244 research outputs found

    Bit error performance of diffuse indoor optical wireless channel pulse position modulation system employing artificial neural networks for channel equalisation

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    The bit-error rate (BER) performance of a pulse position modulation (PPM) scheme for non-line-of-sight indoor optical links employing channel equalisation based on the artificial neural network (ANN) is reported. Channel equalisation is achieved by training a multilayer perceptrons ANN. A comparative study of the unequalised `soft' decision decoding and the `hard' decision decoding along with the neural equalised `soft' decision decoding is presented for different bit resolutions for optical channels with different delay spread. We show that the unequalised `hard' decision decoding performs the worst for all values of normalised delayed spread, becoming impractical beyond a normalised delayed spread of 0.6. However, `soft' decision decoding with/without equalisation displays relatively improved performance for all values of the delay spread. The study shows that for a highly diffuse channel, the signal-to-noise ratio requirement to achieve a BER of 10Ć¢Ė†ā€™5 for the ANN-based equaliser is ~10 dB lower compared with the unequalised `soft' decoding for 16-PPM at a data rate of 155 Mbps. Our results indicate that for all range of delay spread, neural network equalisation is an effective tool of mitigating the inter-symbol interference

    Performance of the wavelet-transform-neural network based receiver for DPIM in diffuse indoor optical wireless links in presence of artificial light interference

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    Artificial neural network (ANN) has application in communication engineering in diverse areas such as channel equalization, channel modeling, error control code because of its capability of nonlinear processing, adaptability, and parallel processing. On the other hand, wavelet transform (WT) with both the time and the frequency resolution provides the exact representation of signal in both domains. Applying these signal processing tools for channel compensation and noise reduction can provide an enhanced performance compared to the traditional tools. In this paper, the slot error rate (SER) performance of digital pulse interval modulation (DPIM) in diffuse indoor optical wireless (OW) links subjected to the artificial light interference (ALI) is reported with new receiver structure based on the discrete WT (DWT) and ANN. Simulation results show that the DWT-ANN based receiver is very effective in reducing the effect of multipath induced inter-symbol interference (ISI) and ALI

    Optical Wireless Communication Channel Measurements and Models

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    Channel modelling for visible light communication systems

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    Visible Light Communications (VLCs) have been identiļ¬ed as a potential solution for mitigating the looming Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum crisis. Having the ability to provide illumination and communication at the same time, this technology has been considered as one of the most promising communication technologies for future wireless networks. VLCs are a viable candidate for short-range indoor applications with very high data rates. In terms of outdoor applications, Vehicular VLCs (VVLCs) play an important role in vehicular ad hoc networks and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Adopting visible light in vehicular networks oļ¬€ers a great potential to enhance road safety and traļ¬ƒc eļ¬ƒciency towards accident-free driving. For the sake of VLC system design and performance evaluation, it is indispensable to develop accurate, eļ¬ƒcient, and ļ¬‚exible channel models, which can fully reļ¬‚ect the characteristics of VLC channels. In this thesis, we ļ¬rst give a comprehensive and up-to-date literature review of the most important indoor Optical Wireless Communications (OWCs) measurement campaigns and channel models, primarily for Wireless Infrared Communications (WIRCs) and VLCs. Consequently, we can identify that an appropriate channel model for VLC systems is currently missing in the literature. This Ph.D. project is therefore devoted to the modelling of VLC channels for both indoor and outdoor communication systems. Second, a new Two-Dimensional (2D) stationary Field of View (FoV) one-ring Regular-Shape Geometry Based Stochastic Model (RS-GBSM) for VLC Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) channels is proposed. The proposed model considers the Line-of-Sight (LoS) and Single-Bounce (SB) components. VLC channel characteristics are analysed based on diļ¬€erent positions of the Photodetector (PD) and FoV constraint. Third, we propose a new 2D stationary multiple-bounce RS-GBSM for VLC SISO channels. The proposed model employs a combined two-ring and confocal ellipse model. This model is suļ¬ƒciently generic and adaptable to a variety of indoor scenarios since the received signal is constructed as the summation of the LoS, SB, Double-Bounce (DB), and Triple-Bounce (TB) rays with diļ¬€erent powers. Fourth, a new 2D mobile RS-GBSM for vehicular VLC SISO channels is proposed. The proposed model combines a two-ring model and a confocal ellipse model, and considers SB and DB components in addition to LoS component. Unlike conventional models, the proposed model considers the light that is reļ¬‚ected oļ¬€ moving vehicles around the Transmitter (Tx) and Receiver (Rx), as well as the light that is reļ¬‚ected oļ¬€ the stationary roadside environments. Vehicular VLC channel characteristics are analysed along diļ¬€erent distance ranges between 0 and 70 m and diļ¬€erent PD heights. Fifth, we propose a novel Three-Dimensional (3D) mobile RS-GBSM for vehicular VLC Multiple-Input Single-Output (MISO) channels. The proposed model combines two-sphere and elliptic-cylinder models. Both the LoS component and SB components, which are reļ¬‚ected oļ¬€ moving vehicles and stationary roadside environments, are considered. The proposed 3D RS-GBSM has the ability to study the impact of the vehicular traļ¬ƒc density on the received power and jointly considers the azimuth and elevation angles by using the von Mises-Fisher (VMF) distribution. In summary, this work proposes new realistic VLC channel models which are useful for the design, test, and performance evaluation of advanced indoor and outdoor VLC systems. Furthermore, it identiļ¬es important directions that can be considered in future research, and helps propose new applications that require the development of more realistic channel models before the actual implementation

