68,992 research outputs found

    mRSC: Multi-dimensional Robust Synthetic Control

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    When evaluating the impact of a policy on a metric of interest, it may not be possible to conduct a randomized control trial. In settings where only observational data is available, Synthetic Control (SC) methods provide a popular data-driven approach to estimate a "synthetic" control by combining measurements of "similar" units (donors). Recently, Robust SC (RSC) was proposed as a generalization of SC to overcome the challenges of missing data high levels of noise, while removing the reliance on domain knowledge for selecting donors. However, SC, RSC, and their variants, suffer from poor estimation when the pre-intervention period is too short. As the main contribution, we propose a generalization of unidimensional RSC to multi-dimensional RSC, mRSC. Our proposed mechanism incorporates multiple metrics to estimate a synthetic control, thus overcoming the challenge of poor inference from limited pre-intervention data. We show that the mRSC algorithm with KK metrics leads to a consistent estimator of the synthetic control for the target unit under any metric. Our finite-sample analysis suggests that the prediction error decays to zero at a rate faster than the RSC algorithm by a factor of KK and K\sqrt{K} for the training and testing periods (pre- and post-intervention), respectively. Additionally, we provide a diagnostic test that evaluates the utility of including additional metrics. Moreover, we introduce a mechanism to validate the performance of mRSC: time series prediction. That is, we propose a method to predict the future evolution of a time series based on limited data when the notion of time is relative and not absolute, i.e., we have access to a donor pool that has undergone the desired future evolution. Finally, we conduct experimentation to establish the efficacy of mRSC on synthetic data and two real-world case studies (retail and Cricket)

    Multi-modal Face Pose Estimation with Multi-task Manifold Deep Learning

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    Human face pose estimation aims at estimating the gazing direction or head postures with 2D images. It gives some very important information such as communicative gestures, saliency detection and so on, which attracts plenty of attention recently. However, it is challenging because of complex background, various orientations and face appearance visibility. Therefore, a descriptive representation of face images and mapping it to poses are critical. In this paper, we make use of multi-modal data and propose a novel face pose estimation method that uses a novel deep learning framework named Multi-task Manifold Deep Learning M2DLM^2DL. It is based on feature extraction with improved deep neural networks and multi-modal mapping relationship with multi-task learning. In the proposed deep learning based framework, Manifold Regularized Convolutional Layers (MRCL) improve traditional convolutional layers by learning the relationship among outputs of neurons. Besides, in the proposed mapping relationship learning method, different modals of face representations are naturally combined to learn the mapping function from face images to poses. In this way, the computed mapping model with multiple tasks is improved. Experimental results on three challenging benchmark datasets DPOSE, HPID and BKHPD demonstrate the outstanding performance of M2DLM^2DL

    A Survey on Multi-Task Learning

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    Multi-Task Learning (MTL) is a learning paradigm in machine learning and its aim is to leverage useful information contained in multiple related tasks to help improve the generalization performance of all the tasks. In this paper, we give a survey for MTL. First, we classify different MTL algorithms into several categories, including feature learning approach, low-rank approach, task clustering approach, task relation learning approach, and decomposition approach, and then discuss the characteristics of each approach. In order to improve the performance of learning tasks further, MTL can be combined with other learning paradigms including semi-supervised learning, active learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, multi-view learning and graphical models. When the number of tasks is large or the data dimensionality is high, batch MTL models are difficult to handle this situation and online, parallel and distributed MTL models as well as dimensionality reduction and feature hashing are reviewed to reveal their computational and storage advantages. Many real-world applications use MTL to boost their performance and we review representative works. Finally, we present theoretical analyses and discuss several future directions for MTL

    Hierarchical Spatial-aware Siamese Network for Thermal Infrared Object Tracking

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    Most thermal infrared (TIR) tracking methods are discriminative, treating the tracking problem as a classification task. However, the objective of the classifier (label prediction) is not coupled to the objective of the tracker (location estimation). The classification task focuses on the between-class difference of the arbitrary objects, while the tracking task mainly deals with the within-class difference of the same objects. In this paper, we cast the TIR tracking problem as a similarity verification task, which is coupled well to the objective of the tracking task. We propose a TIR tracker via a Hierarchical Spatial-aware Siamese Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), named HSSNet. To obtain both spatial and semantic features of the TIR object, we design a Siamese CNN that coalesces the multiple hierarchical convolutional layers. Then, we propose a spatial-aware network to enhance the discriminative ability of the coalesced hierarchical feature. Subsequently, we train this network end to end on a large visible video detection dataset to learn the similarity between paired objects before we transfer the network into the TIR domain. Next, this pre-trained Siamese network is used to evaluate the similarity between the target template and target candidates. Finally, we locate the candidate that is most similar to the tracked target. Extensive experimental results on the benchmarks VOT-TIR 2015 and VOT-TIR 2016 show that our proposed method achieves favourable performance compared to the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Subspace Network: Deep Multi-Task Censored Regression for Modeling Neurodegenerative Diseases

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    Over the past decade a wide spectrum of machine learning models have been developed to model the neurodegenerative diseases, associating biomarkers, especially non-intrusive neuroimaging markers, with key clinical scores measuring the cognitive status of patients. Multi-task learning (MTL) has been commonly utilized by these studies to address high dimensionality and small cohort size challenges. However, most existing MTL approaches are based on linear models and suffer from two major limitations: 1) they cannot explicitly consider upper/lower bounds in these clinical scores; 2) they lack the capability to capture complicated non-linear interactions among the variables. In this paper, we propose Subspace Network, an efficient deep modeling approach for non-linear multi-task censored regression. Each layer of the subspace network performs a multi-task censored regression to improve upon the predictions from the last layer via sketching a low-dimensional subspace to perform knowledge transfer among learning tasks. Under mild assumptions, for each layer the parametric subspace can be recovered using only one pass of training data. Empirical results demonstrate that the proposed subspace network quickly picks up the correct parameter subspaces, and outperforms state-of-the-arts in predicting neurodegenerative clinical scores using information in brain imaging

