8 research outputs found

    On clustering and retrieval of video shots through temporal slices analysis

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    Scale free information retrieval : visually searching and navigating the web

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Program in Media Arts & Sciences, 1998.Includes bibliographical references (p. [91]-92).Daniel Ethan Dreilinger.M.S

    Characterization of unstructured video

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 1999.Includes bibliographical references (p. 135-139).In this work, we examine video retrieval from a synthesis perspective in co-operation with the more common analysis perspective. Specifically, we target our algorithms for one particular domain- unstructured video material. The goal is to make this unstructured video available for manipulation in interesting ways. I.e, take video that may have been shot with no specific intent and use it in different settings. For example, we build a set of interfaces that will enable taking a collection of home videos and making Christmas cards, Refrigerator magnets, family dramas etc out of them. The work is divided into three parts. First, we study features and models for characterization of video. Examples are VideoBook with its extensions and Hidden Markov Models for video analysis. Secondly, we examine clustering as an approach for characterization of unstructured video. Clustering alleviates some of the common problems with "query-by- example" and presents groupings that rely on the user's abilities to make relevant connections. The clustering techniques we employ operate in the probability density space. One of our goals is to employ these techniques with sophisticated models such as Bayesian Networks and HMMs, which give similar descriptions. The clustering techniques we employ are shown to be optimal in an information theoretic and Gibbs Free Energy sense. Finally, we present a set of interfaces that use these features and groupings to enable browsing and editing of unstructured video content.by Giridharan Ranganathan Iyengar.Ph.D

    Bayesian models for visual information retrieval

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2000.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 192-208).This thesis presents a unified solution to visual recognition and learning in the context of visual information retrieval. Realizing that the design of an effective recognition architecture requires careful consideration of the interplay between feature selection, feature representation, and similarity function, we start by searching for a performance criteria that can simultaneously guide the design of all three components. A natural solution is to formulate visual recognition as a decision theoretical problem, where the goal is to minimize the probability of retrieval error. This leads to a Bayesian architecture that is shown to generalize a significant number of previous recognition approaches, solving some of the most challenging problems faced by these: joint modeling of color and texture, objective guidelines for controlling the trade-off between feature transformation and feature representation, and unified support for local and global queries without requiring image segmentation. The new architecture is shown to perform well on color, texture, and generic image databases, providing a good trade-off between retrieval accuracy, invariance, perceptual relevance of similarity judgments, and complexity. Because all that is needed to perform optimal Bayesian decisions is the ability to evaluate beliefs on the different hypothesis under consideration, a Bayesian architecture is not restricted to visual recognition. On the contrary, it establishes a universal recognition language (the language of probabilities) that provides a computational basis for the integration of information from multiple content sources and modalities. In result, it becomes possible to build retrieval systems that can simultaneously account for text, audio, video, or any other content modalities. Since the ability to learn follows from the ability to integrate information over time, this language is also conducive to the design of learning algorithms. We show that learning is, indeed, an important asset for visual information retrieval by designing both short and long-term learning mechanisms. Over short time scales (within a retrieval session), learning is shown to assure faster convergence to the desired target images. Over long time scales (between retrieval sessions), it allows the retrieval system to tailor itself to the preferences of particular users. In both cases, all the necessary computations are carried out through Bayesian belief propagation algorithms that, although optimal in a decision-theoretic sense, are extremely simple, intuitive, and easy to implement.by Nuno Miguel Borges de Pinho Cruz de Vasconcelos.Ph.D

    Semantics of video shots for content-based retrieval

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    Content-based video retrieval research combines expertise from many different areas, such as signal processing, machine learning, pattern recognition, and computer vision. As video extends into both the spatial and the temporal domain, we require techniques for the temporal decomposition of footage so that specific content can be accessed. This content may then be semantically classified - ideally in an automated process - to enable filtering, browsing, and searching. An important aspect that must be considered is that pictorial representation of information may be interpreted differently by individual users because it is less specific than its textual representation. In this thesis, we address several fundamental issues of content-based video retrieval for effective handling of digital footage. Temporal segmentation, the common first step in handling digital video, is the decomposition of video streams into smaller, semantically coherent entities. This is usually performed by detecting the transitions that separate single camera takes. While abrupt transitions - cuts - can be detected relatively well with existing techniques, effective detection of gradual transitions remains difficult. We present our approach to temporal video segmentation, proposing a novel algorithm that evaluates sets of frames using a relatively simple histogram feature. Our technique has been shown to range among the best existing shot segmentation algorithms in large-scale evaluations. The next step is semantic classification of each video segment to generate an index for content-based retrieval in video databases. Machine learning techniques can be applied effectively to classify video content. However, these techniques require manually classified examples for training before automatic classification of unseen content can be carried out. Manually classifying training examples is not trivial because of the implied ambiguity of visual content. We propose an unsupervised learning approach based on latent class modelling in which we obtain multiple judgements per video shot and model the users' response behaviour over a large collection of shots. This technique yields a more generic classification of the visual content. Moreover, it enables the quality assessment of the classification, and maximises the number of training examples by resolving disagreement. We apply this approach to data from a large-scale, collaborative annotation effort and present ways to improve the effectiveness for manual annotation of visual content by better design and specification of the process. Automatic speech recognition techniques along with semantic classification of video content can be used to implement video search using textual queries. This requires the application of text search techniques to video and the combination of different information sources. We explore several text-based query expansion techniques for speech-based video retrieval, and propose a fusion method to improve overall effectiveness. To combine both text and visual search approaches, we explore a fusion technique that combines spoken information and visual information using semantic keywords automatically assigned to the footage based on the visual content. The techniques that we propose help to facilitate effective content-based video retrieval and highlight the importance of considering different user interpretations of visual content. This allows better understanding of video content and a more holistic approach to multimedia retrieval in the future

    Models for Automatic Classification of Video Sequences

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    In this paper, we explore a technique for automatic classification of video sequences, (such as a TV broadcast, movies). This technique analyses the incoming video sequences and classifies them into categories. It can be viewed as an on-line parser for video signals. We present two techniques for automatic classification

    <title>Models for automatic classification of video sequences</title>

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