    Application of wavelets and artificial neural network for indoor optical wireless communication systems

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    Abstract This study investigates the use of error control code, discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and artificial neural network (ANN) to improve the link performance of an indoor optical wireless communication in a physical channel. The key constraints that barricade the realization of unlimited bandwidth in optical wavelengths are the eye-safety issue, the ambient light interference and the multipath induced intersymbol interference (ISI). Eye-safety limits the maximum average transmitted optical power. The rational solution is to use power efficient modulation techniques. Further reduction in transmitted power can be achieved using error control coding. A mathematical analysis of retransmission scheme is investigated for variable length modulation techniques and verified using computer simulations. Though the retransmission scheme is simple to implement, the shortfall in terms of reduced throughput will limit higher code gain. Due to practical limitation, the block code cannot be applied to the variable length modulation techniques and hence the convolutional code is the only possible option. The upper bound for slot error probability of the convolutional coded dual header pulse interval modulation (DH-PIM) and digital pulse interval modulation (DPIM) schemes are calculated and verified using simulations. The power penalty due to fluorescent light interference (FL I) is very high in indoor optical channel making the optical link practically infeasible. A denoising method based on a DWT to remove the FLI from the received signal is devised. The received signal is first decomposed into different DWT levels; the FLI is then removed from the signal before reconstructing the signal. A significant reduction in the power penalty is observed using DWT. Comparative study of DWT based denoising scheme with that of the high pass filter (HPF) show that DWT not only can match the best performance obtain using a HPF, but also offers a reduced complexity and design simplicity. The high power penalty due to multipath induced ISI makes a diffuse optical link practically infeasible at higher data rates. An ANN based linear and DF architectures are investigated to compensation the ISI. Unlike the unequalized cases, the equalized schemes donā€˜t show infinite power penalty and a significant performance improvement is observed for all modulation schemes. The comparative studies substantiate that ANN based equalizers match the performance of the traditional equalizers for all channel conditions with a reduced training data sequence. The study of the combined effect of the FLI and ISI shows that DWT-ANN based receiver perform equally well in the present of both interference. Adaptive decoding of error control code can offer flexibility of selecting the best possible encoder in a given environment. A suboptimal ?softā€˜ sliding block convolutional decoder based on the ANN and a 1/2 rate convolutional code with a constraint length is investigated. Results show that the ANN decoder can match the performance of optimal Viterbi decoder for hard decision decoding but with slightly inferior performance compared to soft decision decoding. This provides a foundation for further investigation of the ANN decoder for convolutional code with higher constraint length values. Finally, the proposed DWT-ANN receiver is practically realized in digital signal processing (DSP) board. The output from the DSP board is compared with the computer simulations and found that the difference is marginal. However, the difference in results doesnā€˜t affect the overall error probability and identical error probability is obtained for DSP output and computer simulations

    Genetic algorithm optimisation methods applied to the indoor optical wireless communications channel

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    This thesis details an investigation into the application of genetic algorithms to indoor optical wireless communication systems. The principle aims are to show how it is possible for a genetic algorithm to control the received power distribution within multiple dynamic environments, such that a single receiver design can be employed lowering system costs. This kind of approach is not typical within the research currently being undertaken, where normally, the emphasis on system performance has always been linked with improvements to the receiver design. Within this thesis, a custom built simulator has been developed with the ability to determine the channel characteristics at all locations with the system deployment environment, for multiple configurations including user movement and user alignment variability. Based on these results an investigation began into the structure of the genetic algorithm, testing 192 different ones in total. After evaluation of each one of the algorithms and their performance merits, 2 genetic algorithms remained and are proposed for use. These 2 algorithms were shown capable of reducing the receiver power deviation by up to 26%, and forming, whilst the user perturbs the channel, through movement and variable alignment, a consistent power distribution to within 12% of the optimised case. The final part of the work, extends the use of the genetic algorithm to not only try to optimise the received power deviation, but also the received signal to noise ratio deviation. It was shown that the genetic algorithm is capable of reducing the deviation by around 12% in an empty environment and maintain this optimised case to within 10% when the user perturbs the channel

