include the most common maintenance cost parameters and service parts inventory cost parameters are presented. Computational experiments are conducted for a single-supplier two-echelon service parts supply chain configuration varying the number of customers in the network. Lateral transshipments (LTs) of service parts between customers are not allowed. For this configuration, we optimize the cost functions using a traditional, or decoupled, approach, where each supply chain entity optimizes its cost individually, and a joint approach, where the cost objectives of both the supplier and customers are optimized simultaneously. We show that the multiple objective optimization approach outperforms the traditional decoupled optimization approach by generating lower system-wide supply chain network costs. The model formulations are extended by relaxing the assumption of no LTs between customers in the supply chain network. Similar to those for the no LTs configuration, the results for the LTs configuration show that the multiobjective optimization outperforms the decoupled optimization in terms of system-wide cost. Hence, it is economically beneficial to jointly consider all parties within the supply network. Further, we compare the model configurations LTs versus no LTs, and we show that using LTs improves the overall savings of the system. It is observed that the improvement is mostly derived from reduced shortage costs since the equipment downtime is reduced due to the proximity of the supply. The models and results of this research have significant practical implications as they can be used to assist decision-makers to determine when and where to pre-position parts inventories to maximize equipment availability. Furthermore, these models can assist in the preparation of the terms of long-term service agreements and maintenance contracts between original equipment manufacturers and their customers (i.e., equipment owners and/or operators), including determining the equitable allocation of all system-wide cost savings under the agreement