5 research outputs found

    Multi-antenna Enabled Cluster-based Cooperation in Wireless Powered Communication Networks

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    In this paper, we consider a wireless powered communication network (WPCN) consisting of a multi-antenna hybrid access point (HAP) that transfers wireless energy to and receives sensing data from a cluster of low-power wireless devices (WDs). To enhance the throughput performance of some far-away WDs, we allow one of the WDs to act as the cluster head (CH) that helps forward the messages of the other cluster members (CMs). However, the performance of the proposed cluster-based cooperation is fundamentally limited by the high energy consumption of the CH, who needs to transmit all the WDs' messages including its own. To tackle this issue, we exploit the capability of multi-antenna energy beamforming (EB) at the HAP, which can focus more transferred power to the CH to balance its energy consumption in assisting the other WDs. Specifically, we first derive the throughput performance of each individual WD under the proposed scheme. Then, we jointly optimize the EB design, the transmit time allocation among the HAP and the WDs, and the transmit power allocation of the CH to maximize the minimum data rate achievable among all the WDs (the max-min throughput) for improved throughput fairness among the WDs. An efficient optimal algorithm is proposed to solve the joint optimization problem. Moreover, we simulate under practical network setups and show that the proposed multi-antenna enabled cluster-based cooperation can effectively improve the throughput fairness of WPCN.Comment: This paper has been accepted for publication by IEEE ACCESS journal in July 201

    Reusing Wireless Power Transfer for Backscatter-assisted Cooperation in WPCN

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    This paper studies a novel user cooperation method in a wireless powered communication network (WPCN), where a pair of closely located devices first harvest wireless energy from an energy node (EN) and then use the harvested energy to transmit information to an access point (AP). In particular, we consider the two energy-harvesting users exchanging their messages and then transmitting cooperatively to the AP using space-time block codes. Interestingly, we exploit the short distance between the two users and allow the information exchange to be achieved by energy-conserving backscatter technique. Meanwhile the considered backscatter-assisted method can effectively reuse wireless power transfer for simultaneous information exchange during the energy harvesting phase. Specifically, we maximize the common throughput through optimizing the time allocation on energy and information transmission. Simulation results show that the proposed user cooperation scheme can effectively improve the throughput fairness compared to some representative benchmark methods.Comment: The paper has been accepted for publication in MLICOM 201

    Optimizing Throughput Fairness of Cluster-based Cooperation in Underlay Cognitive WPCNs

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    In this paper, we consider a secondary wireless powered communication network (WPCN) underlaid to a primary point-to-point communication link. The WPCN consists of a multi-antenna hybrid access point (HAP) that transfers wireless energy to a cluster of low-power wireless devices (WDs) and receives sensing data from them. To tackle the inherent severe user unfairness problem in WPCN, we consider a cluster-based cooperation where a WD acts as the cluster head that relays the information of the other WDs. Besides, we apply energy beamforming technique to balance the dissimilar energy consumptions of the WDs to further improve the fairness. However, the use of energy beamforming and cluster-based cooperation may introduce more severe interference to the primary system than the WDs transmit independently. To guarantee the performance of primary system, we consider an interference-temperature constraint to the primary system and derive the throughput performance of each WD under the peak interference-temperature constraint. To achieve maximum throughput fairness, we jointly optimize the energy beamforming design, the transmit time allocation among the HAP and the WDs, and the transmit power allocation of each WD to maximize the minimum data rate achievable among the WDs (the max-min throughput). We show that the non-convex joint optimization problem can be transformed to a convex one and then be efficiently solved using off-the-shelf convex algorithms. Moreover, we simulate under practical network setups and show that the proposed method can effectively improve the throughput fairness of the secondary WPCN, meanwhile guaranteeing the communication quality of the primary network.Comment: The paper has been submitted for potential journal publication. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1707.0320

    Collaborative Computation Offloading in Wireless Powered Mobile-Edge Computing Systems

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    This paper studies a novel user cooperation model in a wireless powered mobile edge computing system where two wireless users harvest wireless power transferred by one energy node and can offload part of their computation tasks to an edge server (ES) for remote execution. In particular, we consider that the direct communication link between one user to the ES is blocked, such that the other user acts as a relay to forward its offloading data to the server. Meanwhile, instead of forwarding all the received task data, we also allow the helping user to compute part of the received task locally to reduce the potentially high energy and time cost on task offloading to the ES. Our aim is to maximize the amount of data that can be processed within a given time frame of the two users by jointly optimizing the amount of task data computed at each device (users and ES), the system time allocation, the transmit power and CPU frequency of the users. We propose an efficient method to find the optimal solution and show that the proposed user cooperation can effectively enhance the computation performance of the system compared to other representative benchmark methods under different scenarios.Comment: The paper is accepted for publication by IEEE GLOBECOM 2019, at Waikoloa, HI, USA, in Dec. 201

    Reusing Wireless Power Transfer for Backscatter-assisted Relaying in WPCNs

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    User cooperation is an effective technique to tackle the severe near-far user unfairness problem in wireless powered communication networks (WPCNs). In this paper, we consider a WPCN where two collaborating wireless devices (WDs) first harvest wireless energy from a hybrid access point (HAP) and then transmit their information to the HAP. The WD with the stronger WD-to-HAP channel helps relay the message of the other weaker user. In particular, we exploit the use of ambient backscatter communication during the wireless energy transfer phase, where the weaker user backscatters the received energy signal to transmit its information to the relay user in a passive manner. By doing so, the relay user can reuse the energy signal for simultaneous energy harvesting and information decoding (e.g., using an energy detector). Compared to active information transmission in conventional WPCNs, the proposed method effectively saves the energy and time consumed by the weaker user on information transmission during cooperation. With the proposed backscatter-assisted relaying scheme, we jointly optimize the time and power allocations on wireless energy and information transmissions to maximize the common throughput. Specifically, we derive the semi-closed-form expressions of the optimal solution and propose a low-complexity optimal algorithm to solve the joint optimization problem. By comparing with some representative benchmark methods, we simulate under extensive network setups and demonstrate that the proposed cooperation method effectively improves the throughput performance in WPCNs.Comment: This paper has been submitted for potential journal publicatio