2,966 research outputs found

    Multi-Modal Bayesian Embeddings for Learning Social Knowledge Graphs

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    We study the extent to which online social networks can be connected to open knowledge bases. The problem is referred to as learning social knowledge graphs. We propose a multi-modal Bayesian embedding model, GenVector, to learn latent topics that generate word and network embeddings. GenVector leverages large-scale unlabeled data with embeddings and represents data of two modalities---i.e., social network users and knowledge concepts---in a shared latent topic space. Experiments on three datasets show that the proposed method clearly outperforms state-of-the-art methods. We then deploy the method on AMiner, a large-scale online academic search system with a network of 38,049,189 researchers with a knowledge base with 35,415,011 concepts. Our method significantly decreases the error rate in an online A/B test with live users

    AliGraph: A Comprehensive Graph Neural Network Platform

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    An increasing number of machine learning tasks require dealing with large graph datasets, which capture rich and complex relationship among potentially billions of elements. Graph Neural Network (GNN) becomes an effective way to address the graph learning problem by converting the graph data into a low dimensional space while keeping both the structural and property information to the maximum extent and constructing a neural network for training and referencing. However, it is challenging to provide an efficient graph storage and computation capabilities to facilitate GNN training and enable development of new GNN algorithms. In this paper, we present a comprehensive graph neural network system, namely AliGraph, which consists of distributed graph storage, optimized sampling operators and runtime to efficiently support not only existing popular GNNs but also a series of in-house developed ones for different scenarios. The system is currently deployed at Alibaba to support a variety of business scenarios, including product recommendation and personalized search at Alibaba's E-Commerce platform. By conducting extensive experiments on a real-world dataset with 492.90 million vertices, 6.82 billion edges and rich attributes, AliGraph performs an order of magnitude faster in terms of graph building (5 minutes vs hours reported from the state-of-the-art PowerGraph platform). At training, AliGraph runs 40%-50% faster with the novel caching strategy and demonstrates around 12 times speed up with the improved runtime. In addition, our in-house developed GNN models all showcase their statistically significant superiorities in terms of both effectiveness and efficiency (e.g., 4.12%-17.19% lift by F1 scores)

    Informed Machine Learning -- A Taxonomy and Survey of Integrating Knowledge into Learning Systems

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    Despite its great success, machine learning can have its limits when dealing with insufficient training data. A potential solution is the additional integration of prior knowledge into the training process which leads to the notion of informed machine learning. In this paper, we present a structured overview of various approaches in this field. We provide a definition and propose a concept for informed machine learning which illustrates its building blocks and distinguishes it from conventional machine learning. We introduce a taxonomy that serves as a classification framework for informed machine learning approaches. It considers the source of knowledge, its representation, and its integration into the machine learning pipeline. Based on this taxonomy, we survey related research and describe how different knowledge representations such as algebraic equations, logic rules, or simulation results can be used in learning systems. This evaluation of numerous papers on the basis of our taxonomy uncovers key methods in the field of informed machine learning.Comment: Accepted at IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/942998

    FILDNE: A Framework for Incremental Learning of Dynamic Networks Embeddings

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    Representation learning on graphs has emerged as a powerful mechanism to automate feature vector generation for downstream machine learning tasks. The advances in representation on graphs have centered on both homogeneous and heterogeneous graphs, where the latter presenting the challenges associated with multi-typed nodes and/or edges. In this paper, we consider the additional challenge of evolving graphs. We ask the question of whether the advances in representation learning for static graphs can be leveraged for dynamic graphs and how? It is important to be able to incorporate those advances to maximize the utility and generalization of methods. To that end, we propose the Framework for Incremental Learning of Dynamic Networks Embedding (FILDNE), which can utilize any existing static representation learning method for learning node embeddings, while keeping the computational costs low. FILDNE integrates the feature vectors computed using the standard methods over different timesteps into a single representation by developing a convex combination function and alignment mechanism. Experimental results on several downstream tasks, over seven real-world data sets, show that FILDNE is able to reduce memory and computational time costs while providing competitive quality measure gains with respect to the contemporary methods for representation learning on dynamic graphs

    Representation Learning for Dynamic Graphs: A Survey

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    Graphs arise naturally in many real-world applications including social networks, recommender systems, ontologies, biology, and computational finance. Traditionally, machine learning models for graphs have been mostly designed for static graphs. However, many applications involve evolving graphs. This introduces important challenges for learning and inference since nodes, attributes, and edges change over time. In this survey, we review the recent advances in representation learning for dynamic graphs, including dynamic knowledge graphs. We describe existing models from an encoder-decoder perspective, categorize these encoders and decoders based on the techniques they employ, and analyze the approaches in each category. We also review several prominent applications and widely used datasets and highlight directions for future research.Comment: Accepted at JMLR, 73 pages, 2 figure

