6,889 research outputs found

    Particle energization through time-periodic helical magnetic fields

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    We solve for the motion of charged particles in a helical time-periodic ABC (Arnold-Beltrami-Childress) magnetic field. The magnetic field lines of a stationary ABC field with coefficients A=B=C=1A=B=C=1 are chaotic, and we show that the motion of a charged particle in such a field is also chaotic at late times with positive Lyapunov exponent. We further show that in time-periodic ABC fields, the kinetic energy of a charged particle can increase indefinitely with time. At late times the mean kinetic energy grows as a power law in time with an exponent that approaches unity. For an initial distribution of particles, whose kinetic energy is uniformly distributed within some interval, the PDF of kinetic energy is, at late times, close to a Gaussian but with steeper tails.Comment: uses Revtex 4 instead of Revtex 4-

    Exact three dimensional black hole with gauge fields in string theory

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    We have obtained exact three dimensional BTZ type solutions with gauge fields, for string theory on a gauge symmetric gravitational background constructed from semi-simple extension of the Poincare algebra (and the Maxwell algebra) in 2 + 1 dimensions. We have studied the models for two non-Abelian and Abelian gauge fields solutions and shown that the related sigma models for each of these backgrounds is a SL(2;R) WZW (Wess-Zumino-Witten) model and that they are classically canonically equivalent. We have also obtained the dual solution for the Abelian case and by interpreting the new field strength tensors of the Abelian solution as electromagnetic field strength tensors shown that dual models coincide with the charged black string solution.Comment: 11 pages. Appendix and two references are adde

    Conformal Invariance and Electrodynamics: Applications and General Formalism

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    The role of the conformal group in electrodynamics in four space-time dimensions is re-examined. As a pedagogic example we use the application of conformal transformations to find the electromagnetic field for a charged particle moving with a constant relativistic acceleration from the Coulomb electric field for the particle at rest. We also re-consider the reformulation of Maxwell's equations on the projective cone, which is isomorphic to a conformal compactification on Minkowski space, so that conformal transformations, belonging to the group O(4,2), are realised linearly. The resulting equations are different from those postulated previously and respect additional gauge invariances which play an essential role in ensuring consistency with conventional electrodynamics on Minkowski space. The solution on the projective cone corresponding to a constantly accelerating charged particle is discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure, plain tex, uses harvmac, eps

    Gravitational non-commutativity and G\"odel-like spacetimes

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    We derive general conditions under which geodesics of stationary spacetimes resemble trajectories of charged particles in an electromagnetic field. For large curvatures (analogous to strong magnetic fields), the quantum mechanicical states of these particles are confined to gravitational analogs of {\it lowest Landau levels}. Furthermore, there is an effective non-commutativity between their spatial coordinates. We point out that the Som-Raychaudhuri and G\"odel spacetime and its generalisations are precisely of the above type and compute the effective non-commutativities that they induce. We show that the non-commutativity for G\"odel spacetime is identical to that on the fuzzy sphere. Finally, we show how the star product naturally emerges in Som-Raychaudhuri spacetimes.Comment: Two sections added (Relation to the fuzzy sphere, Emergence of the star product). 10 pages, Revtex. To appear in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Three Dimensional Pseudo-Spectral Compressible Magnetohydrodynamic GPU Code for Astrophysical Plasma Simulation

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    This paper presents the benchmarking and scaling studies of a GPU accelerated three dimensional compressible magnetohydrodynamic code. The code is developed keeping an eye to explain the large and intermediate scale magnetic field generation is cosmos as well as in nuclear fusion reactors in the light of the theory given by Eugene Newman Parker. The spatial derivatives of the code are pseudo-spectral method based and the time solvers are explicit. GPU acceleration is achieved with minimal code changes through OpenACC parallelization and use of NVIDIA CUDA Fast Fourier Transform library (cuFFT). NVIDIAs unified memory is leveraged to enable over-subscription of the GPU device memory for seamless out-of-core processing of large grids. Our experimental results indicate that the GPU accelerated code is able to achieve upto two orders of magnitude speedup over a corresponding OpenMP parallel, FFTW library based code, on a NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPU. For large grids that require out-of-core processing on the GPU, we see a 7x speedup over the OpenMP, FFTW based code, on the Tesla P100 GPU. We also present performance analysis of the GPU accelerated code on different GPU architectures - Kepler, Pascal and Volta

    Killing tensors and a new geometric duality

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    We present a theorem describing a dual relation between the local geometry of a space admitting a symmetric second-rank Killing tensor, and the local geometry of a space with a metric specified by this Killing tensor. The relation can be generalized to spinning spaces, but only at the expense of introducing torsion. This introduces new supersymmetries in their geometry. Interesting examples in four dimensions include the Kerr-Newman metric of spinning black-holes and self-dual Taub-NUT.Comment: 20 pages (a4), standard LaTeX, no figure

    Electroelasticity of Charged Black Branes

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    We present the first-order corrected dynamics of fluid branes carrying higher-form charge by obtaining the general form of their equations of motion to pole-dipole order. Assuming linear response theory, we characterize the corresponding effective theory of stationary bent charged (an)isotropic fluid branes in terms of two sets of response coefficients, the Young modulus and the piezoelectric moduli. We subsequently find large classes of examples in gravity of this effective theory, by constructing stationary strained charged black brane solutions to first order in a derivative expansion. Using solution generating techniques and bent neutral black branes as a seed solution, we obtain a class of charged black brane geometries carrying smeared Maxwell charge in Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity. In the specific case of ten-dimensional space-time we furthermore use T-duality to generate bent black branes with higher-form charge, including smeared D-branes of type II string theory. By subsequently measuring the bending moment and the electric dipole moment which these geometries acquire due to the strain, we uncover that their form is captured by classical electroelasticity theory. In particular, we find that the Young modulus and the piezoelectric moduli of our strained charged black brane solutions are parameterized by a total of 4 response coefficients, both for the isotropic as well as anisotropic cases.Comment: v2: 40pp; typos fixe
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