5 research outputs found

    Monitorització i simulació d’una planta d’osmosis directe (FO) per ús agrícola

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    Aquest document recull el desenvolupament i els resultats d’un projecte de monitorització i simulació d’una planta experimental de tractament d’aigua que opera amb osmosis directa i nanofiltració. El principal problema d’aquest projecte és que no hi ha definit un objectiu clar per part dels responsables de planta. Per tant, aquest projecte constitueix un anàlisis per guiar la presa de decisions dels responsables de planta. En primer lloc, s’ordenen les dades que s’extreuen de la planta utilitzant MSExcel per poder fer-ne un tractament adequat i poder comparar-les amb les dades que extraurà la simulació. Tot seguit, es fa una simulació prototipus que està feta amb Matlab Simulink. En poques paraules, el projecte pretén obtenir un model vàlid amb la intenció d’obtenir una interface d’usuari que permeti, posteriorment, predir i optimitzar el funcionament de la planta.Este documento recoge el desarrollo y los resultados de un proyecto de monitorización y simulación de una planta experimental de tratamiento de agua que opera con osmosis directa y nanofiltración. El principal problema de este proyecto es que no hay definido un objetivo claro por parte de los responsables de planta. Por lo tanto, este proyecto constituye un análisis para guiar la toma de decisiones de los responsables de planta. En primer lugar, se ordenan los datos que se extraen de la planta utilizando MSExcel para poder hacer un tratamiento adecuado y poder compararlas con los datos que extraerá la simulación. A continuación, se hace una simulación prototipo que está hecha con Matlab Simulink. En pocas palabras, el proyecto pretende obtener un modelo válido con la intención de obtener una interfaz de usuario que permita, posteriormente, predecir y optimizar el funcionamiento de la planta.This document covers the development and results of a monitoring and simulation project of an experimental water treatment plant operating with direct osmosis and nanofiltration. The main problem with this project is that no clear goal has been set by the plant managers. Therefore, this project constitutes an analysis to guide the decision-making of plant managers. First, the data extracted from the plant is sorted using MSExcel so that it can be properly treated and compared with the data extracted by the simulation. Next, a prototype simulation is done which is done with Matlab Simulink. In short, the project aims to obtain a valid model with the intention of obtaining a user interface that can then predict and optimize the operation of the plant

    Mathematical and optimization modelling in desalination: State-of-the-art and future direction

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    The growing water demand across the world necessitates the need for new and improved processes as well as for a better understanding of existing processes. This level of understanding includes predicting system performance in scenarios that cannot always be evaluated experimentally. Mathematical modelling is a crucial component of designing new and improved engineering processes. Through mathematically modelling real life systems, we gain a deeper understanding of processes while being able to predict performance more effectively. Advances in computational capacity and the ease of assessing systems allow researchers to study the feasibility of various systems. Mathematical modelling studies enable optimization performance parameters while minimizing energy requirements and, as such, have been an active area of research in desalination. In this review, the most recent developments in mathematical and optimization modelling in desalination are discussed with respect to transport phenomena, energy consumption, fouling predictions, and the integration of multiple scaling evolution on heat transfer surfaces has been reviewed. Similarly, developments in optimization of novel reverse osmosis (RO) configurations have been analyzed from an energy consumption perspective. Transport models for membrane-based desalination processes, including relatively less understood processes such as nanofiltration and forward osmosis are presented, with recent modifications to allow for different solutes and solutions. Mathematical modelling of hybrid systems integrated with RO has also been reviewed. A survey of the literature shows that mathematical and optimization modelling of desalination processes is an exciting area for researchers in which future scholarship includes coupling of renewable energy systems with desalination technologies, as well as more advanced descriptions of fouling evolution other than that of cake filtration in membrane-based processes

    Modelling forward osmosis-nanofiltration integrated process for treatment and recirculation of leather industry wastewater

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    Modelling of a forward osmosis-nanofiltration (FOsingle bondNF) integrated treatment system for treating hazardous wastewater has been done with model validation against experimental data of a semi-pilot unit using live wastewater from a leather industry. The flat sheet cross flow forward osmosis (FO) membrane module ensured near 100% rejection of chromium while total pollution load of the wastewater in terms of chemical oxygen demand (COD), chlorides and sulphates came down by 98%. A reasonably high water flux of about 48 L/m2 h (LMH) could be sustained in the FO module. The coupled downstream NF system recovered the draw solute NaCl by more than 98% for recycling in the FO loop. That the developed model is capable of predicting system performance quite accurately is reflected in low relative error ( 0.98) and high Wilmot d-index (>0.95). The model will help assess operating conditions, system design and hence industrial scale up

    Removal of natural organic matter from surface water sources by nanofiltration and surface engineering membranes for fouling mitigation – a review

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    Given that surface water is the primary supply of drinking water worldwide, the presence of natural organic matter (NOM) in surface water presents difficulties for water treatment facilities. During the disinfection phase of the drinking water treatment process, NOM aids in the creation of toxic disinfection by-products (DBPs). This problem can be effectively solved using the nanofiltration (NF) membrane method, however NOM can significantly foul NF membranes, degrading separation performance and membrane integrity, necessitating the development of fouling-resistant membranes. This review offers a thorough analysis of the removal of NOM by NF along with insights into the operation, mechanisms, fouling, and its controlling variables. In light of engineering materials with distinctive features, the potential of surface-engineered NF membranes is here critically assessed for the impact on the membrane surface, separation, and antifouling qualities. Case studies on surface-engineered NF membranes are critically evaluated, and properties-to-performance connections are established, as well as challenges, trends, and predictions for the field's future. The effect of alteration on surface properties, interactions with solutes and foulants, and applications in water treatment are all examined in detail. Engineered NF membranes containing zwitterionic polymers have the greatest potential to improve membrane permeance, selectivity, stability, and antifouling performance. To support commercial applications, however, difficulties related to material production, modification techniques, and long-term stability must be solved promptly. Fouling resistant NF membrane development would be critical not only for the water treatment industry, but also for a wide range of developing applications in gas and liquid separations