8,766 research outputs found

    Software-Defined Networking: State of the Art and Research Challenges

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    Plug-and-play information technology (IT) infrastructure has been expanding very rapidly in recent years. With the advent of cloud computing, many ecosystem and business paradigms are encountering potential changes and may be able to eliminate their IT infrastructure maintenance processes. Real-time performance and high availability requirements have induced telecom networks to adopt the new concepts of the cloud model: software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV). NFV introduces and deploys new network functions in an open and standardized IT environment, while SDN aims to transform the way networks function. SDN and NFV are complementary technologies; they do not depend on each other. However, both concepts can be merged and have the potential to mitigate the challenges of legacy networks. In this paper, our aim is to describe the benefits of using SDN in a multitude of environments such as in data centers, data center networks, and Network as Service offerings. We also present the various challenges facing SDN, from scalability to reliability and security concerns, and discuss existing solutions to these challenges

    A Survey of Controller Placement Problem in Software Defined Networks

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    Software Defined Network (SDN) is an emerging network paradigm which provides a centralized view of the network by decoupling the network control plane from the data plane. This strategy of maintaining a global view of the network optimizes resource management. However, the implementation of SDN using a single physical controller lead to issues of scalability and robustness. A physically distributed but logically centralized SDN controller architecture promises to resolve both these issues. Distributed SDN along with its benefits brings along the problem of the number of controllers required and their placement in the network. This problem is referred to as the controller placement problem (CPP) and this paper is mainly concerned with the CPP solution techniques. The paper formally defines CPP, gives a comprehensive review of the various performance metrics and characteristics of the available CPP solutions. Finally, we point out the existing literature gap and discuss the future research direction in this domain

    All One Needs to Know about Fog Computing and Related Edge Computing Paradigms: A Complete Survey

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    With the Internet of Things (IoT) becoming part of our daily life and our environment, we expect rapid growth in the number of connected devices. IoT is expected to connect billions of devices and humans to bring promising advantages for us. With this growth, fog computing, along with its related edge computing paradigms, such as multi-access edge computing (MEC) and cloudlet, are seen as promising solutions for handling the large volume of security-critical and time-sensitive data that is being produced by the IoT. In this paper, we first provide a tutorial on fog computing and its related computing paradigms, including their similarities and differences. Next, we provide a taxonomy of research topics in fog computing, and through a comprehensive survey, we summarize and categorize the efforts on fog computing and its related computing paradigms. Finally, we provide challenges and future directions for research in fog computing.Comment: 48 pages, 7 tables, 11 figures, 450 references. The data (categories and features/objectives of the papers) of this survey are now available publicly. Accepted by Elsevier Journal of Systems Architectur

    Application Management in Fog Computing Environments: A Taxonomy, Review and Future Directions

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm is being rapidly adopted for the creation of smart environments in various domains. The IoT-enabled Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) associated with smart city, healthcare, Industry 4.0 and Agtech handle a huge volume of data and require data processing services from different types of applications in real-time. The Cloud-centric execution of IoT applications barely meets such requirements as the Cloud datacentres reside at a multi-hop distance from the IoT devices. \textit{Fog computing}, an extension of Cloud at the edge network, can execute these applications closer to data sources. Thus, Fog computing can improve application service delivery time and resist network congestion. However, the Fog nodes are highly distributed, heterogeneous and most of them are constrained in resources and spatial sharing. Therefore, efficient management of applications is necessary to fully exploit the capabilities of Fog nodes. In this work, we investigate the existing application management strategies in Fog computing and review them in terms of architecture, placement and maintenance. Additionally, we propose a comprehensive taxonomy and highlight the research gaps in Fog-based application management. We also discuss a perspective model and provide future research directions for further improvement of application management in Fog computing

    The Wireless Control Plane: An Overview and Directions for Future Research

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    Software-defined networking (SDN), which has been successfully deployed in the management of complex data centers, has recently been incorporated into a myriad of 5G networks to intelligently manage a wide range of heterogeneous wireless devices, software systems, and wireless access technologies. Thus, the SDN control plane needs to communicate wirelessly with the wireless data plane either directly or indirectly. The uncertainties in the wireless SDN control plane (WCP) make its design challenging. Both WCP schemes (direct WCP, D-WCP, and indirect WCP, I-WCP) have been incorporated into recent 5G networks; however, a discussion of their design principles and their design limitations is missing. This paper introduces an overview of the WCP design (I-WCP and D-WCP) and discusses its intricacies by reviewing its deployment in recent 5G networks. Furthermore, to facilitate synthesizing a robust WCP, this paper proposes a generic WCP framework using deep reinforcement learning (DRL) principles and presents a roadmap for future research.Comment: This paper has been accepted to appear in Elsevier Journal of Networks and Computer Applications. It has 34 pages, 8 figures, and two table

    A Novel Communication Paradigm for High Capacity and Security via Programmable Indoor Wireless Environments in Next Generation Wireless Systems

