4 research outputs found

    Active Rules for Runtime Adaptivity Management

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    The trend over the last years clearly shows that modern Web development is evolving from traditional, HTML-based Web sites to fullfledged, complex Web applications, also equipped with active and/or adaptive application features. While this evolution unavoidably implies higher development costs and times, such implications are contrasted by the dynamics of the modern Web, which demands for even faster application development and evolution cycles. In this paper we address the above problem by focusing on the case of adaptive Web applications. We illustrate an ECA rule-based approach, intended to facilitate the management and evolution of adaptive application features. For this purpose, we stress the importance of decoupling the active logic (i.e. the adaptivity rules) from the execution of the actual application by means of a decoupled rule engine that is able to capture events and to autonomously enact adaptivity actions

    Modelling Ubiquitous Web Applications - The WUML Approach

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