3 research outputs found

    Far Lateral Approach

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    The far lateral approach is an inferolateral extension of the lateral suboccipital approach. Designed for clipping of the aneurysms of the vertebrobasilar junction and proximal segments of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery, it became over the years a workhorse approach for ventral foramen magnum meningiomas and other intradural lesions located anterior to the dentate ligament.  This article summarizes the technical key aspects of the far lateral approach and transcondylar, supracondylar, and paracondylar extension

    Cranio-Orbito-Zygomatic Approach

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    The cranio-orbito-zygomatic (COZ) approach consists of an extension of the pterional approach characterized by the removal of the superolateral part of the orbital rim and zygoma. This key step tremendously increases the angular exposure to some deep targets and overall surgical freedom to the lesion. In this article we review the technical variations of the COZ approach, mainly focusing on the differential quantitative effects coming from the orbital osteotomy compared to the zygomatic one