3 research outputs found

    Intensity based image registration of satellite images using evolutionary techniques

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    Image registration is the fundamental image processing technique to determine geometrical transformation that gives the most accurate match between reference and floating images. Its main aim is to align two images. Satellite images to be fused for numerous applications must be registered before use. The main challenges in satellite image registration are finding out the optimum transformation parameters. Here in this work the non-alignment parameters are considered to be rigid and affine transformation. An intensity based satellite image registration technique is being used to register the floating image to the native co-ordinate system where the normalized mutual information (NMI) is taken as the similarity metric for optimizing and updating transform parameters. Because of no assumptions are made regarding the nature of the relationship between the image intensities in both modalities NMI is very general and powerful and can be applied automatically without prior segmentation on a large variety of data and as well works better for overlapped images as compared to mutual information(MI). In order to get maximum accuracy of registration the NMI is optimized using Genetic algorithm, particle swarm optimization and hybrid GA-PSO. The random initialization and computational complexity makes GA oppressive, whereas weak local search ability with a premature convergence is the main drawback of PSO. Hybrid GA-PSO makes a trade-off between the local and global search in order to achieve a better balance between convergence speed and computational complexity. The above registration algorithm is being validated with several satellite data sets. The hybrid GA-PSO outperforms in terms of optimized NMI value and percentage of mis-registration error

    A Rigid Image Registration Based on the Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform and Genetic Algorithms

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    Image registration is a fundamental task used in image processing to match two or more images taken at different times, from different sensors or from different viewpoints. The objective is to find in a huge search space of geometric transformations, an acceptable accurate solution in a reasonable time to provide better registered images. Exhaustive search is computationally expensive and the computational cost increases exponentially with the number of transformation parameters and the size of the data set. In this work, we present an efficient image registration algorithm that uses genetic algorithms within a multi-resolution framework based on the Non-Subsampled Contourlet Transform (NSCT). An adaptable genetic algorithm for registration is adopted in order to minimize the search space. This approach is used within a hybrid scheme applying the two techniques fitness sharing and elitism. Two NSCT based methods are proposed for registration. A comparative study is established between these methods and a wavelet based one. Because the NSCT is a shift-invariant multidirectional transform, the second method is adopted for its search speeding up property. Simulation results clearly show that both proposed techniques are really promising methods for image registration compared to the wavelet approach, while the second technique has led to the best performance results of all. Moreover, to demonstrate the effectiveness of these methods, these registration techniques have been successfully applied to register SPOT, IKONOS and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images. The algorithm has been shown to work perfectly well for multi-temporal satellite images as well, even in the presence of noise

    Genetic algorithm for automatic optical inspection

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