1,977 research outputs found

    Explainable Link Prediction for Emerging Entities in Knowledge Graphs

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    Despite their large-scale coverage, cross-domain knowledge graphs invariably suffer from inherent incompleteness and sparsity. Link prediction can alleviate this by inferring a target entity, given a source entity and a query relation. Recent embedding-based approaches operate in an uninterpretable latent semantic vector space of entities and relations, while path-based approaches operate in the symbolic space, making the inference process explainable. However, these approaches typically consider static snapshots of the knowledge graphs, severely restricting their applicability for evolving knowledge graphs with newly emerging entities. To overcome this issue, we propose an inductive representation learning framework that is able to learn representations of previously unseen entities. Our method finds reasoning paths between source and target entities, thereby making the link prediction for unseen entities interpretable and providing support evidence for the inferred link.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of International Semantic Web Conference, 2020 (ISWC 2020

    Dynamically Fused Graph Network for Multi-hop Reasoning

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    Text-based question answering (TBQA) has been studied extensively in recent years. Most existing approaches focus on finding the answer to a question within a single paragraph. However, many difficult questions require multiple supporting evidence from scattered text among two or more documents. In this paper, we propose Dynamically Fused Graph Network(DFGN), a novel method to answer those questions requiring multiple scattered evidence and reasoning over them. Inspired by human's step-by-step reasoning behavior, DFGN includes a dynamic fusion layer that starts from the entities mentioned in the given query, explores along the entity graph dynamically built from the text, and gradually finds relevant supporting entities from the given documents. We evaluate DFGN on HotpotQA, a public TBQA dataset requiring multi-hop reasoning. DFGN achieves competitive results on the public board. Furthermore, our analysis shows DFGN produces interpretable reasoning chains.Comment: Accepted by ACL 1

    An Interpretable Reasoning Network for Multi-Relation Question Answering

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    Multi-relation Question Answering is a challenging task, due to the requirement of elaborated analysis on questions and reasoning over multiple fact triples in knowledge base. In this paper, we present a novel model called Interpretable Reasoning Network that employs an interpretable, hop-by-hop reasoning process for question answering. The model dynamically decides which part of an input question should be analyzed at each hop; predicts a relation that corresponds to the current parsed results; utilizes the predicted relation to update the question representation and the state of the reasoning process; and then drives the next-hop reasoning. Experiments show that our model yields state-of-the-art results on two datasets. More interestingly, the model can offer traceable and observable intermediate predictions for reasoning analysis and failure diagnosis, thereby allowing manual manipulation in predicting the final answer.Comment: COLING 2018, 13page

    Multi-Hop Knowledge Graph Reasoning with Reward Shaping

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    Multi-hop reasoning is an effective approach for query answering (QA) over incomplete knowledge graphs (KGs). The problem can be formulated in a reinforcement learning (RL) setup, where a policy-based agent sequentially extends its inference path until it reaches a target. However, in an incomplete KG environment, the agent receives low-quality rewards corrupted by false negatives in the training data, which harms generalization at test time. Furthermore, since no golden action sequence is used for training, the agent can be misled by spurious search trajectories that incidentally lead to the correct answer. We propose two modeling advances to address both issues: (1) we reduce the impact of false negative supervision by adopting a pretrained one-hop embedding model to estimate the reward of unobserved facts; (2) we counter the sensitivity to spurious paths of on-policy RL by forcing the agent to explore a diverse set of paths using randomly generated edge masks. Our approach significantly improves over existing path-based KGQA models on several benchmark datasets and is comparable or better than embedding-based models.Comment: Accepted to EMNLP 2018, 12 page

    Go for a Walk and Arrive at the Answer: Reasoning Over Paths in Knowledge Bases using Reinforcement Learning

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    Knowledge bases (KB), both automatically and manually constructed, are often incomplete --- many valid facts can be inferred from the KB by synthesizing existing information. A popular approach to KB completion is to infer new relations by combinatory reasoning over the information found along other paths connecting a pair of entities. Given the enormous size of KBs and the exponential number of paths, previous path-based models have considered only the problem of predicting a missing relation given two entities or evaluating the truth of a proposed triple. Additionally, these methods have traditionally used random paths between fixed entity pairs or more recently learned to pick paths between them. We propose a new algorithm MINERVA, which addresses the much more difficult and practical task of answering questions where the relation is known, but only one entity. Since random walks are impractical in a setting with combinatorially many destinations from a start node, we present a neural reinforcement learning approach which learns how to navigate the graph conditioned on the input query to find predictive paths. Empirically, this approach obtains state-of-the-art results on several datasets, significantly outperforming prior methods.Comment: ICLR 201

