402 research outputs found

    Adversarial Spatio-Temporal Learning for Video Deblurring

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    Camera shake or target movement often leads to undesired blur effects in videos captured by a hand-held camera. Despite significant efforts having been devoted to video-deblur research, two major challenges remain: 1) how to model the spatio-temporal characteristics across both the spatial domain (i.e., image plane) and temporal domain (i.e., neighboring frames), and 2) how to restore sharp image details w.r.t. the conventionally adopted metric of pixel-wise errors. In this paper, to address the first challenge, we propose a DeBLuRring Network (DBLRNet) for spatial-temporal learning by applying a modified 3D convolution to both spatial and temporal domains. Our DBLRNet is able to capture jointly spatial and temporal information encoded in neighboring frames, which directly contributes to improved video deblur performance. To tackle the second challenge, we leverage the developed DBLRNet as a generator in the GAN (generative adversarial network) architecture, and employ a content loss in addition to an adversarial loss for efficient adversarial training. The developed network, which we name as DeBLuRring Generative Adversarial Network (DBLRGAN), is tested on two standard benchmarks and achieves the state-of-the-art performance.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP

    Blind Image Deconvolution using Deep Generative Priors

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    This paper proposes a novel approach to regularize the \textit{ill-posed} and \textit{non-linear} blind image deconvolution (blind deblurring) using deep generative networks as priors. We employ two separate generative models --- one trained to produce sharp images while the other trained to generate blur kernels from lower-dimensional parameters. To deblur, we propose an alternating gradient descent scheme operating in the latent lower-dimensional space of each of the pretrained generative models. Our experiments show promising deblurring results on images even under large blurs, and heavy noise. To address the shortcomings of generative models such as mode collapse, we augment our generative priors with classical image priors and report improved performance on complex image datasets. The deblurring performance depends on how well the range of the generator spans the image class. Interestingly, our experiments show that even an untrained structured (convolutional) generative networks acts as an image prior in the image deblurring context allowing us to extend our results to more diverse natural image datasets

    When Autonomous Systems Meet Accuracy and Transferability through AI: A Survey

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    With widespread applications of artificial intelligence (AI), the capabilities of the perception, understanding, decision-making and control for autonomous systems have improved significantly in the past years. When autonomous systems consider the performance of accuracy and transferability, several AI methods, like adversarial learning, reinforcement learning (RL) and meta-learning, show their powerful performance. Here, we review the learning-based approaches in autonomous systems from the perspectives of accuracy and transferability. Accuracy means that a well-trained model shows good results during the testing phase, in which the testing set shares a same task or a data distribution with the training set. Transferability means that when a well-trained model is transferred to other testing domains, the accuracy is still good. Firstly, we introduce some basic concepts of transfer learning and then present some preliminaries of adversarial learning, RL and meta-learning. Secondly, we focus on reviewing the accuracy or transferability or both of them to show the advantages of adversarial learning, like generative adversarial networks (GANs), in typical computer vision tasks in autonomous systems, including image style transfer, image superresolution, image deblurring/dehazing/rain removal, semantic segmentation, depth estimation, pedestrian detection and person re-identification (re-ID). Then, we further review the performance of RL and meta-learning from the aspects of accuracy or transferability or both of them in autonomous systems, involving pedestrian tracking, robot navigation and robotic manipulation. Finally, we discuss several challenges and future topics for using adversarial learning, RL and meta-learning in autonomous systems

    InverseNet: Solving Inverse Problems with Splitting Networks

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    We propose a new method that uses deep learning techniques to solve the inverse problems. The inverse problem is cast in the form of learning an end-to-end mapping from observed data to the ground-truth. Inspired by the splitting strategy widely used in regularized iterative algorithm to tackle inverse problems, the mapping is decomposed into two networks, with one handling the inversion of the physical forward model associated with the data term and one handling the denoising of the output from the former network, i.e., the inverted version, associated with the prior/regularization term. The two networks are trained jointly to learn the end-to-end mapping, getting rid of a two-step training. The training is annealing as the intermediate variable between these two networks bridges the gap between the input (the degraded version of output) and output and progressively approaches to the ground-truth. The proposed network, referred to as InverseNet, is flexible in the sense that most of the existing end-to-end network structure can be leveraged in the first network and most of the existing denoising network structure can be used in the second one. Extensive experiments on both synthetic data and real datasets on the tasks, motion deblurring, super-resolution, and colorization, demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed method compared with other image processing algorithms

