4 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis on Text Steganalysis Method Using A Computational Intelligence Approach

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    In this paper, a critical view of the utilization ofcomputational intelligence approach from the text steganalysisperspective is presented. This paper proposes a formalization ofgenetic algorithm method in order to detect hidden message on ananalyzed text. Five metric parameters such as running time, fitnessvalue, average mean probability, variance probability, and standarddeviation probability were used to measure the detection performancebetween statistical methods and genetic algorithm methods.Experiments conducted using both methods showed that geneticalgorithm method performs much better than statistical method,especially in detecting short analyzed texts. Thus, the findings showedthat the genetic algorithm method on analyzed stego text is verypromising. For future work, several significant factors such as datasetenvironment, searching process and types of fitness values throughother intelligent methods of computational intelligence should beinvestigated

    Computational intelligence in steganalysis environment

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    This paper presents gives a consolidated view of digital media steganalysis from the perspective of computational intelligence (CI). The environment of digital media steganalysis can be divided into three (3)domains which are image steganalysis, audio steganalysis, and video steganalysis. Three (3) major methods have also been identified in the computational intelligence based on these steganalysis domains which are bayesian, neural network, and genetic algorithm. Each of these methods has pros and cons. Therefore, it depends on the steganalyst to use and choose a suitable method based on their purposes and its environment

    Digital steganalysis: Computational intelligence approach

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    In this paper, we present a consolidated view of digital media steganalysis from the perspective of computational intelligence.In our analysis the digital media steganalysis is divided into three domains which are image steganalysis, audio steganalysis, and video steganalysis.Three major computational intelligence methods have also been identified in the steganalysis domains which are bayesian, neural network, and genetic algorithm.Each of these methods has its own pros and cons


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    Steganographic methods attempt to insert data in multimedia signals in an undetectable fashion. However, these methods often disrupt the underlying signal characteristics, thereby allowing detection under careful steganalysis. Under repeated embedding, disruption of the signal characteristics is the highest for the first embedding and decreases subsequently. That is, the marginal distortions due to repeated embeddings decrease monotonically. We name this general principle as the principle of diminishing marginal distortions (DMD) and illustrate its validity in the audio domain using a morphological distortion metric. The principle of DMD is used to derive a steganalysis tool that detects the presence of hidden messages in uncompressed audio files. Detailed analysis and experimental results are provided for the detection of spread spectrum watermarking and stochastic modulation steganography. 1