111 research outputs found

    Logic-Based Specification Languages for Intelligent Software Agents

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    The research field of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) aims to find abstractions, languages, methodologies and toolkits for modeling, verifying, validating and prototyping complex applications conceptualized as Multiagent Systems (MASs). A very lively research sub-field studies how formal methods can be used for AOSE. This paper presents a detailed survey of six logic-based executable agent specification languages that have been chosen for their potential to be integrated in our ARPEGGIO project, an open framework for specifying and prototyping a MAS. The six languages are ConGoLog, Agent-0, the IMPACT agent programming language, DyLog, Concurrent METATEM and Ehhf. For each executable language, the logic foundations are described and an example of use is shown. A comparison of the six languages and a survey of similar approaches complete the paper, together with considerations of the advantages of using logic-based languages in MAS modeling and prototyping.Comment: 67 pages, 1 table, 1 figure. Accepted for publication by the Journal "Theory and Practice of Logic Programming", volume 4, Maurice Bruynooghe Editor-in-Chie

    Hierarchical agent supervision

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    Agent supervision is a form of control/customization where a supervisor restricts the behavior of an agent to enforce certain requirements, while leaving the agent as much autonomy as possible. To facilitate supervision, it is often of interest to consider hierarchical models where a high level abstracts over low-level behavior details. We study hierarchical agent supervision in the context of the situation calculus and the ConGolog agent programming language, where we have a rich first-order representation of the agent state. We define the constraints that ensure that the controllability of in-dividual actions at the high level in fact captures the controllability of their implementation at the low level. On the basis of this, we show that we can obtain the maximally permissive supervisor by first considering only the high-level model and obtaining a high- level supervisor and then refining its actions locally, thus greatly simplifying the supervisor synthesis task

    Abstraction in situation calculus action theories

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    We develop a general framework for agent abstraction based on the situation calculus and the ConGolog agent programming language. We assume that we have a high-level specification and a low-level specification of the agent, both repre- sented as basic action theories. A refinement mapping specifies how each high-level action is implemented by a low- level ConGolog program and how each high-level fluent can be translated into a low-level formula. We define a notion of sound abstraction between such action theories in terms of the existence of a suitable bisimulation between their respective models. Sound abstractions have many useful properties that ensure that we can reason about the agent’s actions (e.g., executability, projection, and planning) at the abstract level, and refine and concretely execute them at the low level. We also characterize the notion of complete abstraction where all actions (including exogenous ones) that the high level thinks can happen can in fact occur at the low level

    Abstraction in situation calculus action theories

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    We develop a general framework for agent abstraction based on the situation calculus and the ConGolog agent programming language. We assume that we have a high-level specification and a low-level specification of the agent, both repre- sented as basic action theories. A refinement mapping specifies how each high-level action is implemented by a low- level ConGolog program and how each high-level fluent can be translated into a low-level formula. We define a notion of sound abstraction between such action theories in terms of the existence of a suitable bisimulation between their respective models. Sound abstractions have many useful properties that ensure that we can reason about the agent’s actions (e.g., executability, projection, and planning) at the abstract level, and refine and concretely execute them at the low level. We also characterize the notion of complete abstraction where all actions (including exogenous ones) that the high level thinks can happen can in fact occur at the low level

    Bounded Situation Calculus Action Theories

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    In this paper, we investigate bounded action theories in the situation calculus. A bounded action theory is one which entails that, in every situation, the number of object tuples in the extension of fluents is bounded by a given constant, although such extensions are in general different across the infinitely many situations. We argue that such theories are common in applications, either because facts do not persist indefinitely or because the agent eventually forgets some facts, as new ones are learnt. We discuss various classes of bounded action theories. Then we show that verification of a powerful first-order variant of the mu-calculus is decidable for such theories. Notably, this variant supports a controlled form of quantification across situations. We also show that through verification, we can actually check whether an arbitrary action theory maintains boundedness.Comment: 51 page

