24,789 research outputs found

    The status of river water quality in some rural areas, in state of Johor and its effects to life

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    Water is a basic requirement of human and other life. Water resources stems from rivers, streams, drains, ponds and so forth. The river is the natural water resources are very important for a human habitat. Malaysian water quality assessment is determined by the water quality Index (IKA) issued by the Department of environment (DOE) based on class I, II, III and IV. Now a water pollution also occurs in rural areas has affected the water quality and marine life. The objective of this writing is to determine river water quality in rural areas based on IKA. Kajian telah dijalankan di beberapa batang sungai di kawasan luar bandar di negeri Johor bermula dari bulan Februari sehingga April 2015. Water quality sampling was done three times in four different study locations. Determination of water quality involves measurement parameters pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammoniacal nitrogen (AN) and suspended solids (SS). The Measurements are made IKA the total calculated and used to classify the river either as untainted, slightly polluted moderately polluted, contaminated and polluted. The study found the status of three rivers polluted level contaminated (class IV) and a river are classified at the level of medium-polluted (class III). Deterioration of the status of IKA for all rivers surveyed not only affects marine life, even limiting water use to humans, for example, to daily activities

    Understanding the role of performance targets in transport policy

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    The measurement of performance in the public sector has become increasingly important in recent years and it is now commonplace for transport organisations, and local and national governments, to publish performance goals for service supply and quality. Such commitments, when time referenced, are known as targets. This paper explain how changes in management style, consumer rights legislation, contractual obligations and other factors have combined to make management-by targets increasingly common in the public sector. The advantages and disadvantages of management-by-targets are illustrated through discussion of the processes and experience of setting transport targets in UK national transport policy. We conclude that while some of the targets have had a significant impact on policy makers, managers and their agents, the effects have not always been as intended

    National Multi-Modal Travel Forecasts. Literature Review: Aggregate Models

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    This paper reviews the current state-of-the-art in the production of National Multi-Modal Travel Forecasts. The review concentrates on the UK travel market and the various attempts to produce a set of accurate, coherent and credible forecasts. The paper starts by a brief introduction to the topic area. The second section gives a description of the background to the process and the problems involved in producing forecasts. Much of the material and terminology in the section, which covers modelling methodologies, is from Ortúzar and Willumsen (1994). The paper then goes on to review the forecasting methodology used by the Department of Transport (DoT) to produce the periodic National Road Traffic Forecasts (NRTF), which are the most significant set of travel forecasts in the UK. A brief explanation of the methodology will be given. The next section contains details of how other individuals and organisations have used, commented on or attempted to enhance the DoT methodology and forecasts. It will be noted that the DoT forecasts are only concerned with road traffic forecasts, with other modes (rail, air and sea) only impacting on these forecasts when there is a transfer to or from the road transport sector. So the following sections explore the attempts to produce explicit travel and transportation forecasts for these other modes. The final section gathers together a set of issues which are raised by this review and might be considered by the project

    Smart Procurement of Naturally Generated Energy (SPONGE) for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Buses

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    We discuss a recently introduced ECO-driving concept known as SPONGE in the context of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Buses (PHEB)'s.Examples are given to illustrate the benefits of this approach to ECO-driving. Finally, distributed algorithms to realise SPONGE are discussed, paying attention to the privacy implications of the underlying optimisation problems.Comment: This paper is recently submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineerin

    National Multi-Modal Travel Forecasts. Literature Review: Aggregate Models

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    This paper reviews the current state-of-the-art in the production of National Multi-Modal Travel Forecasts. The review concentrates on the UK travel market and the various attempts to produce a set of accurate, coherent and credible forecasts. The paper starts by a brief introduction to the topic area. The second section gives a description of the background to the process and the problems involved in producing forecasts. Much of the material and terminology in the section, which covers modelling methodologies, is from Ortúzar and Willumsen (1994). The paper then goes on to review the forecasting methodology used by the Department of Transport (DoT) to produce the periodic National Road Traffic Forecasts (NRTF), which are the most significant set of travel forecasts in the UK. A brief explanation of the methodology will be given. The next section contains details of how other individuals and organisations have used, commented on or attempted to enhance the DoT methodology and forecasts. It will be noted that the DoT forecasts are only concerned with road traffic forecasts, with other modes (rail, air and sea) only impacting on these forecasts when there is a transfer to or from the road transport sector. So the following sections explore the attempts to produce explicit travel and transportation forecasts for these other modes. The final section gathers together a set of issues which are raised by this review and might be considered by the project

    A philosophical context for methods to estimate origin-destination trip matrices using link counts.

