23 research outputs found

    Multi-center federated learning: clients clustering for better personalization

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    Personalized decision-making can be implemented in a Federated learning (FL) framework that can collaboratively train a decision model by extracting knowledge across intelligent clients, e.g. smartphones or enterprises. FL can mitigate the data privacy risk of collaborative training since it merely collects local gradients from users without access to their data. However, FL is fragile in the presence of statistical heterogeneity that is commonly encountered in personalized decision making, e.g., non-IID data over different clients. Existing FL approaches usually update a single global model to capture the shared knowledge of all users by aggregating their gradients, regardless of the discrepancy between their data distributions. By comparison, a mixture of multiple global models could capture the heterogeneity across various clients if assigning the client to different global models (i.e., centers) in FL. To this end, we propose a novel multi-center aggregation mechanism to cluster clients using their models’ parameters. It learns multiple global models from data as the cluster centers, and simultaneously derives the optimal matching between users and centers. We then formulate it as an optimization problem that can be efficiently solved by a stochastic expectation maximization (EM) algorithm. Experiments on multiple benchmark datasets of FL show that our method outperforms several popular baseline methods. The experimental source codes are publicly available on the Github repository (GitHub repository: https://github.com/mingxuts/multi-center-fed-learning)

    Federated Learning with Intermediate Representation Regularization

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    In contrast to centralized model training that involves data collection, federated learning (FL) enables remote clients to collaboratively train a model without exposing their private data. However, model performance usually degrades in FL due to the heterogeneous data generated by clients of diverse characteristics. One promising strategy to maintain good performance is by limiting the local training from drifting far away from the global model. Previous studies accomplish this by regularizing the distance between the representations learned by the local and global models. However, they only consider representations from the early layers of a model or the layer preceding the output layer. In this study, we introduce FedIntR, which provides a more fine-grained regularization by integrating the representations of intermediate layers into the local training process. Specifically, FedIntR computes a regularization term that encourages the closeness between the intermediate layer representations of the local and global models. Additionally, FedIntR automatically determines the contribution of each layer's representation to the regularization term based on the similarity between local and global representations. We conduct extensive experiments on various datasets to show that FedIntR can achieve equivalent or higher performance compared to the state-of-the-art approaches. Our code is available at https://github.com/YLTun/FedIntR.Comment: IEEE BigComp 202

    Dynamic Heterogeneous Federated Learning with Multi-Level Prototypes

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    Federated learning shows promise as a privacy-preserving collaborative learning technique. Existing heterogeneous federated learning mainly focuses on skewing the label distribution across clients. However, most approaches suffer from catastrophic forgetting and concept drift, mainly when the global distribution of all classes is extremely unbalanced and the data distribution of the client dynamically evolves over time. In this paper, we study the new task, i.e., Dynamic Heterogeneous Federated Learning (DHFL), which addresses the practical scenario where heterogeneous data distributions exist among different clients and dynamic tasks within the client. Accordingly, we propose a novel federated learning framework named Federated Multi-Level Prototypes (FedMLP) and design federated multi-level regularizations. To mitigate concept drift, we construct prototypes and semantic prototypes to provide fruitful generalization knowledge and ensure the continuity of prototype spaces. To maintain the model stability and consistency of convergence, three regularizations are introduced as training losses, i.e., prototype-based regularization, semantic prototype-based regularization, and federated inter-task regularization. Extensive experiments show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance in various settings

    REPA: Client Clustering without Training and Data Labels for Improved Federated Learning in Non-IID Settings

