2 research outputs found

    Generating Semantically Valid Adversarial Questions for TableQA

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    Adversarial attack on question answering systems over tabular data (TableQA) can help evaluate to what extent they can understand natural language questions and reason with tables. However, generating natural language adversarial questions is difficult, because even a single character swap could lead to huge semantic difference in human perception. In this paper, we propose SAGE (Semantically valid Adversarial GEnerator), a Wasserstein sequence-to-sequence model for TableQA white-box attack. To preserve meaning of original questions, we apply minimum risk training with SIMILE and entity delexicalization. We use Gumbel-Softmax to incorporate adversarial loss for end-to-end training. Our experiments show that SAGE outperforms existing local attack models on semantic validity and fluency while achieving a good attack success rate. Finally, we demonstrate that adversarial training with SAGE augmented data can improve performance and robustness of TableQA systems.Comment: AAAI 2021 Workshop on Towards Robust, Secure and Efficient Machine Learnin

    Variational Attention for Sequence-to-Sequence Models

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    The variational encoder-decoder (VED) encodes source information as a set of random variables using a neural network, which in turn is decoded into target data using another neural network. In natural language processing, sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq) models typically serve as encoder-decoder networks. When combined with a traditional (deterministic) attention mechanism, the variational latent space may be bypassed by the attention model, and thus becomes ineffective. In this paper, we propose a variational attention mechanism for VED, where the attention vector is also modeled as Gaussian distributed random variables. Results on two experiments show that, without loss of quality, our proposed method alleviates the bypassing phenomenon as it increases the diversity of generated sentences.Comment: In Proceedings of COLING 2018. Also accepted by TADGM Workshop@ICML 2018 for presentatio