60 research outputs found

    Predicting the Effectiveness of Self-Training: Application to Sentiment Classification

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    The goal of this paper is to investigate the connection between the performance gain that can be obtained by selftraining and the similarity between the corpora used in this approach. Self-training is a semi-supervised technique designed to increase the performance of machine learning algorithms by automatically classifying instances of a task and adding these as additional training material to the same classifier. In the context of language processing tasks, this training material is mostly an (annotated) corpus. Unfortunately self-training does not always lead to a performance increase and whether it will is largely unpredictable. We show that the similarity between corpora can be used to identify those setups for which self-training can be beneficial. We consider this research as a step in the process of developing a classifier that is able to adapt itself to each new test corpus that it is presented with

    TermEval: an automatic metric for evaluating terminology translation in MT

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    Terminology translation plays a crucial role in domain-specific machine translation (MT). Preservation of domain-knowledge from source to target is arguably the most concerning factor for the customers in translation industry, especially for critical domains such as medical, transportation, military, legal and aerospace. However, evaluation of terminology translation, despite its huge importance in the translation industry, has been a less examined area in MT research. Term translation quality in MT is usually measured with domain experts, either in academia or industry. To the best of our knowledge, as of yet there is no publicly available solution to automatically evaluate terminology translation in MT. In particular, manual intervention is often needed to evaluate terminology translation in MT, which, by nature, is a time-consuming and highly expensive task. In fact, this is unimaginable in an industrial setting where customised MT systems are often needed to be updated for many reasons (e.g. availability of new training data or leading MT techniques). Hence, there is a genuine need to have a faster and less expensive solution to this problem, which could aid the end-users to instantly identify term translation problems in MT. In this study, we propose an automatic evaluation metric, TermEval, for evaluating terminology translation in MT. To the best of our knowledge, there is no gold-standard dataset available for measuring terminology translation quality in MT. In the absence of gold standard evaluation test set, we semi-automatically create a gold-standard dataset from English--Hindi judicial domain parallel corpus. We trained state-of-the-art phrase-based SMT (PB-SMT) and neural MT (NMT) models on two translation directions: English-to-Hindi and Hindi-to-English, and use TermEval to evaluate their performance on terminology translation over the created gold standard test set. In order to measure the correlation between TermEval scores and human judgments, translations of each source terms (of the gold standard test set) is validated with human evaluator. High correlation between TermEval and human judgements manifests the effectiveness of the proposed terminology translation evaluation metric. We also carry out comprehensive manual evaluation on terminology translation and present our observations

    Data Centric Domain Adaptation for Historical Text with OCR Errors

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    We propose new methods for in-domain and cross-domain Named Entity Recognition (NER) on historical data for Dutch and French. For the cross-domain case, we address domain shift by integrating unsupervised in-domain data via contextualized string embeddings; and OCR errors by injecting synthetic OCR errors into the source domain and address data centric domain adaptation. We propose a general approach to imitate OCR errors in arbitrary input data. Our cross-domain as well as our in-domain results outperform several strong baselines and establish state-of-the-art results. We publish preprocessed versions of the French and Dutch Europeana NER corpora

    Word classes in Indonesian: A linguistic reality or a convenient fallacy in natural language processing?

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    Word Classes in Indonesian: A Linguistic Reality or a Convenient Fallacy in Natural Language Processing?

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    This paper looks at Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia), and the claim that there is no noun-verb distinction within the language as it is spoken in regions such as Riau and Jakarta. We test this claim for the language as it is written by a variety of Indonesian speakers using empirical methods traditionally used in part-of-speech induction. In this study we use only morphological patterns that we generate from a pre-existing morphological analyser. We find that once the distribution of the data points in our experiments match the distribution of the text from which we gather our data, we obtain significant results that show a distinction between the class of nouns and the class of verbs in Indonesian. Furthermore it shows promise that the labelling of word classes may be achieved only with morphological features, which could be applied to out-of-vocabulary items