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    Wireless communication environments comprise passive objects that cause performance degradation and eavesdropping concerns due to anomalous scattering. This paper proposes a new paradigm, where scattering becomes software-defined and, subsequently, optimizable across wide frequency ranges. Through the proposed programmable wireless environments, the path loss, multi-path fading and interference effects can be controlled and mitigated. Moreover, the eavesdropping can be prevented via novel physical layer security capabilities. The core technology of this new paradigm is the concept of metasurfaces, which are planar intelligent structures whose effects on impinging electromagnetic waves are fully defined by their micro-structure. Their control over impinging waves has been demonstrated to span from 1 GHz to 10 THz. This paper contributes the software-programmable wireless environment, consisting of several HyperSurface tiles (programmable metasurfaces) controlled by a central server. HyperSurfaces are a novel class of metasurfaces whose structure and, hence, electromagnetic behavior can be altered and controlled via a software interface. Multiple networked tiles coat indoor objects, allowing fine-grained, customizable reflection, absorption or polarization overall. A central server calculates and deploys the optimal electromagnetic interaction per tile, to the benefit of communicating devices. Realistic simulations using full 3D ray-tracing demonstrate the groundbreaking performance and security potential of the proposed approach in 2.4 GHz and 60 GHz frequencies.Comment: This work was partially funded by the European Union via the Horizon 2020: Future Emerging Topics call (FETOPEN), grant EU736876, project VISORSURF. admin note: significant overlap with arXiv:1805.0667

    Realizing Wireless Communication through Software-defined HyperSurface Environments

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    Wireless communication environments are unaware of the ongoing data exchange efforts within them. Moreover, their effect on the communication quality is intractable in all but the simplest cases. The present work proposes a new paradigm, where indoor scattering becomes software-defined and, subsequently, optimizable across wide frequency ranges. Moreover, the controlled scattering can surpass natural behavior, exemplary overriding Snell's law, reflecting waves towards any custom angle (including negative ones). Thus, path loss and multi-path fading effects can be controlled and mitigated. The core technology of this new paradigm are metasurfaces, planar artificial structures whose effect on impinging electromagnetic waves is fully defined by their macro-structure. The present study contributes the software-programmable wireless environment model, consisting of several HyperSurface tiles controlled by a central, environment configuration server. HyperSurfaces are a novel class of metasurfaces whose structure and, hence, electromagnetic behavior can be altered and controlled via a software interface. Multiple networked tiles coat indoor objects, allowing fine-grained, customizable reflection, absorption or polarization overall. A central server calculates and deploys the optimal electromagnetic interaction per tile, to the benefit of communicating devices. Realistic simulations using full 3D ray-tracing demonstrate the groundbreaking potential of the proposed approach in 2.4 GHz and 60 GHz frequencies.Comment: This paper appears at the 19TH IEEE WOWMOM 2018, JUNE 12-15, 2018. (Technical program: http://it.murdoch.edu.au/wowmom2018/technical_program.html) This work was funded by the European Union via the Horizon 2020: Future Emerging Topics call (FETOPEN-RIA), grant EU736876, project VISORSURF (http://www.visorsurf.eu) : HyperSurfaces-A Hardware Platform for Software-driven Functional Metasurface

    Optimal Virtual Network Function Placement and Resource Allocation in Multi-Cloud Service Function Chaining Architecture

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    Service Function Chaining (SFC) is the problem of deploying various network service instances over geographically distributed data centers and providing inter-connectivity among them. The goal is to enable the network traffic to flow smoothly through the underlying network, resulting in an optimal quality of experience to the end-users. Proper chaining of network functions leads to optimal utilization of distributed resources. This has been a de-facto model in the telecom industry with network functions deployed over underlying hardware. Though this model has served the telecom industry well so far, it has been adapted mostly to suit the static behavior of network services and service demands due to the deployment of the services directly over physical resources. This results in network ossification with larger delays to the end-users, especially with the data-centric model in which the computational resources are moving closer to end users. A novel networking paradigm, Network Function Virtualization (NFV), meets the user demands dynamically and reduces operational expenses (OpEx) and capital expenditures (CapEx), by implementing network functions in the software layer known as virtual network functions (VNFs). VNFs are then interconnected to form a complete end-to-end service, also known as service function chains (SFCs). In this work, we study the problem of deploying service function chains over network function virtualized architecture. Specifically, we study virtual network function placement problem for the optimal SFC formation across geographically distributed clouds. We set up the problem of minimizing inter-cloud traffic and response time in a multi-cloud scenario as an ILP optimization problem, along with important constraints such as total deployment costs and service level agreements (SLAs). We consider link delays and computational delays in our model.Comment: E-preprin

    Management and Orchestration of Network Slices in 5G, Fog, Edge and Clouds

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    Network slicing allows network operators to build multiple isolated virtual networks on a shared physical network to accommodate a wide variety of services and applications. With network slicing, service providers can provide a cost-efficient solution towards meeting diverse performance requirements of deployed applications and services. Despite slicing benefits, End-to-End orchestration and management of network slices is a challenging and complicated task. In this chapter, we intend to survey all the relevant aspects of network slicing, with the focus on networking technologies such as Software-defined networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) in 5G, Fog/Edge and Cloud Computing platforms. To build the required background, this chapter begins with a brief overview of 5G, Fog/Edge and Cloud computing, and their interplay. Then we cover the 5G vision for network slicing and extend it to the Fog and Cloud computing through surveying the state-of-the-art slicing approaches in these platforms. We conclude the chapter by discussing future directions, analyzing gaps and trends towards the network slicing realization.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figures, Fog and Edge Computing: Principles and Paradigms, Wiley Press, New York, USA, 201

    Knowledge-Defined Networking

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    The research community has considered in the past the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to control and operate networks. A notable example is the Knowledge Plane proposed by D.Clark et al. However, such techniques have not been extensively prototyped or deployed in the field yet. In this paper, we explore the reasons for the lack of adoption and posit that the rise of two recent paradigms: Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Analytics (NA), will facilitate the adoption of AI techniques in the context of network operation and control. We describe a new paradigm that accommodates and exploits SDN, NA and AI, and provide use cases that illustrate its applicability and benefits. We also present simple experimental results that support its feasibility. We refer to this new paradigm as Knowledge-Defined Networking (KDN).Comment: 8 pages, 22 references, 6 figures and 1 tabl