28,218 research outputs found

    Mesoscopic organization reveals the constraints governing C. elegans nervous system

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    One of the biggest challenges in biology is to understand how activity at the cellular level of neurons, as a result of their mutual interactions, leads to the observed behavior of an organism responding to a variety of environmental stimuli. Investigating the intermediate or mesoscopic level of organization in the nervous system is a vital step towards understanding how the integration of micro-level dynamics results in macro-level functioning. In this paper, we have considered the somatic nervous system of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, for which the entire neuronal connectivity diagram is known. We focus on the organization of the system into modules, i.e., neuronal groups having relatively higher connection density compared to that of the overall network. We show that this mesoscopic feature cannot be explained exclusively in terms of considerations, such as optimizing for resource constraints (viz., total wiring cost) and communication efficiency (i.e., network path length). Comparison with other complex networks designed for efficient transport (of signals or resources) implies that neuronal networks form a distinct class. This suggests that the principal function of the network, viz., processing of sensory information resulting in appropriate motor response, may be playing a vital role in determining the connection topology. Using modular spectral analysis, we make explicit the intimate relation between function and structure in the nervous system. This is further brought out by identifying functionally critical neurons purely on the basis of patterns of intra- and inter-modular connections. Our study reveals how the design of the nervous system reflects several constraints, including its key functional role as a processor of information.Comment: Published version, Minor modifications, 16 pages, 9 figure

    Max flow vitality in general and stst-planar graphs

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    The \emph{vitality} of an arc/node of a graph with respect to the maximum flow between two fixed nodes ss and tt is defined as the reduction of the maximum flow caused by the removal of that arc/node. In this paper we address the issue of determining the vitality of arcs and/or nodes for the maximum flow problem. We show how to compute the vitality of all arcs in a general undirected graph by solving only 2(n−1)2(n-1) max flow instances and, In stst-planar graphs (directed or undirected) we show how to compute the vitality of all arcs and all nodes in O(n)O(n) worst-case time. Moreover, after determining the vitality of arcs and/or nodes, and given a planar embedding of the graph, we can determine the vitality of a `contiguous' set of arcs/nodes in time proportional to the size of the set.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Network-based ranking in social systems: three challenges

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    Ranking algorithms are pervasive in our increasingly digitized societies, with important real-world applications including recommender systems, search engines, and influencer marketing practices. From a network science perspective, network-based ranking algorithms solve fundamental problems related to the identification of vital nodes for the stability and dynamics of a complex system. Despite the ubiquitous and successful applications of these algorithms, we argue that our understanding of their performance and their applications to real-world problems face three fundamental challenges: (i) Rankings might be biased by various factors; (2) their effectiveness might be limited to specific problems; and (3) agents' decisions driven by rankings might result in potentially vicious feedback mechanisms and unhealthy systemic consequences. Methods rooted in network science and agent-based modeling can help us to understand and overcome these challenges.Comment: Perspective article. 9 pages, 3 figure

    Transport in weighted networks: Partition into superhighways and roads

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    Transport in weighted networks is dominated by the minimum spanning tree (MST), the tree connecting all nodes with the minimum total weight. We find that the MST can be partitioned into two distinct components, having significantly different transport properties, characterized by centrality -- number of times a node (or link) is used by transport paths. One component, the {\it superhighways}, is the infinite incipient percolation cluster; for which we find that nodes (or links) with high centrality dominate. For the other component, {\it roads}, which includes the remaining nodes, low centrality nodes dominate. We find also that the distribution of the centrality for the infinite incipient percolation cluster satisfies a power law, with an exponent smaller than that for the entire MST. The significance of this finding is that one can improve significantly the global transport by improving a tiny fraction of the network, the superhighways.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure
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