76 research outputs found

    Motion Planning Networks

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    Fast and efficient motion planning algorithms are crucial for many state-of-the-art robotics applications such as self-driving cars. Existing motion planning methods become ineffective as their computational complexity increases exponentially with the dimensionality of the motion planning problem. To address this issue, we present Motion Planning Networks (MPNet), a neural network-based novel planning algorithm. The proposed method encodes the given workspaces directly from a point cloud measurement and generates the end-to-end collision-free paths for the given start and goal configurations. We evaluate MPNet on various 2D and 3D environments including the planning of a 7 DOF Baxter robot manipulator. The results show that MPNet is not only consistently computationally efficient in all environments but also generalizes to completely unseen environments. The results also show that the computation time of MPNet consistently remains less than 1 second in all presented experiments, which is significantly lower than existing state-of-the-art motion planning algorithms.Comment: Paper published in ICRA'1

    Constrained Motion Planning Networks X

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    Constrained motion planning is a challenging field of research, aiming for computationally efficient methods that can find a collision-free path on the constraint manifolds between a given start and goal configuration. These planning problems come up surprisingly frequently, such as in robot manipulation for performing daily life assistive tasks. However, few solutions to constrained motion planning are available, and those that exist struggle with high computational time complexity in finding a path solution on the manifolds. To address this challenge, we present Constrained Motion Planning Networks X (CoMPNetX). It is a neural planning approach, comprising a conditional deep neural generator and discriminator with neural gradients-based fast projection operator. We also introduce neural task and scene representations conditioned on which the CoMPNetX generates implicit manifold configurations to turbo-charge any underlying classical planner such as Sampling-based Motion Planning methods for quickly solving complex constrained planning tasks. We show that our method finds path solutions with high success rates and lower computation times than state-of-the-art traditional path-finding tools on various challenging scenarios.Comment: This is preprint version of a paper published in IEEE Transactions on Robotics. The videos, code, dataset and trained models can be found here: https://sites.google.com/view/compnetx/hom

    Dynamically Constrained Motion Planning Networks for Non-Holonomic Robots

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    Reliable real-time planning for robots is essential in today's rapidly expanding automated ecosystem. In such environments, traditional methods that plan by relaxing constraints become unreliable or slow-down for kinematically constrained robots. This paper describes the algorithm Dynamic Motion Planning Networks (Dynamic MPNet), an extension to Motion Planning Networks, for non-holonomic robots that address the challenge of real-time motion planning using a neural planning approach. We propose modifications to the training and planning networks that make it possible for real-time planning while improving the data efficiency of training and trained models' generalizability. We evaluate our model in simulation for planning tasks for a non-holonomic robot. We also demonstrate experimental results for an indoor navigation task using a Dubins car.Comment: Accepted for IROS 202

    Motion Planning Networks: Bridging the Gap Between Learning-based and Classical Motion Planners

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    This paper describes Motion Planning Networks (MPNet), a computationally efficient, learning-based neural planner for solving motion planning problems. MPNet uses neural networks to learn general near-optimal heuristics for path planning in seen and unseen environments. It takes environment information such as raw point-cloud from depth sensors, as well as a robot's initial and desired goal configurations and recursively calls itself to bidirectionally generate connectable paths. In addition to finding directly connectable and near-optimal paths in a single pass, we show that worst-case theoretical guarantees can be proven if we merge this neural network strategy with classical sample-based planners in a hybrid approach while still retaining significant computational and optimality improvements. To train the MPNet models, we present an active continual learning approach that enables MPNet to learn from streaming data and actively ask for expert demonstrations when needed, drastically reducing data for training. We validate MPNet against gold-standard and state-of-the-art planning methods in a variety of problems from 2D to 7D robot configuration spaces in challenging and cluttered environments, with results showing significant and consistently stronger performance metrics, and motivating neural planning in general as a modern strategy for solving motion planning problems efficiently.Comment: Supplementary material including implementation parameters and project videos are available at https://sites.google.com/view/mpnet/home. This work has been accepted for publication at IEEE Transactions on Robotic

    MPC-MPNet: Model-Predictive Motion Planning Networks for Fast, Near-Optimal Planning under Kinodynamic Constraints

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    Kinodynamic Motion Planning (KMP) is to find a robot motion subject to concurrent kinematics and dynamics constraints. To date, quite a few methods solve KMP problems and those that exist struggle to find near-optimal solutions and exhibit high computational complexity as the planning space dimensionality increases. To address these challenges, we present a scalable, imitation learning-based, Model-Predictive Motion Planning Networks framework that quickly finds near-optimal path solutions with worst-case theoretical guarantees under kinodynamic constraints for practical underactuated systems. Our framework introduces two algorithms built on a neural generator, discriminator, and a parallelizable Model Predictive Controller (MPC). The generator outputs various informed states towards the given target, and the discriminator selects the best possible subset from them for the extension. The MPC locally connects the selected informed states while satisfying the given constraints leading to feasible, near-optimal solutions. We evaluate our algorithms on a range of cluttered, kinodynamically constrained, and underactuated planning problems with results indicating significant improvements in computation times, path qualities, and success rates over existing methods