    Abstraction of nondeterministic situation calculus action theories

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    We develop a general framework for abstracting the behavior of an agent that operates in a nondeterministic domain, i.e., where the agent does not control the outcome of the nondeterministic actions, based on the nondeterministic situation calculus and the ConGolog programming language. We assume that we have both an abstract and a concrete nondeterministic basic action theory, and a refinement mapping which specifies how abstract actions, decomposed into agent actions and environment reactions, are implemented by concrete ConGolog programs. This new setting supports strategic reasoning and strategy synthesis, by allowing us to quantify separately on agent actions and environment reactions. We show that if the agent has a (strong FOND) plan/strategy to achieve a goal/complete a task at the abstract level, and it can always execute the nondeterministic abstract actions to completion at the concrete level, then there exist a refinement of it that is a (strong FOND) plan/strategy to achieve the refinement of the goal/task at the concrete level

    Reasoning about Communicating Agents in the Semantic Web

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    Abstract. In this article we interpret the Semantic Web and Web Service issues in the framework of multi-agent interoperating systems. We will advocate the application of results achieved in the research area of reasoning about actions and change by showing scenarios and techniques that could be applied.

    On the Complexity of Verifying Timed Golog Programs over Description Logic Actions: Extended Version

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    Golog programs allow to model complex behaviour of agents by combining primitive actions defined in a Situation Calculus theory using imperative and non-deterministic programming language constructs. In general, verifying temporal properties of Golog programs is undecidable. One way to establish decidability is to restrict the logic used by the program to a Description Logic (DL), for which recently some complexity upper bounds for verification problem have been established. However, so far it was open whether these results are tight, and lightweight DLs such as EL have not been studied at all. Furthermore, these results only apply to a setting where actions do not consume time, and the properties to be verified only refer to the timeline in a qualitative way. In a lot of applications, this is an unrealistic assumption. In this work, we study the verification problem for timed Golog programs, in which actions can be assigned differing durations, and temporal properties are specified in a metric branching time logic. This allows to annotate temporal properties with time intervals over which they are evaluated, to specify for example that some property should hold for at least n time units, or should become specified within some specified time window. We establish tight complexity bounds of the verification problem for both expressive and lightweight DLs. Our lower bounds already apply to a very limited fragment of the verification problem, and close open complexity bounds for the non-metrical cases studied before

    Cross organisational compatible workflows generation and execution

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    With the development of internet and electronics, the demand for electronic and online commerce has increased. This has, in turn, increased the demand for business process automation. Workflow has established itself as the technology used for business process automation. Since business organisations have to work in coordination with many other business organisations in order to succeed in business, the workflows of business organisations are expected to collaborate with those of other business organisations. Collaborating organisations can only proceed in business if they have compatible workflows. Therefore, there is a need for cross organisational workflow collaboration. The dynamism and complexity of online and electronic business and high demand from the market leave the workflows prone to frequent changes. If a workflow changes, it has to be re-engineered as well as reconciled with the workflows of the collaborating organisations. To avoid the continuous re-engineering and reconciliation of workflows, and to reuse the existing units of work done, the focus has recently shifted from modeling workflows to automatic workflow generation. Workflows must proceed to runtime execution, otherwise, the effort invested in the build time workflow modeling is wasted. Therefore, workflow management and collaboration systems must support workflow enactment and runtime workflow collaboration. Although substantial research has been done in build-time workflow collaboration, automatic workflow generation, workflow enactment and runtime workflow collaboration, the integration of these highly inter-dependent aspects of workflow has not been considered in the literature. The research work presented in this thesis investigates the integration of these different aspects. The main focus of the research presented in this thesis is the creation of a framework that is able to generate multiple sets of compatible workflows for multiple collaborating organisations, from their OWLS process definitions and high level goals. The proposed framework also supports runtime enactment and runtime collaboration of the generated workflows
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