    A Deep Optimization Approach for Image Deconvolution

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    In blind image deconvolution, priors are often leveraged to constrain the solution space, so as to alleviate the under-determinacy. Priors which are trained separately from the task of deconvolution tend to be instable, or ineffective. We propose the Golf Optimizer, a novel but simple form of network that learns deep priors from data with better propagation behavior. Like playing golf, our method first estimates an aggressive propagation towards optimum using one network, and recurrently applies a residual CNN to learn the gradient of prior for delicate correction on restoration. Experiments show that our network achieves competitive performance on GoPro dataset, and our model is extremely lightweight compared with the state-of-art works.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figure

    Gyroscope-Aided Motion Deblurring with Deep Networks

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    We propose a deblurring method that incorporates gyroscope measurements into a convolutional neural network (CNN). With the help of such measurements, it can handle extremely strong and spatially-variant motion blur. At the same time, the image data is used to overcome the limitations of gyro-based blur estimation. To train our network, we also introduce a novel way of generating realistic training data using the gyroscope. The evaluation shows a clear improvement in visual quality over the state-of-the-art while achieving real-time performance. Furthermore, the method is shown to improve the performance of existing feature detectors and descriptors against the motion blur

    Generative Imaging and Image Processing via Generative Encoder

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    This paper introduces a novel generative encoder (GE) model for generative imaging and image processing with applications in compressed sensing and imaging, image compression, denoising, inpainting, deblurring, and super-resolution. The GE model consists of a pre-training phase and a solving phase. In the pre-training phase, we separately train two deep neural networks: a generative adversarial network (GAN) with a generator \G that captures the data distribution of a given image set, and an auto-encoder (AE) network with an encoder \EN that compresses images following the estimated distribution by GAN. In the solving phase, given a noisy image x=P(x∗)x=\mathcal{P}(x^*), where x∗x^* is the target unknown image, P\mathcal{P} is an operator adding an addictive, or multiplicative, or convolutional noise, or equivalently given such an image xx in the compressed domain, i.e., given m=\EN(x), we solve the optimization problem z^*=\underset{z}{\mathrm{argmin}} \|\EN(\G(z))-m\|_2^2+\lambda\|z\|_2^2 to recover the image x∗x^* in a generative way via \hat{x}:=\G(z^*)\approx x^*, where λ>0\lambda>0 is a hyperparameter. The GE model unifies the generative capacity of GANs and the stability of AEs in an optimization framework above instead of stacking GANs and AEs into a single network or combining their loss functions into one as in existing literature. Numerical experiments show that the proposed model outperforms several state-of-the-art algorithms

    Super-resolution MRI through Deep Learning

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is extensively used for diagnosis and image-guided therapeutics. Due to hardware, physical and physiological limitations, acquisition of high-resolution MRI data takes long scan time at high system cost, and could be limited to low spatial coverage and also subject to motion artifacts. Super-resolution MRI can be achieved with deep learning, which is a promising approach and has a great potential for preclinical and clinical imaging. Compared with polynomial interpolation or sparse-coding algorithms, deep learning extracts prior knowledge from big data and produces superior MRI images from a low-resolution counterpart. In this paper, we adapt two state-of-the-art neural network models for CT denoising and deblurring, transfer them for super-resolution MRI, and demonstrate encouraging super-resolution MRI results toward two-fold resolution enhancement

    NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Image and Video Deblurring

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    Motion blur is one of the most common degradation artifacts in dynamic scene photography. This paper reviews the NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Image and Video Deblurring. In this challenge, we present the evaluation results from 3 competition tracks as well as the proposed solutions. Track 1 aims to develop single-image deblurring methods focusing on restoration quality. On Track 2, the image deblurring methods are executed on a mobile platform to find the balance of the running speed and the restoration accuracy. Track 3 targets developing video deblurring methods that exploit the temporal relation between input frames. In each competition, there were 163, 135, and 102 registered participants and in the final testing phase, 9, 4, and 7 teams competed. The winning methods demonstrate the state-ofthe-art performance on image and video deblurring tasks.Comment: To be published in CVPR 2020 Workshop (New Trends in Image Restoration and Enhancement

    Model Adaptation for Inverse Problems in Imaging

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    Deep neural networks have been applied successfully to a wide variety of inverse problems arising in computational imaging. These networks are typically trained using a forward model that describes the measurement process to be inverted, which is often incorporated directly into the network itself. However, these approaches lack robustness to drift of the forward model: if at test time the forward model varies (even slightly) from the one the network was trained for, the reconstruction performance can degrade substantially. Given a network trained to solve an initial inverse problem with a known forward model, we propose two novel procedures that adapt the network to a perturbed forward model, even without full knowledge of the perturbation. Our approaches do not require access to more labeled data (i.e., ground truth images), but only a small set of calibration measurements. We show these simple model adaptation procedures empirically achieve robustness to changes in the forward model in a variety of settings, including deblurring, super-resolution, and undersampled image reconstruction in magnetic resonance imaging
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