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    Clustering clients into groups that exhibit relatively homogeneous data distributions represents one of the major means of improving the performance of federated learning (FL) in non-independent and identically distributed (non-IID) data settings. Yet, the applicability of current state-of-the-art approaches remains limited as these approaches cluster clients based on information, such as the evolution of local model parameters, that is only obtainable through actual on-client training. On the other hand, there is a need to make FL models available to clients who are not able to perform the training themselves, as they do not have the processing capabilities required for training, or simply want to use the model without participating in the training. Furthermore, the existing alternative approaches that avert the training still require that individual clients have a sufficient amount of labeled data upon which the clustering is based, essentially assuming that each client is a data annotator. In this paper, we present REPA, an approach to client clustering in non-IID FL settings that requires neither training nor labeled data collection. REPA uses a novel supervised autoencoder-based method to create embeddings that profile a client's underlying data-generating processes without exposing the data to the server and without requiring local training. Our experimental analysis over three different datasets demonstrates that REPA delivers state-of-the-art model performance while expanding the applicability of cluster-based FL to previously uncovered use cases

    Speeding up Heterogeneous Federated Learning with Sequentially Trained Superclients

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    Federated Learning (FL) allows training machine learning models in privacy-constrained scenarios by enabling the cooperation of edge devices without requiring local data sharing. This approach raises several challenges due to the different statistical distribution of the local datasets and the clients' computational heterogeneity. In particular, the presence of highly non-i.i.d. data severely impairs both the performance of the trained neural network and its convergence rate, increasing the number of communication rounds requested to reach a performance comparable to that of the centralized scenario. As a solution, we propose FedSeq, a novel framework leveraging the sequential training of subgroups of heterogeneous clients, i.e. superclients, to emulate the centralized paradigm in a privacy-compliant way. Given a fixed budget of communication rounds, we show that FedSeq outperforms or match several state-of-the-art federated algorithms in terms of final performance and speed of convergence. Finally, our method can be easily integrated with other approaches available in the literature. Empirical results show that combining existing algorithms with FedSeq further improves its final performance and convergence speed. We test our method on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 and prove its effectiveness in both i.i.d. and non-i.i.d. scenarios.Comment: Published at the 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2022, pp. 3376-338

    Cluster-driven Graph Federated Learning over Multiple Domains

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    Federated Learning (FL) deals with learning a central model (i.e. the server) in privacy-constrained scenarios, where data are stored on multiple devices (i.e. the clients). The central model has no direct access to the data, but only to the updates of the parameters computed locally by each client. This raises a problem, known as statistical heterogeneity, because the clients may have different data distributions (i.e. domains). This is only partly alleviated by clustering the clients. Clustering may reduce heterogeneity by identifying the domains, but it deprives each cluster model of the data and supervision of others. Here we propose a novel Cluster-driven Graph Federated Learning (FedCG). In FedCG, clustering serves to address statistical heterogeneity, while Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) enable sharing knowledge across them. FedCG: i) identifies the domains via an FL-compliant clustering and instantiates domain-specific modules (residual branches) for each domain; ii) connects the domain-specific modules through a GCN at training to learn the interactions among domains and share knowledge; and iii) learns to cluster unsupervised via teacher-student classifier-training iterations and to address novel unseen test domains via their domain soft-assignment scores. Thanks to the unique interplay of GCN over clusters, FedCG achieves the state-of-the-art on multiple FL benchmarks

    When Federated Recommendation Meets Cold-Start Problem: Separating Item Attributes and User Interactions

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    Federated recommendation system usually trains a global model on the server without direct access to users' private data on their own devices. However, this separation of the recommendation model and users' private data poses a challenge in providing quality service, particularly when it comes to new items, namely cold-start recommendations in federated settings. This paper introduces a novel method called Item-aligned Federated Aggregation (IFedRec) to address this challenge. It is the first research work in federated recommendation to specifically study the cold-start scenario. The proposed method learns two sets of item representations by leveraging item attributes and interaction records simultaneously. Additionally, an item representation alignment mechanism is designed to align two item representations and learn the meta attribute network at the server within a federated learning framework. Experiments on four benchmark datasets demonstrate IFedRec's superior performance for cold-start scenarios. Furthermore, we also verify IFedRec owns good robustness when the system faces limited client participation and noise injection, which brings promising practical application potential in privacy-protection enhanced federated recommendation systems. The implementation code is availableComment: Accepted as a regular paper of WWW'2