7 research outputs found

    Secure Communication with Unreliable Entanglement Assistance

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    Secure communication is considered with unreliable entanglement assistance, where the adversary may intercept the legitimate receiver's entanglement resource before communication takes place. The communication setting of unreliable assistance, without security aspects, was originally motivated by the extreme photon loss in practical communication systems. The operational principle is to adapt the transmission rate to the availability of entanglement assistance, without resorting to feedback and repetition. Here, we require secrecy as well. An achievable secrecy rate region is derived for general quantum wiretap channels, and a multi-letter secrecy capacity formula for the special class of degraded channels

    Practical implementation of identification codes

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    Identification is a communication paradigm that promises some exponential advantages over transmission for applications that do not actually require all messages to be reliably transmitted, but where only few selected messages are important. Notably, the identification capacity theorems prove the identification is capable of exponentially larger rates than what can be transmitted, which we demonstrate with little compromise with respect to latency for certain ranges of parameters. However, there exist more trade-offs that are not captured by these capacity theorems, like, notably, the delay introduced by computations at the encoder and decoder. Here, we implement one of the known identification codes using software-defined radios and show that unless care is taken, these factors can compromise the advantage given by the exponentially large identification rates. Still, there are further advantages provided by identification that require future test in practical implementations.Comment: submitted to GLOBECOM2

    Information-Theoretically Secret Reed-Muller Identification with Affine Designs

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    We consider the problem of information-theoretic secrecy in identification schemes rather than transmission schemes. In identification, large identities are encoded into small challenges sent with the sole goal of allowing at the receiver reliable verification of whether the challenge could have been generated by a (possibly different) identity of his choice. One of the reasons to consider identification is that it trades decoding for an exponentially larger rate, however this may come with such encoding complexity and latency that it can render this advantage unusable. Identification still bears one unique advantage over transmission in that practical implementation of information-theoretic secrecy becomes possible, even considering that the information-theoretic secrecy definition needed in identification is that of semantic secrecy. Here, we implement a family of encryption schemes, recently shown to achieve semantic-secrecy capacity, and apply it to a recently-studied family of identification codes, confirming that, indeed, adding secrecy to identification comes at essentially no cost. While this is still within the one-way communication scenario, it is a necessary step into implementing semantic secrecy with two-way communication, where the information-theoretic assumptions are more realistic.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted at European Wireless 202

    ε\varepsilon-Almost collision-flat universal hash functions and mosaics of designs

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    We introduce, motivate and study ε\varepsilon-almost collision-flat (ACFU) universal hash functions f:X×S→Af:\mathcal X\times\mathcal S\to\mathcal A. Their main property is that the number of collisions in any given value is bounded. Each ε\varepsilon-ACFU hash function is an ε\varepsilon-almost universal (AU) hash function, and every ε\varepsilon-almost strongly universal (ASU) hash function is an ε\varepsilon-ACFU hash function. We study how the size of the seed set S\mathcal S depends on ε,∣X∣\varepsilon,|\mathcal X| and ∣A∣|\mathcal A|. Depending on how these parameters are interrelated, seed-minimizing ACFU hash functions are equivalent to mosaics of balanced incomplete block designs (BIBDs) or to duals of mosaics of quasi-symmetric block designs; in a third case, mosaics of transversal designs and nets yield seed-optimal ACFU hash functions, but a full characterization is missing. By either extending S\mathcal S or X\mathcal X, it is possible to obtain an ε\varepsilon-ACFU hash function from an ε\varepsilon-AU hash function or an ε\varepsilon-ASU hash function, generalizing the construction of mosaics of designs from a given resolvable design (Gnilke, Greferath, Pav{\v c}evi\'c, Des. Codes Cryptogr. 86(1)). The concatenation of an ASU and an ACFU hash function again yields an ACFU hash function. Finally, we motivate ACFU hash functions by their applicability in privacy amplification