    Robust Visual Tracking using Multi-Frame Multi-Feature Joint Modeling

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    It remains a huge challenge to design effective and efficient trackers under complex scenarios, including occlusions, illumination changes and pose variations. To cope with this problem, a promising solution is to integrate the temporal consistency across consecutive frames and multiple feature cues in a unified model. Motivated by this idea, we propose a novel correlation filter-based tracker in this work, in which the temporal relatedness is reconciled under a multi-task learning framework and the multiple feature cues are modeled using a multi-view learning approach. We demonstrate the resulting regression model can be efficiently learned by exploiting the structure of blockwise diagonal matrix. A fast blockwise diagonal matrix inversion algorithm is developed thereafter for efficient online tracking. Meanwhile, we incorporate an adaptive scale estimation mechanism to strengthen the stability of scale variation tracking. We implement our tracker using two types of features and test it on two benchmark datasets. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our proposed approach when compared with other state-of-the-art trackers. project homepage http://bmal.hust.edu.cn/project/KMF2JMTtracking.htmlComment: This paper has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. The MATLAB code of our method is available from our project homepage http://bmal.hust.edu.cn/project/KMF2JMTtracking.htm

    Tensor Dropout for Robust Learning

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    CNNs achieve remarkable performance by leveraging deep, over-parametrized architectures, trained on large datasets. However, they have limited generalization ability to data outside the training domain, and a lack of robustness to noise and adversarial attacks. By building better inductive biases, we can improve robustness and also obtain smaller networks that are more memory and computationally efficient. While standard CNNs use matrix computations, we study tensor layers that involve higher-order computations and provide better inductive bias. Specifically, we impose low-rank tensor structures on the weights of tensor regression layers to obtain compact networks, and propose tensor dropout, a randomization in the tensor rank for robustness. We show that our approach outperforms other methods for large-scale image classification on ImageNet and CIFAR-100. We establish a new state-of-the-art accuracy for phenotypic trait prediction on the largest dataset of brain MRI, the UK Biobank brain MRI dataset, where multi-linear structure is paramount. In all cases, we demonstrate superior performance and significantly improved robustness, both to noisy inputs and to adversarial attacks. We rigorously validate the theoretical validity of our approach by establishing the link between our randomized decomposition and non-linear dropout

    Automatic Face Image Quality Prediction

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    Face image quality can be defined as a measure of the utility of a face image to automatic face recognition. In this work, we propose (and compare) two methods for automatic face image quality based on target face quality values from (i) human assessments of face image quality (matcher-independent), and (ii) quality values computed from similarity scores (matcher-dependent). A support vector regression model trained on face features extracted using a deep convolutional neural network (ConvNet) is used to predict the quality of a face image. The proposed methods are evaluated on two unconstrained face image databases, LFW and IJB-A, which both contain facial variations with multiple quality factors. Evaluation of the proposed automatic face image quality measures shows we are able to reduce the FNMR at 1% FMR by at least 13% for two face matchers (a COTS matcher and a ConvNet matcher) by using the proposed face quality to select subsets of face images and video frames for matching templates (i.e., multiple faces per subject) in the IJB-A protocol. To our knowledge, this is the first work to utilize human assessments of face image quality in designing a predictor of unconstrained face quality that is shown to be effective in cross-database evaluation

    Nuclear Norm based Matrix Regression with Applications to Face Recognition with Occlusion and Illumination Changes

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    Recently regression analysis becomes a popular tool for face recognition. The existing regression methods all use the one-dimensional pixel-based error model, which characterizes the representation error pixel by pixel individually and thus neglects the whole structure of the error image. We observe that occlusion and illumination changes generally lead to a low-rank error image. To make use of this low-rank structural information, this paper presents a two-dimensional image matrix based error model, i.e. matrix regression, for face representation and classification. Our model uses the minimal nuclear norm of representation error image as a criterion, and the alternating direction method of multipliers method to calculate the regression coefficients. Compared with the current regression methods, the proposed Nuclear Norm based Matrix Regression (NMR) model is more robust for alleviating the effect of illumination, and more intuitive and powerful for removing the structural noise caused by occlusion. We experiment using four popular face image databases, the Extended Yale B database, the AR database, the Multi-PIE and the FRGC database. Experimental results demonstrate the performance advantage of NMR over the state-of-the-art regression based face recognition methods.Comment: 30 page

    Modeling of Facial Aging and Kinship: A Survey

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    Computational facial models that capture properties of facial cues related to aging and kinship increasingly attract the attention of the research community, enabling the development of reliable methods for age progression, age estimation, age-invariant facial characterization, and kinship verification from visual data. In this paper, we review recent advances in modeling of facial aging and kinship. In particular, we provide an up-to date, complete list of available annotated datasets and an in-depth analysis of geometric, hand-crafted, and learned facial representations that are used for facial aging and kinship characterization. Moreover, evaluation protocols and metrics are reviewed and notable experimental results for each surveyed task are analyzed. This survey allows us to identify challenges and discuss future research directions for the development of robust facial models in real-world conditions
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