379 research outputs found

    SOS-Hankel Tensors: Theory and Application

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    Hankel tensors arise from signal processing and some other applications. SOS (sum-of-squares) tensors are positive semi-definite symmetric tensors, but not vice versa. The problem for determining an even order symmetric tensor is an SOS tensor or not is equivalent to solving a semi-infinite linear programming problem, which can be done in polynomial time. On the other hand, the problem for determining an even order symmetric tensor is positive semi-definite or not is NP-hard. In this paper, we study SOS-Hankel tensors. Currently, there are two known positive semi-definite Hankel tensor classes: even order complete Hankel tensors and even order strong Hankel tensors. We show complete Hankel tensors are strong Hankel tensors, and even order strong Hankel tensors are SOS-Hankel tensors. We give several examples of positive semi-definite Hankel tensors, which are not strong Hankel tensors. However, all of them are still SOS-Hankel tensors. Does there exist a positive semi-definite non-SOS-Hankel tensor? The answer to this question remains open. If the answer to this question is no, then the problem for determining an even order Hankel tensor is positive semi-definite or not is solvable in polynomial-time. An application of SOS-Hankel tensors to the positive semi-definite tensor completion problem is discussed. We present an ADMM algorithm for solving this problem. Some preliminary numerical results on this algorithm are reported

    Four lectures on secant varieties

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    This paper is based on the first author's lectures at the 2012 University of Regina Workshop "Connections Between Algebra and Geometry". Its aim is to provide an introduction to the theory of higher secant varieties and their applications. Several references and solved exercises are also included.Comment: Lectures notes to appear in PROMS (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics), Springer/Birkhause

    A note on the gap between rank and border rank

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    We study the tensor rank of the tensor corresponding to the algebra of n-variate complex polynomials modulo the dth power of each variable. As a result we find a sequence of tensors with a large gap between rank and border rank, and thus a counterexample to a conjecture of Rhodes. At the same time we obtain a new lower bound on the tensor rank of tensor powers of the generalised W-state tensor. In addition, we exactly determine the tensor rank of the tensor cube of the three-party W-state tensor, thus answering a question of Chen et al.Comment: To appear in Linear Algebra and its Application
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