5 research outputs found

    Comparison of Multi-agent and Single-agent Inverse Learning on a Simulated Soccer Example

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    We compare the performance of Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) with the relative new model of Multi-agent Inverse Reinforcement Learning (MIRL). Before comparing the methods, we extend a published Bayesian IRL approach that is only applicable to the case where the reward is only state dependent to a general one capable of tackling the case where the reward depends on both state and action. Comparison between IRL and MIRL is made in the context of an abstract soccer game, using both a game model in which the reward depends only on state and one in which it depends on both state and action. Results suggest that the IRL approach performs much worse than the MIRL approach. We speculate that the underperformance of IRL is because it fails to capture equilibrium information in the manner possible in MIRL.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1403.650

    Multi-agent Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Two-person Zero-sum Games

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    The focus of this paper is a Bayesian framework for solving a class of problems termed multi-agent inverse reinforcement learning (MIRL). Compared to the well-known inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) problem, MIRL is formalized in the context of stochastic games, which generalize Markov decision processes to game theoretic scenarios. We establish a theoretical foundation for competitive two-agent zero-sum MIRL problems and propose a Bayesian solution approach in which the generative model is based on an assumption that the two agents follow a minimax bi-policy. Numerical results are presented comparing the Bayesian MIRL method with two existing methods in the context of an abstract soccer game. Investigation centers on relationships between the extent of prior information and the quality of learned rewards. Results suggest that covariance structure is more important than mean value in reward priors

    When Shall I Be Empathetic? The Utility of Empathetic Parameter Estimation in Multi-Agent Interactions

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    Human-robot interactions (HRI) can be modeled as dynamic or differential games with incomplete information, where each agent holds private reward parameters. Due to the open challenge in finding perfect Bayesian equilibria of such games, existing studies often consider approximated solutions composed of parameter estimation and motion planning steps, in order to decouple the belief and physical dynamics. In parameter estimation, current approaches often assume that the reward parameters of the robot are known by the humans. We argue that by falsely conditioning on this assumption, the robot performs non-empathetic estimation of the humans' parameters, leading to undesirable values even in the simplest interactions. We test this argument by studying a two-vehicle uncontrolled intersection case with short reaction time. Results show that when both agents are unknowingly aggressive (or non-aggressive), empathy leads to more effective parameter estimation and higher reward values, suggesting that empathy is necessary when the true parameters of agents mismatch with their common belief. The proposed estimation and planning algorithms are therefore more robust than the existing approaches, by fully acknowledging the nature of information asymmetry in HRI. Lastly, we introduce value approximation techniques for real-time execution of the proposed algorithms.Comment: Submitted to ICRA202

    Multi-Agent Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning

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    Imitation learning algorithms can be used to learn a policy from expert demonstrations without access to a reward signal. However, most existing approaches are not applicable in multi-agent settings due to the existence of multiple (Nash) equilibria and non-stationary environments. We propose a new framework for multi-agent imitation learning for general Markov games, where we build upon a generalized notion of inverse reinforcement learning. We further introduce a practical multi-agent actor-critic algorithm with good empirical performance. Our method can be used to imitate complex behaviors in high-dimensional environments with multiple cooperative or competing agents

    A Survey of Inverse Reinforcement Learning: Challenges, Methods and Progress

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    Inverse reinforcement learning is the problem of inferring the reward function of an observed agent, given its policy or behavior. Researchers perceive IRL both as a problem and as a class of methods. By categorically surveying the current literature in IRL, this article serves as a reference for researchers and practitioners in machine learning to understand the challenges of IRL and select the approaches best suited for the problem on hand. The survey formally introduces the IRL problem along with its central challenges which include accurate inference, generalizability, correctness of prior knowledge, and growth in solution complexity with problem size. The article elaborates how the current methods mitigate these challenges. We further discuss the extensions of traditional IRL methods: (i) inaccurate and incomplete perception, (ii) incomplete model, (iii) multiple rewards, and (iv) non-linear reward functions. This discussion concludes with some broad advances in the research area and currently open research questions