    Machine Learning with World Knowledge: The Position and Survey

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    Machine learning has become pervasive in multiple domains, impacting a wide variety of applications, such as knowledge discovery and data mining, natural language processing, information retrieval, computer vision, social and health informatics, ubiquitous computing, etc. Two essential problems of machine learning are how to generate features and how to acquire labels for machines to learn. Particularly, labeling large amount of data for each domain-specific problem can be very time consuming and costly. It has become a key obstacle in making learning protocols realistic in applications. In this paper, we will discuss how to use the existing general-purpose world knowledge to enhance machine learning processes, by enriching the features or reducing the labeling work. We start from the comparison of world knowledge with domain-specific knowledge, and then introduce three key problems in using world knowledge in learning processes, i.e., explicit and implicit feature representation, inference for knowledge linking and disambiguation, and learning with direct or indirect supervision. Finally we discuss the future directions of this research topic

    Stochastic Shared Embeddings: Data-driven Regularization of Embedding Layers

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    In deep neural nets, lower level embedding layers account for a large portion of the total number of parameters. Tikhonov regularization, graph-based regularization, and hard parameter sharing are approaches that introduce explicit biases into training in a hope to reduce statistical complexity. Alternatively, we propose stochastically shared embeddings (SSE), a data-driven approach to regularizing embedding layers, which stochastically transitions between embeddings during stochastic gradient descent (SGD). Because SSE integrates seamlessly with existing SGD algorithms, it can be used with only minor modifications when training large scale neural networks. We develop two versions of SSE: SSE-Graph using knowledge graphs of embeddings; SSE-SE using no prior information. We provide theoretical guarantees for our method and show its empirical effectiveness on 6 distinct tasks, from simple neural networks with one hidden layer in recommender systems, to the transformer and BERT in natural languages. We find that when used along with widely-used regularization methods such as weight decay and dropout, our proposed SSE can further reduce overfitting, which often leads to more favorable generalization results.Comment: Accepted to 2019 Conference on Neural Information Processing System

    Recent Advances in Zero-shot Recognition

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    With the recent renaissance of deep convolution neural networks, encouraging breakthroughs have been achieved on the supervised recognition tasks, where each class has sufficient training data and fully annotated training data. However, to scale the recognition to a large number of classes with few or now training samples for each class remains an unsolved problem. One approach to scaling up the recognition is to develop models capable of recognizing unseen categories without any training instances, or zero-shot recognition/ learning. This article provides a comprehensive review of existing zero-shot recognition techniques covering various aspects ranging from representations of models, and from datasets and evaluation settings. We also overview related recognition tasks including one-shot and open set recognition which can be used as natural extensions of zero-shot recognition when limited number of class samples become available or when zero-shot recognition is implemented in a real-world setting. Importantly, we highlight the limitations of existing approaches and point out future research directions in this existing new research area.Comment: accepted by IEEE Signal Processing Magazin

    Review on Graph Feature Learning and Feature Extraction Techniques for Link Prediction

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    The problem of link prediction has recently attracted considerable attention by research community. Given a graph, which is an abstraction of the relationships among entities, the task of link prediction is to anticipate future connections among entities in the graph, concerning its current state. Extensive studies have examined this problem from different aspects and proposed various methods, some of which might work very well for a specific application but not as a global solution. This work presents an extensive review of state-of-art methods and algorithms proposed on this subject and categorizes them into four main categories: similarity-based methods, probabilistic methods, relational models, and learning-based methods. Additionally, a collection of network data sets has been presented in this paper, which can be used to study link prediction. To the best of our knowledge, this survey is the first comprehensive study that considers all of the mentioned challenges and solutions for link prediction in graphs with the improvements in the recent years, including the unsupervised and supervised techniques and their evolution over the recent years.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figure

    Compositional Fairness Constraints for Graph Embeddings

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    Learning high-quality node embeddings is a key building block for machine learning models that operate on graph data, such as social networks and recommender systems. However, existing graph embedding techniques are unable to cope with fairness constraints, e.g., ensuring that the learned representations do not correlate with certain attributes, such as age or gender. Here, we introduce an adversarial framework to enforce fairness constraints on graph embeddings. Our approach is compositional---meaning that it can flexibly accommodate different combinations of fairness constraints during inference. For instance, in the context of social recommendations, our framework would allow one user to request that their recommendations are invariant to both their age and gender, while also allowing another user to request invariance to just their age. Experiments on standard knowledge graph and recommender system benchmarks highlight the utility of our proposed framework.Comment: Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning, Long Beach, California, PMLR 97, 201