8,441 research outputs found

    Efficient 2D-3D Matching for Multi-Camera Visual Localization

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    Visual localization, i.e., determining the position and orientation of a vehicle with respect to a map, is a key problem in autonomous driving. We present a multicamera visual inertial localization algorithm for large scale environments. To efficiently and effectively match features against a pre-built global 3D map, we propose a prioritized feature matching scheme for multi-camera systems. In contrast to existing works, designed for monocular cameras, we (1) tailor the prioritization function to the multi-camera setup and (2) run feature matching and pose estimation in parallel. This significantly accelerates the matching and pose estimation stages and allows us to dynamically adapt the matching efforts based on the surrounding environment. In addition, we show how pose priors can be integrated into the localization system to increase efficiency and robustness. Finally, we extend our algorithm by fusing the absolute pose estimates with motion estimates from a multi-camera visual inertial odometry pipeline (VIO). This results in a system that provides reliable and drift-less pose estimation. Extensive experiments show that our localization runs fast and robust under varying conditions, and that our extended algorithm enables reliable real-time pose estimation.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Generic 3D Representation via Pose Estimation and Matching

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    Though a large body of computer vision research has investigated developing generic semantic representations, efforts towards developing a similar representation for 3D has been limited. In this paper, we learn a generic 3D representation through solving a set of foundational proxy 3D tasks: object-centric camera pose estimation and wide baseline feature matching. Our method is based upon the premise that by providing supervision over a set of carefully selected foundational tasks, generalization to novel tasks and abstraction capabilities can be achieved. We empirically show that the internal representation of a multi-task ConvNet trained to solve the above core problems generalizes to novel 3D tasks (e.g., scene layout estimation, object pose estimation, surface normal estimation) without the need for fine-tuning and shows traits of abstraction abilities (e.g., cross-modality pose estimation). In the context of the core supervised tasks, we demonstrate our representation achieves state-of-the-art wide baseline feature matching results without requiring apriori rectification (unlike SIFT and the majority of learned features). We also show 6DOF camera pose estimation given a pair local image patches. The accuracy of both supervised tasks come comparable to humans. Finally, we contribute a large-scale dataset composed of object-centric street view scenes along with point correspondences and camera pose information, and conclude with a discussion on the learned representation and open research questions.Comment: Published in ECCV16. See the project website http://3drepresentation.stanford.edu/ and dataset website https://github.com/amir32002/3D_Street_Vie

    RadarSLAM: Radar based Large-Scale SLAM in All Weathers

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    Numerous Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithms have been presented in last decade using different sensor modalities. However, robust SLAM in extreme weather conditions is still an open research problem. In this paper, RadarSLAM, a full radar based graph SLAM system, is proposed for reliable localization and mapping in large-scale environments. It is composed of pose tracking, local mapping, loop closure detection and pose graph optimization, enhanced by novel feature matching and probabilistic point cloud generation on radar images. Extensive experiments are conducted on a public radar dataset and several self-collected radar sequences, demonstrating the state-of-the-art reliability and localization accuracy in various adverse weather conditions, such as dark night, dense fog and heavy snowfall

    SuperPoint: Self-Supervised Interest Point Detection and Description

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    This paper presents a self-supervised framework for training interest point detectors and descriptors suitable for a large number of multiple-view geometry problems in computer vision. As opposed to patch-based neural networks, our fully-convolutional model operates on full-sized images and jointly computes pixel-level interest point locations and associated descriptors in one forward pass. We introduce Homographic Adaptation, a multi-scale, multi-homography approach for boosting interest point detection repeatability and performing cross-domain adaptation (e.g., synthetic-to-real). Our model, when trained on the MS-COCO generic image dataset using Homographic Adaptation, is able to repeatedly detect a much richer set of interest points than the initial pre-adapted deep model and any other traditional corner detector. The final system gives rise to state-of-the-art homography estimation results on HPatches when compared to LIFT, SIFT and ORB.Comment: Camera-ready version for CVPR 2018 Deep Learning for Visual SLAM Workshop (DL4VSLAM2018
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