18,105 research outputs found

    Label-less Learning for Traffic Control in an Edge Network

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    With the development of intelligent applications (e.g., self-driving, real-time emotion recognition, etc), there are higher requirements for the cloud intelligence. However, cloud intelligence depends on the multi-modal data collected by user equipments (UEs). Due to the limited capacity of network bandwidth, offloading all data generated from the UEs to the remote cloud is impractical. Thus, in this article, we consider the challenging issue of achieving a certain level of cloud intelligence while reducing network traffic. In order to solve this problem, we design a traffic control algorithm based on label-less learning on the edge cloud, which is dubbed as LLTC. By the use of the limited computing and storage resources at edge cloud, LLTC evaluates the value of data, which will be offloaded. Specifically, we first give a statement of the problem and the system architecture. Then, we design the LLTC algorithm in detail. Finally, we set up the system testbed. Experimental results show that the proposed LLTC can guarantee the required cloud intelligence while minimizing the amount of data transmission

    Exploring the contextual factors affecting multimodal emotion recognition in videos

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    Emotional expressions form a key part of user behavior on today's digital platforms. While multimodal emotion recognition techniques are gaining research attention, there is a lack of deeper understanding on how visual and non-visual features can be used to better recognize emotions in certain contexts, but not others. This study analyzes the interplay between the effects of multimodal emotion features derived from facial expressions, tone and text in conjunction with two key contextual factors: i) gender of the speaker, and ii) duration of the emotional episode. Using a large public dataset of 2,176 manually annotated YouTube videos, we found that while multimodal features consistently outperformed bimodal and unimodal features, their performance varied significantly across different emotions, gender and duration contexts. Multimodal features performed particularly better for male speakers in recognizing most emotions. Furthermore, multimodal features performed particularly better for shorter than for longer videos in recognizing neutral and happiness, but not sadness and anger. These findings offer new insights towards the development of more context-aware emotion recognition and empathetic systems.Comment: Accepted version at IEEE Transactions on Affective Computin

    Multi-task Learning for Multi-modal Emotion Recognition and Sentiment Analysis

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    Related tasks often have inter-dependence on each other and perform better when solved in a joint framework. In this paper, we present a deep multi-task learning framework that jointly performs sentiment and emotion analysis both. The multi-modal inputs (i.e., text, acoustic and visual frames) of a video convey diverse and distinctive information, and usually do not have equal contribution in the decision making. We propose a context-level inter-modal attention framework for simultaneously predicting the sentiment and expressed emotions of an utterance. We evaluate our proposed approach on CMU-MOSEI dataset for multi-modal sentiment and emotion analysis. Evaluation results suggest that multi-task learning framework offers improvement over the single-task framework. The proposed approach reports new state-of-the-art performance for both sentiment analysis and emotion analysis.Comment: Accepted for publication in NAACL:HLT-201

    Emotion Recognition in Speech using Cross-Modal Transfer in the Wild

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    Obtaining large, human labelled speech datasets to train models for emotion recognition is a notoriously challenging task, hindered by annotation cost and label ambiguity. In this work, we consider the task of learning embeddings for speech classification without access to any form of labelled audio. We base our approach on a simple hypothesis: that the emotional content of speech correlates with the facial expression of the speaker. By exploiting this relationship, we show that annotations of expression can be transferred from the visual domain (faces) to the speech domain (voices) through cross-modal distillation. We make the following contributions: (i) we develop a strong teacher network for facial emotion recognition that achieves the state of the art on a standard benchmark; (ii) we use the teacher to train a student, tabula rasa, to learn representations (embeddings) for speech emotion recognition without access to labelled audio data; and (iii) we show that the speech emotion embedding can be used for speech emotion recognition on external benchmark datasets. Code, models and data are available.Comment: Conference paper at ACM Multimedia 201

