18 research outputs found


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    We introduce in this paper AMT 2.0 , a tool for qualitative and quantitative analysis of hybrid continuous and Boolean signals that combine numerical values and discrete events. The evaluation of the signals is based on rich temporal specifications expressed in extended Signal Temporal Logic (xSTL), which integrates Timed Regular Expressions (TRE) within Signal Temporal Logic (STL). The tool features qualitative monitoring (property satisfaction checking), trace diagnostics for explaining and justifying property violations and specification-driven measurement of quantitative features of the signal

    RTLola Cleared for Take-Off: Monitoring Autonomous Aircraft

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    The autonomous control of unmanned aircraft is a highly safety-critical domain with great economic potential in a wide range of application areas, including logistics, agriculture, civil engineering, and disaster recovery. We report on the development of a dynamic monitoring framework for the DLR ARTIS (Autonomous Rotorcraft Testbed for Intelligent Systems) family of unmanned aircraft based on the formal specification language RTLola. RTLola is a stream-based specification language for real-time properties. An RTLola specification of hazardous situations and system failures is statically analyzed in terms of consistency and resource usage and then automatically translated into an FPGA-based monitor. Our approach leads to highly efficient, parallelized monitors with formal guarantees on the noninterference of the monitor with the normal operation of the autonomous system

    A robust genetic algorithm for learning temporal specifications from data

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    We consider the problem of mining signal temporal logical requirements from a dataset of regular (good) and anomalous (bad) trajectories of a dynamical system. We assume the training set to be labeled by human experts and that we have access only to a limited amount of data, typically noisy. We provide a systematic approach to synthesize both the syntactical structure and the parameters of the temporal logic formula using a two-steps procedure: first, we leverage a novel evolutionary algorithm for learning the structure of the formula; second, we perform the parameter synthesis operating on the statistical emulation of the average robustness for a candidate formula w.r.t. its parameters. We compare our results with our previous work [9] and with a recently proposed decision-tree [8] based method. We present experimental results on two case studies: an anomalous trajectory detection problem of a naval surveillance system and the characterization of an Ineffective Respiratory effort, showing the usefulness of our work

    Towards Specificationless Monitoring of Provenance-Emitting Systems

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    Monitoring often requires insight into the monitored system as well as concrete specifications of expected behavior. More and more systems, however, provide information about their inner procedures by emitting provenance information in a W3C-standardized graph format. In this work, we present an approach to monitor such provenance data for anomalous behavior by performing spectral graph analysis on slices of the constructed provenance graph and by comparing the characteristics of each slice with those of a sliding window over recently seen slices. We argue that this approach not only simplifies the monitoring of heterogeneous distributed systems, but also enables applying a host of well-studied techniques to monitor such systems

    Online Causation Monitoring of Signal Temporal Logic

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    Online monitoring is an effective validation approach for hybrid systems, that, at runtime, checks whether the (partial) signals of a system satisfy a specification in, e.g., Signal Temporal Logic (STL). The classic STL monitoring is performed by computing a robustness interval that specifies, at each instant, how far the monitored signals are from violating and satisfying the specification. However, since a robustness interval monotonically shrinks during monitoring, classic online monitors may fail in reporting new violations or in precisely describing the system evolution at the current instant. In this paper, we tackle these issues by considering the causation of violation or satisfaction, instead of directly using the robustness. We first introduce a Boolean causation monitor that decides whether each instant is relevant to the violation or satisfaction of the specification. We then extend this monitor to a quantitative causation monitor that tells how far an instant is from being relevant to the violation or satisfaction. We further show that classic monitors can be derived from our proposed ones. Experimental results show that the two proposed monitors are able to provide more detailed information about system evolution, without requiring a significantly higher monitoring cost.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figures, the full version of the paper accepted by CAV 202

    Barrier-Based Test Synthesis for Safety-Critical Systems Subject to Timed Reach-Avoid Specifications

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    We propose an adversarial, time-varying test-synthesis procedure for safety-critical systems without requiring specific knowledge of the underlying controller steering the system. From a broader test and evaluation context, determination of difficult tests of system behavior is important as these tests would elucidate problematic system phenomena before these mistakes can engender problematic outcomes, e.g. loss of human life in autonomous cars, costly failures for airplane systems, etc. Our approach builds on existing, simulation-based work in the test and evaluation literature by offering a controller-agnostic test-synthesis procedure that provides a series of benchmark tests with which to determine controller reliability. To achieve this, our approach codifies the system objective as a timed reach-avoid specification. Then, by coupling control barrier functions with this class of specifications, we construct an instantaneous difficulty metric whose minimizer corresponds to the most difficult test at that system state. We use this instantaneous difficulty metric in a game-theoretic fashion, to produce an adversarial, time-varying test-synthesis procedure that does not require specific knowledge of the system's controller, but can still provably identify realizable and maximally difficult tests of system behavior. Finally, we develop this test-synthesis procedure for both continuous and discrete-time systems and showcase our test-synthesis procedure on simulated and hardware examples