19,715 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Adaptive Re-identification in Open World Dynamic Camera Networks

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    Person re-identification is an open and challenging problem in computer vision. Existing approaches have concentrated on either designing the best feature representation or learning optimal matching metrics in a static setting where the number of cameras are fixed in a network. Most approaches have neglected the dynamic and open world nature of the re-identification problem, where a new camera may be temporarily inserted into an existing system to get additional information. To address such a novel and very practical problem, we propose an unsupervised adaptation scheme for re-identification models in a dynamic camera network. First, we formulate a domain perceptive re-identification method based on geodesic flow kernel that can effectively find the best source camera (already installed) to adapt with a newly introduced target camera, without requiring a very expensive training phase. Second, we introduce a transitive inference algorithm for re-identification that can exploit the information from best source camera to improve the accuracy across other camera pairs in a network of multiple cameras. Extensive experiments on four benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed approach significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art unsupervised learning based alternatives whilst being extremely efficient to compute.Comment: CVPR 2017 Spotligh

    Learning Deep Context-aware Features over Body and Latent Parts for Person Re-identification

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    Person Re-identification (ReID) is to identify the same person across different cameras. It is a challenging task due to the large variations in person pose, occlusion, background clutter, etc How to extract powerful features is a fundamental problem in ReID and is still an open problem today. In this paper, we design a Multi-Scale Context-Aware Network (MSCAN) to learn powerful features over full body and body parts, which can well capture the local context knowledge by stacking multi-scale convolutions in each layer. Moreover, instead of using predefined rigid parts, we propose to learn and localize deformable pedestrian parts using Spatial Transformer Networks (STN) with novel spatial constraints. The learned body parts can release some difficulties, eg pose variations and background clutters, in part-based representation. Finally, we integrate the representation learning processes of full body and body parts into a unified framework for person ReID through multi-class person identification tasks. Extensive evaluations on current challenging large-scale person ReID datasets, including the image-based Market1501, CUHK03 and sequence-based MARS datasets, show that the proposed method achieves the state-of-the-art results.Comment: Accepted by CVPR 201

    Looking Beyond Appearances: Synthetic Training Data for Deep CNNs in Re-identification

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    Re-identification is generally carried out by encoding the appearance of a subject in terms of outfit, suggesting scenarios where people do not change their attire. In this paper we overcome this restriction, by proposing a framework based on a deep convolutional neural network, SOMAnet, that additionally models other discriminative aspects, namely, structural attributes of the human figure (e.g. height, obesity, gender). Our method is unique in many respects. First, SOMAnet is based on the Inception architecture, departing from the usual siamese framework. This spares expensive data preparation (pairing images across cameras) and allows the understanding of what the network learned. Second, and most notably, the training data consists of a synthetic 100K instance dataset, SOMAset, created by photorealistic human body generation software. Synthetic data represents a good compromise between realistic imagery, usually not required in re-identification since surveillance cameras capture low-resolution silhouettes, and complete control of the samples, which is useful in order to customize the data w.r.t. the surveillance scenario at-hand, e.g. ethnicity. SOMAnet, trained on SOMAset and fine-tuned on recent re-identification benchmarks, outperforms all competitors, matching subjects even with different apparel. The combination of synthetic data with Inception architectures opens up new research avenues in re-identification.Comment: 14 page

    Deep Attributes Driven Multi-Camera Person Re-identification

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    The visual appearance of a person is easily affected by many factors like pose variations, viewpoint changes and camera parameter differences. This makes person Re-Identification (ReID) among multiple cameras a very challenging task. This work is motivated to learn mid-level human attributes which are robust to such visual appearance variations. And we propose a semi-supervised attribute learning framework which progressively boosts the accuracy of attributes only using a limited number of labeled data. Specifically, this framework involves a three-stage training. A deep Convolutional Neural Network (dCNN) is first trained on an independent dataset labeled with attributes. Then it is fine-tuned on another dataset only labeled with person IDs using our defined triplet loss. Finally, the updated dCNN predicts attribute labels for the target dataset, which is combined with the independent dataset for the final round of fine-tuning. The predicted attributes, namely \emph{deep attributes} exhibit superior generalization ability across different datasets. By directly using the deep attributes with simple Cosine distance, we have obtained surprisingly good accuracy on four person ReID datasets. Experiments also show that a simple metric learning modular further boosts our method, making it significantly outperform many recent works.Comment: Person Re-identification; 17 pages; 5 figures; In IEEE ECCV 201

    Person re-identification via efficient inference in fully connected CRF

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    In this paper, we address the problem of person re-identification problem, i.e., retrieving instances from gallery which are generated by the same person as the given probe image. This is very challenging because the person's appearance usually undergoes significant variations due to changes in illumination, camera angle and view, background clutter, and occlusion over the camera network. In this paper, we assume that the matched gallery images should not only be similar to the probe, but also be similar to each other, under suitable metric. We express this assumption with a fully connected CRF model in which each node corresponds to a gallery and every pair of nodes are connected by an edge. A label variable is associated with each node to indicate whether the corresponding image is from target person. We define unary potential for each node using existing feature calculation and matching techniques, which reflect the similarity between probe and gallery image, and define pairwise potential for each edge in terms of a weighed combination of Gaussian kernels, which encode appearance similarity between pair of gallery images. The specific form of pairwise potential allows us to exploit an efficient inference algorithm to calculate the marginal distribution of each label variable for this dense connected CRF. We show the superiority of our method by applying it to public datasets and comparing with the state of the art.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure