5 research outputs found

    A Software-Defined Multi-Element VLC Architecture

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    In the modern era of radio frequency (RF) spectrum crunch, visible light communication (VLC) is a recent and promising alternative technology that operates at the visible light spectrum. Thanks to its unlicensed and large bandwidth, VLC can deliver high throughput, better energy efficiency, and low cost data communications. In this article, a hybrid RF/VLC architecture is considered that can simultaneously provide light- ing and communication coverage across a room. Considered architecture involves a novel multi-element hemispherical bulb design, which can transmit multiple data streams over light emitting diode (LED) modules. Simulations considering various VLC transmitter configurations and topologies show that good link quality and high spatial reuse can be maintained in typical indoor communication scenarios

    Gesti贸n telem谩tica, mediante canal inal谩mbrico, de drivers de l谩mparas inteligentes para emisi贸n/recepci贸n de c贸digos 贸pticos.

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    El presente Trabajo Fin de Grado tiene por objetivo la realizaci贸n de una herramienta de gesti贸n telem谩tica capaz de desarrollar un algoritmo para el emplazamiento 贸ptimo de bombillas o focos y de los c贸digos que estos tienen que emitir, para desarrollar un sistema de posicionamiento local en interiores (IPS) mediante la iluminaci贸n artificial del edificio. Este trabajo es parte de un proyecto que pretende desarrollar una aplicaci贸n de posicionamiento en interiores (a modo de GPS en interiores) y que para ello utilice como balizas las propias bombillas de iluminaci贸n del edificio, que ser谩n moduladas convenientemente. Como ejemplo de edificio para el desarrollo del prototipo se usar谩 el Museo Provincial de Guadalajara. En primer lugar, realizaremos un estudio sobre la detecci贸n de las frecuencias a utilizar (c贸digos a emitir desde las bombillas) en la c谩mara de dispositivos m贸viles. Utilizaremos MATLAB para estudiar la informaci贸n captada y llegar a una conclusi贸n sobre qu茅 frecuencias y combinaci贸n de estas debemos emitir. En segundo lugar, nos dedicaremos al desarrollo de un algoritmo de ubicaci贸n eficiente y fiable, con ayuda de MATLAB, que nos permita distribuir los diferentes focos emisores de c贸digos a lo largo y ancho de las plantas del museo. Realizaremos una base de datos que sea accesible para todos los dispositivos de los visitantes al museo, ya que ser谩 necesario que acceda a ella la aplicaci贸n de posicionamiento. Dicha base de datos contendr谩 la asignaci贸n de c贸digos a las bombillas de cada posici贸n del entorno. Una vez asignados los c贸digos, se programar谩 cada bombilla (cuyo controlador driver ha sido dise帽ado en el proyecto y cuenta con comunicaci贸n wifi) mediante la red wifi del edificio. Por 煤ltimo, realizaremos una peque帽a interfaz gr谩fica que sea capaz de gestionar y editar la base de datos para el env铆o de c贸digos hacia las l谩mparas inteligentes.The objective of this Final Degree Project is to create a telematics management tool capable of developing an algorithm for the optimal placement of bulbs or spotlights and the codes that they have to emit, to develop a local indoors positioning system (IPS) by artificial lighting of the building. This work is part of a project that aims to develop an indoor positioning application (like indoor GPS) and to use the building's own lighting bulbs as beacons, which will be suitably modulated. As an example of a building for the development of the prototype, the Provincial Museum of Guadalajara will be used. First, we will carry out a study on the detection of the frequencies to be used (codes to be emitted from the bulbs), in the camera of mobile devices. We will use MATLAB to study the information captured and reach a conclusion about which frequencies and combination of these we should emit. Secondly, we will dedicate ourselves to the development of an efficient and reliable location algorithm, with the help of MATLAB, that allows us to distribute the different code-emitting sources throughout the museum's floors. We will create a database that is accessible to all museum visitors' devices, since it will be necessary for the positioning application to access it. This database will contain the assignment of codes to the bulbs of each position in the environment. Once the codes have been assigned, each bulb (whose driver has been designed in the project and has Wi-Fi communication) will be programmed through the building's Wi-Fi network. Finally, we will create a small graphical interface that can manage and edit the database for sending codes to smart lamps.Grado en Ingenier铆a en Tecnolog铆as de Telecomunicaci贸