    Optical wireless channel characterisation in guided structures (vehicle applications)

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    The field of automotive electronics is growing exponentially in terms of devices related to safety, driver assistance and a variety of other nodes connected to infotainment systems which become standards with every automobile. Networking protocols connect these systems to provide assistance to drivers. However, the demand of high-bandwidth to serve applications lead to the necessity of a more flexible communication network within the vehicle This thesis proposes using optical wireless links in intra-vehicle applications where different parts of the vehicle can form signal transferring media. A vehicle chassis can be represented as an optical wireless waveguide, where Line-of-sight (LOS) or a diffuse optical wireless link exists. In order to predict the validity of the idea, optical wireless channel characteristics should be determined. This thesis describes the design of a modified Monte Carlo simulation tool for modelling a waveguide optical wireless channel. The simulator has the ability to determine the channel characteristics, and it can also be used more generally for indoor systems. The simulator studies the effect of purely diffuse and purely reflective materials as well as mixed diffuse-specular materials. The program was validated by comparing it with other indoor simulation studies and with a laboratory experiment for straight waveguide. Emphasis was placed on understanding the requirements of LOS and diffusing optical wireless communication links. Results are presented for straight and bent waveguides received power, path loss and bandwidth for a series of receiver areas and fields-of-view. Studying the coupling effect between two waveguides which are different in dimensions has been assessed for series of transmitter directions. All studies have been undertaken for two types of materials (scattered and reflective) and two kinds of transmitters (omnidirectional and directional). The study shows that the waveguides are plausible candidates to convey signals with high bandwidth, but a high power transmitter or an array of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) is needed due to power limitations

    Application of wavelets and artificial neural network for indoor optical wireless communication systems

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    This study investigates the use of error control code, discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and artificial neural network (ANN) to improve the link performance of an indoor optical wireless communication in a physical channel. The key constraints that barricade the realization of unlimited bandwidth in optical wavelengths are the eye-safety issue, the ambient light interference and the multipath induced intersymbol interference (ISI). Eye-safety limits the maximum average transmitted optical power. The rational solution is to use power efficient modulation techniques. Further reduction in transmitted power can be achieved using error control coding. A mathematical analysis of retransmission scheme is investigated for variable length modulation techniques and verified using computer simulations. Though the retransmission scheme is simple to implement, the shortfall in terms of reduced throughput will limit higher code gain. Due to practical limitation, the block code cannot be applied to the variable length modulation techniques and hence the convolutional code is the only possible option. The upper bound for slot error probability of the convolutional coded dual header pulse interval modulation (DH-PIM) and digital pulse interval modulation (DPIM) schemes are calculated and verified using simulations. The power penalty due to fluorescent light interference (FL I) is very high in indoor optical channel making the optical link practically infeasible. A denoising method based on a DWT to remove the FLI from the received signal is devised. The received signal is first decomposed into different DWT levels; the FLI is then removed from the signal before reconstructing the signal. A significant reduction in the power penalty is observed using DWT. Comparative study of DWT based denoising scheme with that of the high pass filter (HPF) show that DWT not only can match the best performance obtain using a HPF, but also offers a reduced complexity and design simplicity. The high power penalty due to multipath induced ISI makes a diffuse optical link practically infeasible at higher data rates. An ANN based linear and DF architectures are investigated to compensation the ISI. Unlike the unequalized cases, the equalized schemes donā€˜t show infinite power penalty and a significant performance improvement is observed for all modulation schemes. The comparative studies substantiate that ANN based equalizers match the performance of the traditional equalizers for all channel conditions with a reduced training data sequence. The study of the combined effect of the FLI and ISI shows that DWT-ANN based receiver perform equally well in the present of both interference. Adaptive decoding of error control code can offer flexibility of selecting the best possible encoder in a given environment. A suboptimal 'soft' sliding block convolutional decoder based on the ANN and a 1/2 rate convolutional code with a constraint length is investigated. Results show that the ANN decoder can match the performance of optimal Viterbi decoder for hard decision decoding but with slightly inferior performance compared to soft decision decoding. This provides a foundation for further investigation of the ANN decoder for convolutional code with higher constraint length values. Finally, the proposed DWT-ANN receiver is practically realized in digital signal processing (DSP) board. The output from the DSP board is compared with the computer simulations and found that the difference is marginal. However, the difference in results doesnā€˜t affect the overall error probability and identical error probability is obtained for DSP output and computer simulations.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo
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