3 research outputs found

    Higher Order Temporal Analysis of Global Terrorism Data

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    Temporal networks are a fundamental and flexible way of describing the activities, relationships, and evolution of any complex system. Global terrorism is one of the biggest concerns of recent times. It is also an example of a temporal network that evolves over time. Graph analytics can be used to explore salient properties of the terrorism network to understand its modus operandi, which can be used by the global alliance of security and government entities to form a co-ordinated response to this threat. We present graph based analysis to understand temporal evolution of global terrorism using the Global Terrorism Database (GTD).Comment: 2019 IEEE Big Data Conference, 3rd workshop on Graph Techniques for Adversarial Activity Analytic

    Semantic Property Graph for Scalable Knowledge Graph Analytics

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    Graphs are a natural and fundamental representation of describing the activities, relationships, and evolution of various complex systems. Many domains such as communication, citation, procurement, biology, social media, and transportation can be modeled as a set of entities and their relationships. Resource Description Framework (RDF) and Labeled Property Graph (LPG) are two of the most used data models to encode information in a graph. Both models are similar in terms of using basic graph elements such as nodes and edges but differ in terms of modeling approach, expressibility, serialization, and target applications. RDF is a flexible data exchange model for expressing information about entities but it tends to a have high memory footprint and inefficient storage, which does not make it a natural choice to perform scalable graph analytics. In contrast, LPG has gained traction as a reliable model in performing scalable graph analytic tasks such as sub-graph matching, network alignment, and real-time knowledge graph query. It provides efficient storage, fast traversal, and flexibility to model various real-world domains. At the same time, the LPGs lack the support of a formal knowledge representation such as an ontology to provide automated knowledge inference. We propose Semantic Property Graph (SPG) as a logical projection of reified RDF into LPG model. SPG continues to use RDF ontology to define type hierarchy of the projected graph and validate it against a given ontology. We present a framework to convert reified RDF graphs into SPG using two different computing environments. We also present cloud-based graph migration capabilities using Amazon Web Services

    ITeM: Independent Temporal Motifs to Summarize and Compare Temporal Networks

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    Networks are a fundamental and flexible way of representing various complex systems. Many domains such as communication, citation, procurement, biology, social media, and transportation can be modeled as a set of entities and their relationships. Temporal networks are a specialization of general networks where the temporal evolution of the system is as important to understand as the structure of the entities and relationships. We present the Independent Temporal Motif (ITeM) to characterize temporal graphs from different domains. The ITeMs are edge-disjoint temporal motifs that can be used to model the structure and the evolution of the graph. For a given temporal graph, we produce a feature vector of ITeM frequencies and apply this distribution to the task of measuring the similarity of temporal graphs. We show that ITeM has higher accuracy than other motif frequency-based approaches. We define various metrics based on ITeM that reveal salient properties of a temporal network. We also present importance sampling as a method for efficiently estimating the ITeM counts. We evaluate our approach on both synthetic and real temporal networks