2 research outputs found

    Monochromatic Hilbert cubes and arithmetic progressions

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    The Van der Waerden number W(k,r)W(k,r) denotes the smallest nn such that whenever [n][n] is rr--colored there exists a monochromatic arithmetic progression of length kk. Similarly, the Hilbert cube number h(k,r)h(k,r) denotes the smallest nn such that whenever [n][n] is rr--colored there exists a monochromatic affine kk--cube, that is, a set of the form{x0+βˆ‘b∈Bb:BβŠ†A}\left\{x_0 + \sum_{b \in B} b : B \subseteq A\right\} for some ∣A∣=k|A|=k and x0∈Zx_0 \in \mathbb{Z}. We show the following relation between the Hilbert cube number and the Van der Waerden number. Let kβ‰₯3k \geq 3 be an integer. Then for every Ο΅>0\epsilon >0, there is a c>0c > 0 such that h(k,4)β‰₯min⁑{W(⌊ck2βŒ‹,2),2k2.5βˆ’Ο΅}.h(k,4) \ge \min\{W(\lfloor c k^2\rfloor, 2), 2^{k^{2.5-\epsilon}}\}. Thus we improve upon state of the art lower bounds for h(k,4)h(k,4) conditional on W(k,2)W(k,2) being significantly larger than 2k2^k. In the other direction, this shows that the if the Hilbert cube number is close its state of the art lower bounds, then W(k,2)W(k,2) is at most doubly exponential in kk. We also show the optimal result that for any Sidon set AβŠ‚ZA \subset \mathbb{Z}, one has \left|\left\{\sum_{b \in B} b : B \subseteq A\right\}\right| = \Omega( |A|^3) .$

    The largest projective cube-free subsets of Z2n\mathbb{Z}_{2^n}

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    In the Boolean lattice, Sperner's, Erd\H{o}s's, Kleitman's and Samotij's theorems state that families that do not contain many chains must have a very specific layered structure. We show that if instead of Z2n\mathbb{Z}_2^n we work in Z2n\mathbb{Z}_{2^n}, several analogous statements hold if one replaces the word kk-chain by projective cube of dimension 2kβˆ’12^{k-1}. We say that BdB_d is a projective cube of dimension dd if there are numbers a1,a2,…,ada_1, a_2, \ldots, a_d such that Bd={βˆ‘i∈Iaiβˆ£βˆ…β‰ IβŠ†[d]}.B_d = \left\{\sum_{i\in I} a_i \bigg\rvert \emptyset \neq I\subseteq [d]\right\}. As an analog of Sperner's and Erd\H{o}s's theorems, we show that whenever d=2β„“d=2^{\ell} is a power of two, the largest dd-cube free set in Z2n\mathbb{Z}_{2^n} is the union of the largest β„“\ell layers. As an analog of Kleitman's theorem, Samotij and Sudakov asked whether among subsets of Z2n\mathbb{Z}_{2^n} of given size MM, the sets that minimize the number of Schur triples (2-cubes) are those that are obtained by filling up the largest layers consecutively. We prove the first non-trivial case where M=2nβˆ’1+1M=2^{n-1}+1, and conjecture that the analog of Samotij's theorem also holds. Several open questions and conjectures are also given.Comment: 23 page