    WiFE: WiFi and Vision based Intelligent Facial-Gesture Emotion Recognition

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    Emotion is an essential part of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and human mental health. Current emotion recognition research mainly focuses on single modality (e.g., facial expression), while human emotion expressions are multi-modal in nature. In this paper, we propose a hybrid emotion recognition system leveraging two emotion-rich and tightly-coupled modalities, i.e., facial expression and body gesture. However, unbiased and fine-grained facial expression and gesture recognition remain a major problem. To this end, unlike our rivals relying on contact or even invasive sensors, we explore the commodity WiFi signal for device-free and contactless gesture recognition, while adopting a vision-based facial expression. However, there exist two design challenges, i.e., how to improve the sensitivity of WiFi signals and how to process the large-volume, heterogeneous, and non-synchronous data contributed by the two-modalities. For the former, we propose a signal sensitivity enhancement method based on the Rician K factor theory; for the latter, we combine CNN and RNN to mine the high-level features of bi-modal data, and perform a score-level fusion for fine-grained recognition. To evaluate the proposed method, we build a first-of-its-kind Vision-CSI Emotion Database (VCED) and conduct extensive experiments. Empirical results show the superiority of the bi-modality by achieving 83.24\% recognition accuracy for seven emotions, as compared with 66.48% and 66.67% recognition accuracy by gesture-only based solution and facial-only based solution, respectively. The VCED database download link is https://github.com/purpleleaves007/WIFE-Dataset.Comment: error in experiment result

    Robust Deep Multi-modal Learning Based on Gated Information Fusion Network

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    The goal of multi-modal learning is to use complimentary information on the relevant task provided by the multiple modalities to achieve reliable and robust performance. Recently, deep learning has led significant improvement in multi-modal learning by allowing for the information fusion in the intermediate feature levels. This paper addresses a problem of designing robust deep multi-modal learning architecture in the presence of imperfect modalities. We introduce deep fusion architecture for object detection which processes each modality using the separate convolutional neural network (CNN) and constructs the joint feature map by combining the intermediate features from the CNNs. In order to facilitate the robustness to the degraded modalities, we employ the gated information fusion (GIF) network which weights the contribution from each modality according to the input feature maps to be fused. The weights are determined through the convolutional layers followed by a sigmoid function and trained along with the information fusion network in an end-to-end fashion. Our experiments show that the proposed GIF network offers the additional architectural flexibility to achieve robust performance in handling some degraded modalities, and show a significant performance improvement based on Single Shot Detector (SSD) for KITTI dataset using the proposed fusion network and data augmentation schemes.Comment: 2018 Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV

    Multi-modal Conditional Attention Fusion for Dimensional Emotion Prediction

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    Continuous dimensional emotion prediction is a challenging task where the fusion of various modalities usually achieves state-of-the-art performance such as early fusion or late fusion. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-modal fusion strategy named conditional attention fusion, which can dynamically pay attention to different modalities at each time step. Long-short term memory recurrent neural networks (LSTM-RNN) is applied as the basic uni-modality model to capture long time dependencies. The weights assigned to different modalities are automatically decided by the current input features and recent history information rather than being fixed at any kinds of situation. Our experimental results on a benchmark dataset AVEC2015 show the effectiveness of our method which outperforms several common fusion strategies for valence prediction.Comment: Appeared at ACM Multimedia 201

    Tensor Fusion Network for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis

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    Multimodal sentiment analysis is an increasingly popular research area, which extends the conventional language-based definition of sentiment analysis to a multimodal setup where other relevant modalities accompany language. In this paper, we pose the problem of multimodal sentiment analysis as modeling intra-modality and inter-modality dynamics. We introduce a novel model, termed Tensor Fusion Network, which learns both such dynamics end-to-end. The proposed approach is tailored for the volatile nature of spoken language in online videos as well as accompanying gestures and voice. In the experiments, our model outperforms state-of-the-art approaches for both multimodal and unimodal sentiment analysis.Comment: Accepted as full paper in EMNLP 201

    Annotation and Detection of Emotion in Text-based Dialogue Systems with CNN

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    Knowledge of users' emotion states helps improve human-computer interaction. In this work, we presented EmoNet, an emotion detector of Chinese daily dialogues based on deep convolutional neural networks. In order to maintain the original linguistic features, such as the order, commonly used methods like segmentation and keywords extraction were not adopted, instead we increased the depth of CNN and tried to let CNN learn inner linguistic relationships. Our main contribution is that we presented a new model and a new pipeline which can be used in multi-language environment to solve sentimental problems. Experimental results shows EmoNet has a great capacity in learning the emotion of dialogues and achieves a better result than other state of art detectors do.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Multimodal Emotion Recognition for One-Minute-Gradual Emotion Challenge

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    The continuous dimensional emotion modelled by arousal and valence can depict complex changes of emotions. In this paper, we present our works on arousal and valence predictions for One-Minute-Gradual (OMG) Emotion Challenge. Multimodal representations are first extracted from videos using a variety of acoustic, video and textual models and support vector machine (SVM) is then used for fusion of multimodal signals to make final predictions. Our solution achieves Concordant Correlation Coefficient (CCC) scores of 0.397 and 0.520 on arousal and valence respectively for the validation dataset, which outperforms the baseline systems with the best CCC scores of 0.15 and 0.23 on arousal and valence by a large margin
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