2 research outputs found

    Effect of Communication Delays on the Successful Coordination of a Group of Biomimetic AUVs

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    In this paper, the influence of delays on the ability of a formation control algorithm to coordinate a group of twelve Biomimetic Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (BAUVs) is investigated. In this study the formation control algorithm is a decentralized methodology based on the behavioural mechanisms of fish within school structures. Incorporated within this algorithm is a representation of the well-known and frequently used communication protocol, Time-Division-Multiple-Access (TDMA). TDMA operates by assigning each vehicle a specific timeslot during which it can broadcast to the remaining members of the group. The size of this timeslot varies depending on a number of operational parameters such as the size of the message being transmitted, the hardware used and the distance between neighbouring vehicles. Therefore, in this work, numerous timeslot sizes are tested that range from theoretical possible values through to values used in practice. The formation control algorithm and the TDMA protocol have been implemented within a validated mathematical of the RoboSalmon BAUV designed and manufactured at the University of Glasgow. The results demonstrate a significant deterioration in the ability of the formation control algorithms as the timeslot size is increased. This deterioration is due to the fact that as the timeslot size is increased, the interim period between successive communication updates increases and as a result, the error between where the formation control algorithm estimates each vehicle to be and where they actually are, increases. As a result, since the algorithm no longer has an accurate representation of the positioning of neighbouring vehicles, it is no longer capable of selecting the correct behavioural equation and subsequently, is unable to coordinate the vehicles to form a stable group structure

    Development of a formation control algorithm to coordinate multiple biomimetic AUVs in the presence of realistic environmental constraints

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    Biomimetic Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (BAUVs) are a class of Uncrewed Underwater Vehicle (UUV) that mimic the propulsive and steering mechanisms of real fish. However, as with all UUVs, the range and endurance of these vehicles remains limited by the finite energy source housed on board the vehicle. Unsurprisingly, a consequence of this finite energy source is that BAUVs/UUVs are incapable of completing the large-scale oceanographic sampling missions required to drastically improve our understanding of the Earth’s oceans and its processes. To overcome this limitation, this thesis aims to investigate the feasibility of deploying a self-coordinating group of BAUVs capable of completing the aforementioned oceanic surveying missions despite the constraints of the local operating environment. To achieve this, the work presented in this thesis can be separated into four distinct parts. The first of which is the development of a suitable mathematical model that accurately models the dynamics of the RoboSalmon BAUV designed and built at the University of Glasgow. As well as ensuring the models validity, its ability to efficiently simulate multiple vehicles simultaneously is also demonstrated. The design and implementation of the formation control algorithm used to coordinate the vehicles is then presented. This process describes the alterations made to a biologically-inspired algorithm to ensure the required parallel line formation required for efficient oceanic sampling can be generated. Thereafter, the implementation of a realistic representation of the underwater communication channel and its debilitating effect on the algorithms ability to coordinate the vehicles as required is presented. The thesis then describes the incorporation of two methodologies designed specifically to overcome the limitations associated with the underwater communication channel. The first of which involves the implementation of tracking/predictive functionality while the second is a consensus based algorithm that aims to reduce the algorithms reliance on the communication channel. The robustness of these two methodologies to overcoming not only the problematic communication channel but also the inclusion of additional external disturbances is then presented. The results demonstrate that while the tracking/predictive functionality can overcome the problems associated with the communication channel, its efficiency significantly reduces when the external disturbances are taken into consideration. The consensus based methodology meanwhile generates the required formation regardless of the constraints imposed by both the communication channel and the additional external disturbances and therefore provides the more robust solution