4 research outputs found

    Latent Patient Network Learning for Automatic Diagnosis

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    Recently, Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) has proven to be a powerful machine learning tool for Computer Aided Diagnosis (CADx) and disease prediction. A key component in these models is to build a population graph, where the graph adjacency matrix represents pair-wise patient similarities. Until now, the similarity metrics have been defined manually, usually based on meta-features like demographics or clinical scores. The definition of the metric, however, needs careful tuning, as GCNs are very sensitive to the graph structure. In this paper, we demonstrate for the first time in the CADx domain that it is possible to learn a single, optimal graph towards the GCN's downstream task of disease classification. To this end, we propose a novel, end-to-end trainable graph learning architecture for dynamic and localized graph pruning. Unlike commonly employed spectral GCN approaches, our GCN is spatial and inductive, and can thus infer previously unseen patients as well. We demonstrate significant classification improvements with our learned graph on two CADx problems in medicine. We further explain and visualize this result using an artificial dataset, underlining the importance of graph learning for more accurate and robust inference with GCNs in medical applications

    Modern machine-learning can support diagnostic differentiation of central and peripheral acute vestibular disorders

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    BACKGROUND Diagnostic classification of central vs. peripheral etiologies in acute vestibular disorders remains a challenge in the emergency setting. Novel machine-learning methods may help to support diagnostic decisions. In the current study, we tested the performance of standard and machine-learning approaches in the classification of consecutive patients with acute central or peripheral vestibular disorders. METHODS 40 Patients with vestibular stroke (19 with and 21 without acute vestibular syndrome (AVS), defined by the presence of spontaneous nystagmus) and 68 patients with peripheral AVS due to vestibular neuritis were recruited in the emergency department, in the context of the prospective EMVERT trial (EMergency VERTigo). All patients received a standardized neuro-otological examination including videooculography and posturography in the acute symptomatic stage and an MRI within 7~days after symptom onset. Diagnostic performance of state-of-the-art scores, such as HINTS (Head Impulse, gaze-evoked Nystagmus, Test of Skew) and ABCD2 (Age, Blood, Clinical features, Duration, Diabetes), for the differentiation of vestibular stroke vs. peripheral AVS was compared to various machine-learning approaches: (i) linear logistic regression (LR), (ii) non-linear random forest (RF), (iii) artificial neural network, and (iv) geometric deep learning (Single/MultiGMC). A prospective classification was simulated by ten-fold cross-validation. We analyzed whether machine-estimated feature importances correlate with clinical experience. RESULTS Machine-learning methods (e.g., MultiGMC) outperform univariate scores, such as HINTS or ABCD2, for differentiation of all vestibular strokes vs. peripheral AVS (MultiGMC area-under-the-curve (AUC): 0.96 vs. HINTS/ABCD2 AUC: 0.71/0.58). HINTS performed similarly to MultiGMC for vestibular stroke with AVS (AUC: 0.86), but more poorly for vestibular stroke without AVS (AUC: 0.54). Machine-learning models learn to put different weights on particular features, each of which is relevant from a clinical viewpoint. Established non-linear machine-learning methods like RF and linear methods like LR are less powerful classification models (AUC: 0.89 vs. 0.62). CONCLUSIONS Established clinical scores (such as HINTS) provide a valuable baseline assessment for stroke detection in acute vestibular syndromes. In addition, machine-learning methods may have the potential to increase sensitivity and selectivity in the establishment of a correct diagnosis