    Exploiting Explicit Paths for Multi-hop Reading Comprehension

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    We propose a novel, path-based reasoning approach for the multi-hop reading comprehension task where a system needs to combine facts from multiple passages to answer a question. Although inspired by multi-hop reasoning over knowledge graphs, our proposed approach operates directly over unstructured text. It generates potential paths through passages and scores them without any direct path supervision. The proposed model, named PathNet, attempts to extract implicit relations from text through entity pair representations, and compose them to encode each path. To capture additional context, PathNet also composes the passage representations along each path to compute a passage-based representation. Unlike previous approaches, our model is then able to explain its reasoning via these explicit paths through the passages. We show that our approach outperforms prior models on the multi-hop Wikihop dataset, and also can be generalized to apply to the OpenBookQA dataset, matching state-of-the-art performance

    UHop: An Unrestricted-Hop Relation Extraction Framework for Knowledge-Based Question Answering

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    In relation extraction for knowledge-based question answering, searching from one entity to another entity via a single relation is called "one hop". In related work, an exhaustive search from all one-hop relations, two-hop relations, and so on to the max-hop relations in the knowledge graph is necessary but expensive. Therefore, the number of hops is generally restricted to two or three. In this paper, we propose UHop, an unrestricted-hop framework which relaxes this restriction by use of a transition-based search framework to replace the relation-chain-based search one. We conduct experiments on conventional 1- and 2-hop questions as well as lengthy questions, including datasets such as WebQSP, PathQuestion, and Grid World. Results show that the proposed framework enables the ability to halt, works well with state-of-the-art models, achieves competitive performance without exhaustive searches, and opens the performance gap for long relation paths.Comment: To appear in NAACL-HLT 201

    Reasoning over RDF Knowledge Bases using Deep Learning

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    Semantic Web knowledge representation standards, and in particular RDF and OWL, often come endowed with a formal semantics which is considered to be of fundamental importance for the field. Reasoning, i.e., the drawing of logical inferences from knowledge expressed in such standards, is traditionally based on logical deductive methods and algorithms which can be proven to be sound and complete and terminating, i.e. correct in a very strong sense. For various reasons, though, in particular, the scalability issues arising from the ever-increasing amounts of Semantic Web data available and the inability of deductive algorithms to deal with noise in the data, it has been argued that alternative means of reasoning should be investigated which bear high promise for high scalability and better robustness. From this perspective, deductive algorithms can be considered the gold standard regarding correctness against which alternative methods need to be tested. In this paper, we show that it is possible to train a Deep Learning system on RDF knowledge graphs, such that it is able to perform reasoning over new RDF knowledge graphs, with high precision and recall compared to the deductive gold standard

    Multi-hop Reading Comprehension via Deep Reinforcement Learning based Document Traversal

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    Reading Comprehension has received significant attention in recent years as high quality Question Answering (QA) datasets have become available. Despite state-of-the-art methods achieving strong overall accuracy, Multi-Hop (MH) reasoning remains particularly challenging. To address MH-QA specifically, we propose a Deep Reinforcement Learning based method capable of learning sequential reasoning across large collections of documents so as to pass a query-aware, fixed-size context subset to existing models for answer extraction. Our method is comprised of two stages: a linker, which decomposes the provided support documents into a graph of sentences, and an extractor, which learns where to look based on the current question and already-visited sentences. The result of the linker is a novel graph structure at the sentence level that preserves logical flow while still allowing rapid movement between documents. Importantly, we demonstrate that the sparsity of the resultant graph is invariant to context size. This translates to fewer decisions required from the Deep-RL trained extractor, allowing the system to scale effectively to large collections of documents. The importance of sequential decision making in the document traversal step is demonstrated by comparison to standard IE methods, and we additionally introduce a BM25-based IR baseline that retrieves documents relevant to the query only. We examine the integration of our method with existing models on the recently proposed QAngaroo benchmark and achieve consistent increases in accuracy across the board, as well as a 2-3x reduction in training time

    PullNet: Open Domain Question Answering with Iterative Retrieval on Knowledge Bases and Text

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    We consider open-domain queston answering (QA) where answers are drawn from either a corpus, a knowledge base (KB), or a combination of both of these. We focus on a setting in which a corpus is supplemented with a large but incomplete KB, and on questions that require non-trivial (e.g., ``multi-hop'') reasoning. We describe PullNet, an integrated framework for (1) learning what to retrieve (from the KB and/or corpus) and (2) reasoning with this heterogeneous information to find the best answer. PullNet uses an {iterative} process to construct a question-specific subgraph that contains information relevant to the question. In each iteration, a graph convolutional network (graph CNN) is used to identify subgraph nodes that should be expanded using retrieval (or ``pull'') operations on the corpus and/or KB. After the subgraph is complete, a similar graph CNN is used to extract the answer from the subgraph. This retrieve-and-reason process allows us to answer multi-hop questions using large KBs and corpora. PullNet is weakly supervised, requiring question-answer pairs but not gold inference paths. Experimentally PullNet improves over the prior state-of-the art, and in the setting where a corpus is used with incomplete KB these improvements are often dramatic. PullNet is also often superior to prior systems in a KB-only setting or a text-only setting
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