3 research outputs found

    On minimal crossing number braid diagrams and homogeneous braids

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    We study braid diagrams with a minimal number of crossings. Such braid diagrams correspond to geodesic words for the braid groups with standard Artin generators. We prove that a diagram of a homogeneous braid is minimal if and only if it is homogeneous. We conjecture that monoids of homogeneous braids are Artin-Tits monoids and prove that monoids of alternating braids are right-angled Artin monoids. Using this, we give a lower bound on the growth rate of the braid groups

    Thin groups of fractions

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    A number of properties of spherical Artin groups extend to Garside groups, defined as the groups of fractions of monoids where least common multiples exist, there is no nontrivial unit, and some additional finiteness conditions are satisfied \cite{Dgk}. Here we investigate a wider class of groups of fractions, called {\it thin}, which are those associated with monoids where minimal common multiples exist, but they are not necessarily unique. Also, we allow units in the involved monoids. The main results are that all thin groups of fractions satisfy a quadratic isoperimetric inequality, and that, under some additional hypotheses, they admit an automatic structure

    Uniform measures on braid monoids and dual braid monoids

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    We aim at studying the asymptotic properties of typical positive braids, respectively positive dual braids. Denoting by μk\mu_k the uniform distribution on positive (dual) braids of length kk, we prove that the sequence (μk)k(\mu_k)_k converges to a unique probability measure μ∞\mu_{\infty} on infinite positive (dual) braids. The key point is that the limiting measure μ∞\mu_{\infty} has a Markovian structure which can be described explicitly using the combinatorial properties of braids encapsulated in the M\"obius polynomial. As a by-product, we settle a conjecture by Gebhardt and Tawn (J. Algebra, 2014) on the shape of the Garside normal form of large uniform braids.Comment: 32 pages, 32 references, 6 tables and 8 figure