7 research outputs found


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    A charge carrier transport model is developed which allows in a phenomenologically more constant way to take into account the effects of electron-hole scattering on the mobilities of the charge carriers in a semiconductor. Also a mathematical model of charge carrier generation due to the photon reabsorption process in a direct gap semiconductor is given and some photon transport aspects are discussed


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    The article presents, after a short historical rewiev the educational and research activities of the Department of Electron Devices and Department of Electronics Technology of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of Technical University, Budapest. In addition, the Section of Microelectronics and Technology of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering ofTUB starting in the academic year of 1983/84 is presented

    A note on the use of analytical and domain discretisation methods for the analysis of some phenomena in engineering physics

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    The paper reviews some applications of the well-established analytical and domain discretisation methods (finite difference method-FDM, finite element method-FEM) in the modelling of the magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) phenomena for the fusion-related research and quantum structures for use in nanodevices. Hence, Grad-Shafranov Equation (GSE) for the plasma equilibrium has been implemented for certain simple excitation forms, and the results obtained for the rectangular plasma have been presented. Furthermore, the stationary Schrödinger equation is solved analytically and numerically via FDM and FEM, respectively

    New approach to power semiconductor devices modeling, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2004, nr 1

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    The main problems occurring during high power device modeling are discussed in this paper. Unipolar and bipolar device properties are compared and the problems concerning high time-constant values related to the diffusion phenomena in the large base are explained. Traditional and novel concepts of power device simulation are presented. In order to make accurate and modern semiconductor device models widely accessible, a website has been designed and made available to Internet users, allowing them to perform simulations of electronic circuits containing high power semiconductor devices. In this software, a new distributed model of power diode has been included. Together with the existing VDMOS macromodel library, the presented approach can facilitate the design process of power circuits. In the future, distributed models of IGBT, BJT and thyristor will be added

    A New Model for Thin Film Solar Cells Using Photon Cycling

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    The solar energy has emerged as one of the most promising and reliable renewable energy resources attracting much attention to the study of photovoltaics. A principal aim of solar cells is to maximize the absorption of light to increase the generation of electron-hole pairs and harnessing it to increase the power generated. An attractive approach of increasing the generation rate in a thin PV cell by employing photon cycling. In this thesis, I report the results of my study using the updated solar irradiance, and a new model for calculating the generation rate in thin film solar cells. I develop a multiple light path model to arrive at a generation rate using my approximation of absorption coefficient and other physical structures at the back and front contacts. By increasing the path lengths, the generation of photocarriers at each level results in enhanced photocurrent. In calculating this, I have used a new approximation of the absorption coefficient as a function of wavelength. The consequence of the bandgap narrowing effect on the absorption coefficient has been studied using an existing model to show its impact on the generation rate. Furthermore, an optimized design for thin film solar cells is introduced to examine the photon cycling effect on the generation rate. It shows that considering the impact of photon cycling efficiently leads to enhancing the total generation rate by 144%. This permits reducing the thickness of the solar cell, which eventually reduces the cost of the cell. A novel model for accurate computation of the photon cycling effect has been developed, applicable to different semiconductor PVs. Finally, the photon recycling and the luminescent coupling effect are investigated to show an improvement up to 65% for the GaAs generation rate

    Teknillinen korkeakoulu toimintakertomus 1979-1980

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    Sisältää tietoja mm. opettajista, opiskelijoista, opiskelijoiden määristä, suoritetuista tutkinnoista, harjoitteluista, myönnetyistä stipendeistä ja apurahoista sekä lahjoituksista

    Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2004, nr 1

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