2,281 research outputs found

    Monotone numerical schemes and feedback construction for hybrid control systems

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    International audienceHybrid systems are a general framework which can model a large class of control systems arising whenever a collection of continuous and discrete dynamics are put together in a single model. In this paper, we study the convergence of monotone numerical approximations of value functions associated to control problems governed by hybrid systems. We discuss also the feedback reconstruction and derive a convergence result for the approximate feedback control law. Some numerical examples are given to show the robustness of the monotone approximation schemes

    Finite volume schemes for diffusion equations: introduction to and review of modern methods

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    We present Finite Volume methods for diffusion equations on generic meshes, that received important coverage in the last decade or so. After introducing the main ideas and construction principles of the methods, we review some literature results, focusing on two important properties of schemes (discrete versions of well-known properties of the continuous equation): coercivity and minimum-maximum principles. Coercivity ensures the stability of the method as well as its convergence under assumptions compatible with real-world applications, whereas minimum-maximum principles are crucial in case of strong anisotropy to obtain physically meaningful approximate solutions

    An Efficient Policy Iteration Algorithm for Dynamic Programming Equations

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    We present an accelerated algorithm for the solution of static Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations related to optimal control problems. Our scheme is based on a classic policy iteration procedure, which is known to have superlinear convergence in many relevant cases provided the initial guess is sufficiently close to the solution. In many cases, this limitation degenerates into a behavior similar to a value iteration method, with an increased computation time. The new scheme circumvents this problem by combining the advantages of both algorithms with an efficient coupling. The method starts with a value iteration phase and then switches to a policy iteration procedure when a certain error threshold is reached. A delicate point is to determine this threshold in order to avoid cumbersome computation with the value iteration and, at the same time, to be reasonably sure that the policy iteration method will finally converge to the optimal solution. We analyze the methods and efficient coupling in a number of examples in dimension two, three and four illustrating its properties

    On a small-gain approach to distributed event-triggered control

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    In this paper the problem of stabilizing large-scale systems by distributed controllers, where the controllers exchange information via a shared limited communication medium is addressed. Event-triggered sampling schemes are proposed, where each system decides when to transmit new information across the network based on the crossing of some error thresholds. Stability of the interconnected large-scale system is inferred by applying a generalized small-gain theorem. Two variations of the event-triggered controllers which prevent the occurrence of the Zeno phenomenon are also discussed.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figure

    Isochronous Partitions for Region-Based Self-Triggered Control

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    In this work, we propose a region-based self-triggered control (STC) scheme for nonlinear systems. The state space is partitioned into a finite number of regions, each of which is associated to a uniform inter-event time. The controller, at each sampling time instant, checks to which region does the current state belong, and correspondingly decides the next sampling time instant. To derive the regions along with their corresponding inter-event times, we use approximations of isochronous manifolds, a notion firstly introduced in [1]. This work addresses some theoretical issues of [1] and proposes an effective computational approach that generates approximations of isochronous manifolds, thus enabling the region-based STC scheme. The efficiency of both our theoretical results and the proposed algorithm are demonstrated through simulation examples

    Multigrid methods for two-player zero-sum stochastic games

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    We present a fast numerical algorithm for large scale zero-sum stochastic games with perfect information, which combines policy iteration and algebraic multigrid methods. This algorithm can be applied either to a true finite state space zero-sum two player game or to the discretization of an Isaacs equation. We present numerical tests on discretizations of Isaacs equations or variational inequalities. We also present a full multi-level policy iteration, similar to FMG, which allows to improve substantially the computation time for solving some variational inequalities.Comment: 31 page

    Tropical Kraus maps for optimal control of switched systems

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    Kraus maps (completely positive trace preserving maps) arise classically in quantum information, as they describe the evolution of noncommutative probability measures. We introduce tropical analogues of Kraus maps, obtained by replacing the addition of positive semidefinite matrices by a multivalued supremum with respect to the L\"owner order. We show that non-linear eigenvectors of tropical Kraus maps determine piecewise quadratic approximations of the value functions of switched optimal control problems. This leads to a new approximation method, which we illustrate by two applications: 1) approximating the joint spectral radius, 2) computing approximate solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi PDE arising from a class of switched linear quadratic problems studied previously by McEneaney. We report numerical experiments, indicating a major improvement in terms of scalability by comparison with earlier numerical schemes, owing to the "LMI-free" nature of our method.Comment: 15 page

    Guaranteed Control of Sampled Switched Systems using Semi-Lagrangian Schemes and One-Sided Lipschitz Constants

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    In this paper, we propose a new method for ensuring formally that a controlled trajectory stay inside a given safety set S for a given duration T. Using a finite gridding X of S, we first synthesize, for a subset of initial nodes x of X , an admissible control for which the Euler-based approximate trajectories lie in S at t ∈\in [0,T]. We then give sufficient conditions which ensure that the exact trajectories, under the same control, also lie in S for t ∈\in [0,T], when starting at initial points 'close' to nodes x. The statement of such conditions relies on results giving estimates of the deviation of Euler-based approximate trajectories, using one-sided Lipschitz constants. We illustrate the interest of the method on several examples, including a stochastic one
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