    Neural Manipulation Planning on Constraint Manifolds

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    The presence of task constraints imposes a significant challenge to motion planning. Despite all recent advancements, existing algorithms are still computationally expensive for most planning problems. In this paper, we present Constrained Motion Planning Networks (CoMPNet), the first neural planner for multimodal kinematic constraints. Our approach comprises the following components: i) constraint and environment perception encoders; ii) neural robot configuration generator that outputs configurations on/near the constraint manifold(s), and iii) a bidirectional planning algorithm that takes the generated configurations to create a feasible robot motion trajectory. We show that CoMPNet solves practical motion planning tasks involving both unconstrained and constrained problems. Furthermore, it generalizes to new unseen locations of the objects, i.e., not seen during training, in the given environments with high success rates. When compared to the state-of-the-art constrained motion planning algorithms, CoMPNet outperforms by order of magnitude improvement in computational speed with a significantly lower variance.Comment: This is the preprint version of the paper published at IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 202

    Learning to Plan in High Dimensions via Neural Exploration-Exploitation Trees

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    We propose a meta path planning algorithm named \emph{Neural Exploration-Exploitation Trees~(NEXT)} for learning from prior experience for solving new path planning problems in high dimensional continuous state and action spaces. Compared to more classical sampling-based methods like RRT, our approach achieves much better sample efficiency in high-dimensions and can benefit from prior experience of planning in similar environments. More specifically, NEXT exploits a novel neural architecture which can learn promising search directions from problem structures. The learned prior is then integrated into a UCB-type algorithm to achieve an online balance between \emph{exploration} and \emph{exploitation} when solving a new problem. We conduct thorough experiments to show that NEXT accomplishes new planning problems with more compact search trees and significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods on several benchmarks.Comment: 26 pages, 74 figures, ICLR 2020 spotligh

    Deeply Informed Neural Sampling for Robot Motion Planning

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    Sampling-based Motion Planners (SMPs) have become increasingly popular as they provide collision-free path solutions regardless of obstacle geometry in a given environment. However, their computational complexity increases significantly with the dimensionality of the motion planning problem. Adaptive sampling is one of the ways to speed up SMPs by sampling a particular region of a configuration space that is more likely to contain an optimal path solution. Although there are a wide variety of algorithms for adaptive sampling, they rely on hand-crafted heuristics; furthermore, their performance decreases significantly in high-dimensional spaces. In this paper, we present a neural network-based adaptive sampler for motion planning called Deep Sampling-based Motion Planner (DeepSMP). DeepSMP generates samples for SMPs and enhances their overall speed significantly while exhibiting efficient scalability to higher-dimensional problems. DeepSMP's neural architecture comprises of a Contractive AutoEncoder which encodes given workspaces directly from a raw point cloud data, and a Dropout-based stochastic deep feedforward neural network which takes the workspace encoding, start and goal configuration, and iteratively generates feasible samples for SMPs to compute end-to-end collision-free optimal paths. DeepSMP is not only consistently computationally efficient in all tested environments but has also shown remarkable generalization to completely unseen environments. We evaluate DeepSMP on multiple planning problems including planning of a point-mass robot, rigid-body, 6-link robotic manipulator in various 2D and 3D environments. The results show that on average our method is at least 7 times faster in point-mass and rigid-body case and about 28 times faster in 6-link robot case than the existing state-of-the-art.Comment: 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and System

    Neural Path Planning: Fixed Time, Near-Optimal Path Generation via Oracle Imitation

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    Fast and efficient path generation is critical for robots operating in complex environments. This motion planning problem is often performed in a robot's actuation or configuration space, where popular pathfinding methods such as A*, RRT*, get exponentially more computationally expensive to execute as the dimensionality increases or the spaces become more cluttered and complex. On the other hand, if one were to save the entire set of paths connecting all pair of locations in the configuration space a priori, one would run out of memory very quickly. In this work, we introduce a novel way of producing fast and optimal motion plans for static environments by using a stepping neural network approach, called OracleNet. OracleNet uses Recurrent Neural Networks to determine end-to-end trajectories in an iterative manner that implicitly generates optimal motion plans with minimal loss in performance in a compact form. The algorithm is straightforward in implementation while consistently generating near-optimal paths in a single, iterative, end-to-end roll-out. In practice, OracleNet generally has fixed-time execution regardless of the configuration space complexity while outperforming popular pathfinding algorithms in complex environments and higher dimension

    Auto-conditioned Recurrent Mixture Density Networks for Learning Generalizable Robot Skills

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    Personal robots assisting humans must perform complex manipulation tasks that are typically difficult to specify in traditional motion planning pipelines, where multiple objectives must be met and the high-level context be taken into consideration. Learning from demonstration (LfD) provides a promising way to learn these kind of complex manipulation skills even from non-technical users. However, it is challenging for existing LfD methods to efficiently learn skills that can generalize to task specifications that are not covered by demonstrations. In this paper, we introduce a state transition model (STM) that generates joint-space trajectories by imitating motions from expert behavior. Given a few demonstrations, we show in real robot experiments that the learned STM can quickly generalize to unseen tasks and synthesize motions having longer time horizons than the expert trajectories. Compared to conventional motion planners, our approach enables the robot to accomplish complex behaviors from high-level instructions without laborious hand-engineering of planning objectives, while being able to adapt to changing goals during the skill execution. In conjunction with a trajectory optimizer, our STM can construct a high-quality skeleton of a trajectory that can be further improved in smoothness and precision. In combination with a learned inverse dynamics model, we additionally present results where the STM is used as a high-level planner. A video of our experiments is available at https://youtu.be/85DX9Ojq-90Comment: Submitted to IROS 201
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