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    This paper creates a philosophical structure for classifying methods which estimate origin-destination matrices using link counts. It is claimed that the motivation for doing so is to help real-life transport planners use matrix estimation methods effectively, especially in terms of trading-off observational data with prior subjective input (typically referred to as 'professional judgement'). The paper lists a number of applications that require such methods, differentiating between relatively simple and highly complex applications. It is argued that a sound philosophical perspective is particularly important for estimating trip matrices in the latter type of application. As a result of this argument, a classification structure is built up through using concepts of realism, subjectivity, empiricism and rationalism. Emphasis is put on the fact that, in typical transport planning applications, none of these concepts is useful in its extreme form. The structure is then used to make a review of methods for estimating trip matrices using link counts, covering material published over the past 30 years. The paper concludes by making recommendations, both philosophical and methodological, concerning both practical applications and further research

    A philosophical context for methods to estimate origin-destination trip matrices using link counts.

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    This paper creates a philosophical structure for classifying methods which estimate origin-destination matrices using link counts. It is claimed that the motivation for doing so is to help real-life transport planners use matrix estimation methods effectively, especially in terms of trading-off observational data with prior subjective input (typically referred to as 'professional judgement'). The paper lists a number of applications that require such methods, differentiating between relatively simple and highly complex applications. It is argued that a sound philosophical perspective is particularly important for estimating trip matrices in the latter type of application. As a result of this argument, a classification structure is built up through using concepts of realism, subjectivity, empiricism and rationalism. Emphasis is put on the fact that, in typical transport planning applications, none of these concepts is useful in its extreme form. The structure is then used to make a review of methods for estimating trip matrices using link counts, covering material published over the past 30 years. The paper concludes by making recommendations, both philosophical and methodological, concerning both practical applications and further research

    Work Journey Rescheduling – Model Development Analysis.

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    Using Wakefield as a case study, a method was developed of testing the effects on traffic of several different work journey rescheduling strategies. The method consisted essentially of assigning a series of six 0-D matrices to the Wakefield network, each matrix representing the trips for consecutive 15 minute periods over the morning peak. The six matrices were obtained by firstly disaggregating the l 1/2 hr peak matrix by purpose (into home-based work, commercial vehicle, and other trips) and then disaggregating each of these three matrices by time. This temporal disaggregation was based, for the home based work trips, on employee arrival profiles by zone, and for the CV and other trips on cordon crossing profiles. The different strategies were modelled by making adjustments to the parameters of the employee arrival profiles. Other relevant papers in this series are WP 150 Work Journey Rescheduling : Report of Surveys, and WP 168 Work Journey Reschediuling : Results and conclusions

    Capturing in-situ Feelings and Experiences of Public Transit Riders Using Smartphones

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    High-density urban environments are susceptible to ever-growing traffic congestion issues, which speaks to the importance of implementing and maintaining effective and sustainable transportation networks. While transit oriented developments offer the potential to help mitigate traffic congestion issues, transit networks ought to be safe and reliable for ideal transit-user communities. As such, it is imperative to capture meaningful data regarding transit experiences, and deduce how transit networks can be enhanced or modified to continually maintain ideal transit experiences. Historically speaking, it has been relatively tricky to measure how people feel whilst using public transportation, without leaning on recall memory to explain such phenomena. Recall memory can be vague and is often less detailed than recording in-situ observations of the transit-user community. This thesis explores the feasibility of using smartphones to capture meaningful in-situ data to leverage the benefits of the Experience Sampling Method (ESM), while also addressing some limitations. Students travelled along Grand River Transit bus routes in Waterloo, Ontario from Wilfrid Laurier University to Conestoga Mall and back using alternate routes. The mobile survey captured qualitative and quantitative data from 145 students to explore variations in wellbeing, and the extent to which environmental variables can influence transit experiences. There were many findings to consider for future research, especially the overall role anxiety played on transit experiences. In addition, the results indicate that the methodology is appropriate for further research, and can be applied to a wide range of research topics. In particular, it is recommended that a similar study be applied to a much larger, and more representative sample of the transit-user community. Future considerations are discussed as key considerations to leverage the benefits of ESM research, and the promise it can bring towards the enhancement of transit experiences and the cohesion of transit-user communities

    Assessing the Value of Time Travel Savings – A Feasibility Study on Humberside.

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    It is expected that the opening of the Humber Bridge will cause major changes to travel patterns around Humberside; given the level of tolls as currently stated, many travellers will face decisions involving a trade-off between travel time, money outlay on tolls or fares and money outlay on private vehicle running costs; this either in the context of destination choice, mode choice or route choice. This report sets out the conclusions of a preliminary study of the feasibility of inferring values of travel time savings from observations made on the outcomes of these decisions. Methods based on aggregate data of destination choice are found t o be inefficient; a disaggregate mode choice study i s recommended, subject to caveats on sample size
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