12 research outputs found

    Impact of Encoding and Segmentation Strategies on End-to-End Simultaneous Speech Translation

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    Boosted by the simultaneous translation shared task at IWSLT 2020, promising end-to-end online speech translation approaches were recently proposed. They consist in incrementally encoding a speech input (in a source language) and decoding the corresponding text (in a target language) with the best possible trade-off between latency and translation quality. This paper investigates two key aspects of end-to-end simultaneous speech translation: (a) how to encode efficiently the continuous speech flow, and (b) how to segment the speech flow in order to alternate optimally between reading (R: encoding input) and writing (W: decoding output) operations. We extend our previously proposed end-to-end online decoding strategy and show that while replacing BLSTM by ULSTM encoding degrades performance in offline mode, it actually improves both efficiency and performance in online mode. We also measure the impact of different methods to segment the speech signal (using fixed interval boundaries, oracle word boundaries or randomly set boundaries) and show that our best end-to-end online decoding strategy is surprisingly the one that alternates R/W operations on fixed size blocks on our English-German speech translation setup.Comment: Accepted for presentation at Interspeech 202

    Efficient Wait-k Models for Simultaneous Machine Translation

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    Simultaneous machine translation consists in starting output generation before the entire input sequence is available. Wait-k decoders offer a simple but efficient approach for this problem. They first read k source tokens, after which they alternate between producing a target token and reading another source token. We investigate the behavior of wait-k decoding in low resource settings for spoken corpora using IWSLT datasets. We improve training of these models using unidirectional encoders, and training across multiple values of k. Experiments with Transformer and 2D-convolutional architectures show that our wait-k models generalize well across a wide range of latency levels. We also show that the 2D-convolution architecture is competitive with Transformers for simultaneous translation of spoken language.Comment: Accepted at INTERSPEECH 202

    Efficient Monotonic Multihead Attention

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    We introduce the Efficient Monotonic Multihead Attention (EMMA), a state-of-the-art simultaneous translation model with numerically-stable and unbiased monotonic alignment estimation. In addition, we present improved training and inference strategies, including simultaneous fine-tuning from an offline translation model and reduction of monotonic alignment variance. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model attains state-of-the-art performance in simultaneous speech-to-text translation on the Spanish and English translation task

    Online Versus Offline NMT Quality: An In-depth Analysis on English-German and German-English

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    We conduct in this work an evaluation study comparing offline and online neural machine translation architectures. Two sequence-to-sequence models: convolutional Pervasive Attention (Elbayad et al. 2018) and attention-based Transformer (Vaswani et al. 2017) are considered. We investigate, for both architectures, the impact of online decoding constraints on the translation quality through a carefully designed human evaluation on English-German and German-English language pairs, the latter being particularly sensitive to latency constraints. The evaluation results allow us to identify the strengths and shortcomings of each model when we shift to the online setup.Comment: Accepted at COLING 202